How to recover from childbirth is an important question! How much recover after childbirth and how to speed up this process


The process of bearing a child does not pass without a trace for the female body. Recovery in the postpartum period is a complex process and, undoubtedly, depends on previous preparation. Any woman who has recently become a mother is concerned about the question: how to recover quickly from childbirth? This process includes restoration of physical form, stabilization of physiological processes, elimination of disorders of the genital organs.

How much recover after childbirth

Recovery after childbirth takes from several months to several years. In the absence of complications and the normal course of pregnancy, a woman is able to return to her previous form within a few months after giving birth. There is an earlier recovery. On average, normalization processes take about two years. This fact is an argument in favor of the subsequent conception no earlier than two years later.

How to recover from childbirth: focus on forms

With the physiological course of pregnancy, the expectant mother is gaining about 10-12 kilograms. This extra weight includes the weight of the child, his amniotic fluid, placenta, and increased blood volume. That is, almost all the weight gained during pregnancy goes away with the birth of the baby. In practice, a much larger increase in body weight of a pregnant woman is often observed. Most often this is due to an increase in appetite and the removal of dietary restrictions. The future mom is justifying herself: now I have to eat for two. Reducing physical activity in order to protect the baby also contributes to weight gain.

Immediately after birth, it is advised to wear a postpartum bandage. It helps internal organs to return to their former position, to converge to the muscles of the abdomen and helps to reduce the uterus. After a couple of weeks, you can no longer put it on, let the muscles "work" themselves.

Physical activity after childbirth should be moderate, especially when it comes to delivery by cesarean section. High activity will not only not bring benefits, but also will prove to be a powerful stress for the female body exhausted by pregnancy and childbirth. As a result, sutures can open, bleeding can begin, infection will join, lactation will decrease. Therefore, exercise should be accompanied by a sense of pleasure.

The most optimal approach to exercise is not earlier than two months after the birth of the baby. By this time, the body manages to get used to the restructuring.

As mentioned earlier, loads should increase gradually. A woman can start training in the pool or on the fitball. For many mothers, these methods of physical activity are familiar from the time of pregnancy. Therefore, it will be habitual to continue training.

Useful for the abdomen and lower back, especially exposed to stress during pregnancy and childbirth, belly dancing. In addition, they allow faster normalization of the internal organs of the reproductive system of women. In dance, a woman gains self-confidence and feels her attractiveness and femininity. But for a young mother it is important to know that with the birth of her baby she did not cease to be just a woman.

If there is not enough time for classes, walking with a stroller comes to the rescue. Try to move as much as possible, and not sit on the bench, even if the baby fell asleep. Find a travel companion, install a pedometer on your phone, or turn on some nice music. Organize a walk with your child as a form of physical activity. And take this with all responsibility. Then the result will not be long in coming. As your child grows older, you can transfer to a bicycle, securing a special seat for the baby on it.

How to recover quickly after childbirth: the genital area

Even in the maternity hospital, mommy does a control ultrasound of the pelvic organs to exclude possible complications. If you experience unpleasant symptoms in the postpartum period, consult a doctor. Such "bells" can be pathological discharge from the genital tract, fever, pain in the lower abdomen.

Genital recovery after childbirth is fast. The uterus, which increased during pregnancy many times over, already ten days after the birth has almost its original size.

With breastfeeding, menstruation may not be until the end of the lactation period. But there are times when the first menstruation begins a month after the birth. That is, the ovaries have already regained their function and started producing eggs. It follows from this that the so-called “method of natural contraception” - the inability of pregnancy when breastfeeding - is not entirely reliable. As methods of contraception in a nursing woman, you can consider the use of hormonal drugs (mini-drank), condoms or the installation of an intrauterine device.

If during a gynecological examination two months after the birth, the doctor did not reveal any abnormalities, the woman is allowed to have sex. The doctor also carries out the selection of the optimal contraceptive. Often, a woman who has recently given birth has problems with sexual intercourse. The reasons may be: hormonal failure, lack of sleep, fatigue, dissatisfaction with one’s physical form, sexual tracts expanded during childbirth. Therefore, the sensitive and patient attitude of her partner is an important role in restoring the sexual sphere of a woman’s life.

