Metabolic diet: losing weight at a hormonal level. Key Benefits and Principles of a Metabolic Diet


Overweight sometimes even with regular physical activity does not go away. Endless attempts to lose weight on simulators fail, then a person resigns to his figure and leaves everything as it is.

Why it happens?

The reason is a metabolic disorder.

A metabolic diet is a carefully designed nutritional system that aims to regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It acts on a hormonal level, so that after losing weight, kilograms do not come back.

Key Benefits and Principles of a Metabolic Diet

The most effective process of losing weight is provided due to the fact that the diet has an effect on the hormonal system.

This method of weight loss has many positive aspects:

• hormonal levels are normal;

• no need to count calories of products;

• metabolic processes are stimulated;

• improves the general condition of the skin;

• the digestive system is stimulated;

• there is no laxative effect, which does not violate the intestinal microflora.

the main thing - it is strictly to follow all the rules of the methodology, otherwise you should not expect a positive result.

The basic principles of organizing a metabolic diet

1. During the day, it is imperative to drink 1.5 liters of pure water in order to speed up the process of cleansing the intestines.

2. If you want to eat something fried, it is advisable to cook the dish not in vegetable oil, but in olive.

3. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours.

4. It is necessary to strictly observe the menu, make sure that the consumed products comply with the score table.

5. Metabolic diet - these are three stages. On each of them it is allowed to use products for a certain number of points. In the event that a person tolerates a diet well, does not feel weakness, it is recommended to reduce the number of points in order to quickly achieve the desired weight.

The main stages of the metabolic diet

It is very important to go through all three stages of the metabolic diet and do not ignore their demands. It must be remembered that the weight loss system affects the hormonal background, and you can’t joke with it. Each stage is carefully designed in such a way as not to adversely affect the body, to avoid unpleasant consequences.

1. The first stage. The main goal is to make your body a little "shake". Within two weeks, it is allowed to eat foods at "0 points". It is also recommended to drink vitamin complexes during this period, as the body will lack nutrients, a feeling of weakness is possible. To withstand the first two weeks is not so easy, so you need to prepare yourself, motivate yourself in advance.

2. The second stage. The main goal is not to regain weight, to eat so that he continues to leave evenly. It is necessary to eat 5 times a day in small portions. In the absence of feelings of hunger and weakness, it is allowed to reduce the number of points of some meals.

3. The third stage. The main goal is to consolidate the result that was achieved. In other words, this is a way out of the diet. It is also important not to break. Points are gradually added to each meal - in the first week 1, then another 1. It is important to understand that adding 1 point is possible only if the kilograms are still leaving. In the event that a person regained weight, it is necessary to return to the initial stage.

Product groups: distribution by points

In order to properly organize the diet of the metabolic diet, you need to know how many points have foods consumed daily.

1. The first group is "0 points". This includes products such as chicken and quail eggs, boiled non-fat fish, green peas (canned), chicken and rabbit meat, green vegetables, lemon and lime, dairy products with a fat content of up to 2.5%.

2. The second group is "1 point". Home-made vegetable juices with a little salt, fresh seasonal berries, beans.

3. The third group is "2 points". This is bran bread, beets and carrots in boiled form, rice and buckwheat, oatmeal (without sweeteners and dried fruits), beef and mutton, olives, goat cheese, fruits, dairy products with a fat content of 2 to 4%.

4. The fourth group is "3 points". Processed cheese, natural yoghurts, their fruit juices (only cooked at home), millet, dark chocolate.

5. The fifth group is “4 points”. Dairy products, the fat content of which exceeds 4%, alcohol, canned goods, carbonated drinks, chips, white bread, any kind of potato, duck and goose meat.

The metabolic diet strictly prohibits any experimentation with the diet. If a person decided to lose weight in this way, he must follow the rules.

Sample daily menu for the second and third stages

If initially it’s hard to decide how to eat at stages 2 and 3, the menu presented approximately will facilitate the task.

The metabolic diet menu for 1 day for the second stage

1. Morning. Allowed products containing up to 4 points. For example, a glass of juice and 100 grams of wheat porridge.

2. Lunch (2 points). 100 grams of fresh seasonal vegetables and a slice of boiled beef.

3. Dinner. Allowed products at 0 points, regardless of the stage. It is advisable to give preference to protein foods.

Sample daily menu for the third stage

1. Morning. Breakfast - you can afford products at 5 points.

2. Lunch. No more than 3 points.

3. Dinner. As already mentioned, always 0 points.

Regardless of the stage, it must be remembered that for losing weight and maintaining weight at a time it is allowed to eat a portion of no more than 300 grams. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. A glass of clean water must be drunk 30 minutes before a meal.

In the event that at the first stage a person feels severe weakness and cannot cope with hunger, you can proceed immediately to the next step. Of course, the result will not be so effective, but excess weight will go away in any case.

The best recipes for a metabolic diet

Eggs cooked with vegetables and mushrooms.

This dish has 0 points, great for dinner. Saturates, accelerates metabolic processes. For cooking you will need the following Ingredients:

• 50 grams of canned green peas:

• 100 grams of fresh champignons;

• 50 grams of asparagus;

• 2 chicken eggs;

• olive oil for frying;

• fresh herbs and a little garlic.

First, mushrooms are fried in olive oil until golden brown. After that, finely chopped other ingredients - asparagus and green peas - are gradually added. After 5 minutes of frying food over low heat, everything is poured with eggs, mixed. A little garlic is added. The finished dish is decorated with fresh herbs.

Bean Salad

Bean salad has 1 point - perfect for a metabolic diet. The following are required Ingredients:

• 1 tomato;

• 200 grams of chicken breast;

• lettuce;

• 100 grams of red beans;

• fresh parsley.

Chicken breast is stewed over low heat, finely chopped, transferred to a salad bowl. Boiled cooled red beans, finely chopped tomatoes and lettuce are also added to this. Everything is seasoned with a small amount of olive oil, sprinkled with parsley.

Side effects of the metabolic diet and contraindications

Like any weight loss system, metabolic diet has its contraindications. This method of weight loss is prohibited in the following cases:

• for oncological diseases;

• with improper operation of the endocrine system;

• with a stomach ulcer and an acute form of gastritis;

• with diabetes;

• during pregnancy and lactation.

At the first stage of the metabolic diet, the following side effects are possible:

• dizziness and slight nausea;

• weakness;

• increased sweating;

• reduced performance.

Metabolic diet - This is a balanced diet, the main task of which is not only to reduce weight, but also to normalize digestive processes. The best part is that if you withstand all the steps, then the person will feel much better and the lost kilos will never come back. The main thing is to follow the rules and advice, to understand that this method is effective for losing weight.


Watch the video: Metabolism & Nutrition, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #36 (June 2024).