Interesting Articles 2024

Strawberries in syrup for the winter: with sugar, citric acid, gelatin. Preserved strawberry recipes in syrup for the winter

Summer strawberries are a real culinary miracle. If the harvest is large, I want to preserve its fragrant scarlet flesh in order to enjoy the strawberry flavor in your favorite sweet dishes in the cold season. From strawberries make jam, jams, mashed potatoes, jellies, compotes, freezing. But one of the most popular options for preserving a delicious berry is strawberries in syrup for the winter.

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Is it possible to limit the communication of the father with the child? How to do it legally

Parents are obliged to remember the rights of the child prescribed in ch. 11 tbsp. 80 SK RF. The list includes not only feeding, shod and dressing children, but also providing them with protection, including from relatives who abuse their position. If the father of the child behaves inappropriately towards the minor, the mother can limit his communication with him, especially with a direct threat to physical and mental health.

Active obese people can be healthier than thin

Typically, doctors with overweight people are at risk for the development of cardiovascular and cancer. However, this statement was completely refuted by scientists from the Spanish University of Granada, whose studies showed that completeness does not affect the state of health. During the experiment, it was found that many overweight people have normal pressure, cholesterol and there are no prerequisites for the development of diabetes, that is, they have the same risk of premature death as the others.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov broke up with his common-law wife

Actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov and his wife, actress Olga Filippova, decided to leave after ten years of marriage. The couple separated without scandals and mutual misunderstandings, which was necessary for the psychological state of their common daughter, nine-year-old Veronica. Met at the party, Vladimir and Olga quickly began to live together.

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Antonovka soaked apples are another way to preserve the harvest of your favorite fruits. Antonovka soaked apples recipes selection

Every housewife wants to preserve a rich harvest of apples. There are many recipes for how to do this: cook jam, jam, dry, or just store in the basement. However, in all these cases, fruits lose most of their benefits. The best way to preserve Antonovka apples is by urinating. Antonovka soaked apples are the basic principles of preparation. Even our distant ancestors soaked apples for the winter.

Dried sausage at home - naturally! Recipes dried sausage at home from different meats

Dried homemade sausage is different from the store counterpart. It is much harder, the product is harder to cut, and the taste is not so bright. After all, it does not have glutamate and all these eEshek. But it is natural, it smells of meat and the spices that you add. This product is not terrible to take with you on a trip, to offer to relatives and to put on a festive table.

Haircut for medium hair giving volume

Owners of thin hair have to look for hairstyles that can visually brighten this problem. Today we propose to focus on options for cutting medium hair, giving volume. The proposed publication will give fashionable ideas of stylish hairstyles with bangs and without it, each option will be supported by photos, video tutorials will be offered that will teach you to change your appearance yourself, without resorting to the help of masters from beauty salons.

Propolis for immunity: helps children and adults. The use of propolis tincture to increase immunity, recipes

Many sources from which you can learn about simple natural remedies to increase the body's defenses abound with information about propolis. It is used to treat a number of diseases. What is this product, what are its properties and methods of application? Propolis for immunity: composition and useful properties A substance that resembles plasticine in consistency - propolis is used by bees to seal cracks in the hive, as well as to remove harmful objects.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker - it can be different! Classic and new recipes for rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Rice porridge is a very simple dish, but hearty, healthy, cheap. It is ideal for breakfast. In one fell swoop you can feed the whole family and even small fussy. To minimize the cost of time and effort, you can use the multicooker. This kitchen assistant can cook delicious porridge. Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker - the general principles of cooking Rice for porridge is better to take round.

A picking of tomato seedlings: how to dive and what to do after a dive. The success of picking tomatoes is in our hands!

Picking or transplanting seedlings into other containers with a pinch of the central root is done in order to strengthen the root system of the seedling. This operation allows seedlings to gain strength by the time the tomatoes are planted in a permanent place. Picke - removal of 1/4 of the lower part of the central root to enhance the development of lateral roots.

Western media: Leonardo di Caprio has an affair with Ryanna

Western media exploded with news: it is argued that Leonardo DiCaprio neglected his passion for leggy models and met with famous singer Rihanna. A couple have already seen several times together at various evening parties. And before the New Year the stars rested on the island of St. Barts. True, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that they were there in a large company, but journalists are convinced of the mutual passion of celebrities.