White spots after tanning - causes, possible complications. How to get rid of white spots on the skin of the face and body after tanning


Tanning is the body's response to exposure to sunlight.

Melanin is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation - a pigment that gives a dark color after tanning.

White spots after tanning - how do they appear

Due to the presence of melanin (from the word melanos - “black” from Greek), all people are different, they have a unique color of hair, eyes, and skin. During tanning, its production occurs more intensively. As a result, the skin "bronze". Normally, melanin is found in small quantities in the skin cells of a healthy person.

But quite often, after a long lying on the beach, white spots suddenly appear on the skin against a general tan. They do not hurt, do not itch, and apart from the aesthetic shock, they do not cause other inconveniences.

But the way it looks is the main problem in the summer after tanning. I always want the tan to look perfect, and the skin - beautiful and healthy.

The reason for the violation of the production of melanin can be very different. At the same time, they are associated with impaired functions of certain organs, which can be corrected and treated. Or they can be a manifestation of serious diseases and even genetic "breakdowns", about which a person had not previously suspected.

The condition when white spots clearly appear on the skin after tanning is called hypomelanosis. Depending on the reasons why it arose, you can understand: can this be corrected, or will you have to come to terms with hypomelanosis and continue living, limiting future sun exposure.

In turn, there are many common reasons why melanin in cells is not produced at all or is not sufficiently produced:

• pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, stomach, intestines)

• dysfunction of the organs of the endocrine system (thyroid gland)

• problems with the kidneys or adrenal glands

• reduced immunity

• depression, stress

• hormonal disorders

• injuries

• hypovitaminosis and lack of trace elements

• clothes made of synthetic fabrics

• frequent sunburn of the skin

• heredity

All of the above to a greater or lesser extent can affect the formation of melanin in the skin.

Where this happens, white spots form on the skin:

1) White spots after tanning - genetic predisposition

In people with a genetic predisposition, melanin is not synthesized in some areas of the skin, or this pigment is produced in very low amounts. With prolonged exposure to the sun, such areas of the skin do not succumb to tanning - white spots appear.

A classic example of genetic breakdown resulting in the absence of melanin in cells is albinos. These people do not have melanin at all, which explains their appearance.

Vitiligo can also be attributed to genetic diseases, but until certain events in life it does not manifest itself at all. A person may not even know about such a “game” of genes until there is some kind of push, after which troubles will stretch in the form of white spots on the skin.

2) White spots after tanning - vitiligo

Often a person has normal skin at birth, but suddenly for some reason the formation of a special pigment in the cells is disrupted. Cells that produce melanin in the skin disappear. This disease, when melanocytes are absent in some limited areas of the skin, is called vitiligo. Mysterious disease. It can manifest at any age. Especially unpleasant when white spots occur on the face. Although there is a known case of vitiligo in one girl (Chantel Winnie), who was able to become a successful model with such a disease.

White spots on the skin do not cause any subjective sensations, they are not life threatening, they are not contagious. It is rather a cosmetic defect. To date, no pigmentation restoration methods have been found. So that white spots do not appear, there is only one way out - do not sunbathe. And follow all the recommendations of a dermatologist. If none of the ancestors suffered from white spots on the skin, then the impetus for the development of vitiligo is:

• stress;

• diseases of internal organs;

• reduced immunity;

• exposure to toxic substances;

• tight clothing, shoes that cause friction on the body.

Unfortunately, the disease has not been fully studied, there are no reliable ways to cure it yet.

3) White spots after tanning - fungus, lichen

Multi-colored (pityriasis, color) lichen - skin diseases caused by a pathological fungus. Widespread, more often people with excessive sweating, low immunity, living in a warm, humid climate become infected. Therefore, the disease is sometimes called sunshine.

Multi-colored lichen is caused by a pathological fungus, infection through personal hygiene items, bedding, etc. can occur. Often inherited. Mostly they affect young men, but can occur in children and the elderly.

Individual spots with which multicolored lichen appears may merge over time. In the sun they do not sunbathe, turn white. The fungus prevents tanning, it blocks the entry of ultraviolet radiation into the cell and the formation of melanin.

Versicolor versicolor should begin to heal, as soon as the diagnosis is verified. Otherwise, it will spread, may become a source of infection for loved ones. In addition, it causes a lot of inconvenience: itching, peeling and causing damage to the skin. After a laboratory diagnosis (scraping, microscopy), a dermatologist prescribes antifungal drugs, special ointments and creams, and a general strengthening treatment.

With multi-colored lichen, if the diagnosis is established, you can take more sunbathing. White spots will remain for a long time even after laboratory cure, but this will already be a cosmetic defect.

4) White spots after tanning on the background of drugs

There are certain medications (contraceptives, antibiotics / tetracycline /) that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

The reaction of the body is manifested in the appearance of white spots on the background of tanned skin. In this case, the drug should be discontinued or replaced with another.

5) White spots after tanning - hormonal disorders

Violation of the synthesis of melanin occurs as a result of hormonal disruptions. An example of this is pregnancy, thyroid disease with impaired function (hypo - and hyperthyroidism), "critical" days. Therefore, it is advisable not to be long under the scorching sun in this position and with such diseases. With thyroid pathology, it is recommended to avoid solar insolations.

6) White spots after tanning - scars

After various injuries, even the most minor ones, scars remain on the skin. Over time, they become invisible, do not cause any discomfort. But when tanning, they stand out with white spots. This is explained by the fact that the scar itself is represented by connective tissue, it lacks cells in which melanin (melanocytes) is formed.

7) White spots after tanning - sunblock

If the protective cream is not evenly distributed, white spots may appear on the skin where the cream layer is thicker. To avoid this cosmetic defect, the cream should always be applied to clean skin. It is preferable to use a scrub to cleanse the skin. Then the cream will lie flat, and you can avoid white spots during tanning.

When preparing for a long-awaited vacation, you should always remember that the sun's rays, in addition to a good mood and beautiful bronze skin, can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will then have to be treated for a long time after the vacation. Therefore, from the first day you are on the beach, you need to dose out the sun, be sure to use sunblock, do not forget about the hat and glasses, close your shoulders and arms. Then you can avoid white spots on the skin and problems associated with uneven tanning.

There are cases when neither the preventive measures taken, nor special protective creams improve the situation, and the formation of white spots that occur on the skin after sunbathing cannot be avoided. Why is this happening, what are the causes of this condition, what measures can be taken and how can the doctor determine the treatment. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible, since white spots can turn out to be not just skin disorders, but - manifestations of some serious general disease.


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