With vaginal dryness during intercourse, the use of lubricants is recommended. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is completely harmless and does not affect the lactation process.

The condition of the walls of the vagina can also be brought closer to the antenatal. It is necessary to act on the muscles of the vagina. For this, specially designed Kegel exercises are used. There are many variations of this exercise. For maximum effect, the use of so-called vaginal balls that strengthen the walls of the vagina is recommended. The essence of the method is that a woman periodically strains and relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floor. Exercises must be performed for 5-10 minutes several times a day. In addition, they are a good prevention of prolapse and prolapse.

How to recover from childbirth: cosmetic procedures

Ideally, a young mother should visit a beauty salon at least once a week, where she can relax and put herself in order. In fact, caring for the baby and breastfeeding significantly limit the woman, especially in the first months after childbirth. Therefore, it is much more practical to organize spa treatments without leaving your home.

After childbirth, the body again undergoes significant changes, hormonal changes, metabolic failure. The result is obvious: stretch marks, saggy skin, age spots, split and falling hair, dull skin and bruises under the eyes. To one degree or another, every woman in labor faces these unpleasant changes.

Stretch marks on the abdomen, hips, and chest of violet color fade over time and become less noticeable. You can completely get rid of them only with the help of laser resurfacing. At home, their manifestations can be reduced. In this regard, it is best to start with the prevention of stretch marks, which should be carried out from the early stages of pregnancy. After childbirth, cosmetic procedures to eliminate stretch marks continue. It is recommended to mix cosmetic oils in equal proportions: olive, wheat germ oil and grape seed oil. The resulting mixture must be heated to a comfortable temperature in a water bath. A cocktail of oils is applied by massaging movements on the skin of the abdomen, chest and hips. The procedure is best done before bedtime, so that afterwards you can put on cotton clothes and go to bed. When breastfeeding, it is better to refrain from applying oils to the chest area.

To eliminate cellulite, special creams have a good effect. They are most effective in combination with a contrast shower and massage, which can be done using a special brush. To do this, it is necessary to grind problem areas in circular energetic movements, after which apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Important to remember, that pigmentation, which includes darkening of the nipples and lines along the abdomen, is a temporary phenomenon. It does not require correction, since gradually as the hormonal balance is restored, age spots will lighten and will soon disappear.

Hormonal rearrangement also leads to impaired hair growth. You need to be patient and wait six months: those who have fallen will be replaced by new healthy hair. You can speed up the process by taking vitamin complexes for lactating women and applying restoring masks to the hair.

Skin care products will help her acquire a healthier look. But it is important to remember: the basis of a radiant complexion is a healthy sleep. Delegate your maternal responsibilities for hours to dad, grandmother or nanny and get enough sleep.

How much recover after childbirth: healthy eating

For the period of breastfeeding, a woman should refrain from any diets for weight loss. Because such loads can adversely affect the quality of breast milk. Do not be afraid to get better during this period, as well-organized food will not allow this. The principles of nutrition of a lactating woman:

• Exclusion from the diet of bakery and confectionery products. The first cause gas in the baby and painful colic. The latter can lead to an allergic reaction.

• Eating cereals is good, but you should refrain from foods containing rice, as this can lead to constipation in the baby.

• Eat enough meat products. This will allow replenishing hemoglobin reserves in women in labor and will serve as a "building material" for the baby's body.

• Reduce or even eliminate the use of fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as carbonated and sugary drinks.

Remember that all changes, not always joyful and pleasant, accompanying a woman after childbirth are temporary phenomena. The rate of recovery of the body after childbirth depends directly on the emotional-volitional mood of the woman. So, go ahead, mommies! Do not make excuses for the children, but be an example for them!


Watch the video: 10 Things about Vaginal Birth Recovery You Need to Know (June 2024).