How to clean shrimp? Shrimp cleaning rules and tips for using shrimp shells


Residents of the deep sea have always been considered delicacies served on the table as a sumptuous treat for guests.

Seafood is advised by nutritionists instead of meat for those who wish to maintain their shape.

Shrimp is certainly considered one of the most popular and consumed shellfish.

There are many varieties on the market; they usually vary in size and color. How to clean shrimp? Indeed, for each dish only peeled meat is needed. Let's get it right.

How to clean raw shrimp

Cleaning up raw or boiled shrimp involves a few simple steps. Whatever type of shrimp you buy, coping with their cleaning will not be difficult.

So, let's start in order:

1. Rinse the shrimp. Put the shrimp in a colander, wash them thoroughly with cold water.

2. Inspect the shrimp and discard any that will have mucus, dullness and those that smell bad.

3. To clean the raw shrimp you need to start by tearing off the head (if any). To do this, squeeze your head between your index finger and thumb, only where the body is already starting. Hold the body firmly on the other side. Start twisting your head clockwise until your head comes off.

4. Then remove the shell, starting at the wide end and moving towards the tail. Legs come off with a shell. The tail tip can be left for a more presentable look. But if you still need to remove the tail, just push on it and squeeze it out of the meat.

5. After the shrimp, you need to cut and remove the intestinal tract (dark vein along the body). Using a sharp knife or scissors, make a cut in the center of the external bend, about a third with the body. This is how shrimp can be removed. The easiest way to do this is with a toothpick. Cutting gives a more attractive look, since when cooking they are slightly twisted and torn off.

Thanks to this, the shrimp dish should not be bitter. Next, rinse the shrimp in cold water and dry on a paper towel. Shrimp ready for cooking.

How to clean frozen shrimp

How to clean the shrimp, we have sorted. Here are just some may wonder whether there are features of cleaning frozen shrimp. Let's figure it out, because some features still exist.

Before you start cleaning frozen shrimps, first of all, they need to be thoroughly washed under cool water. After a little to dry on a napkin or towel. Stir the dried, but still frozen shrimp into a deep bowl and cover with coarse salt. We are waiting for a couple of minutes and proceed. Since in most cases, frozen shrimp are sold without a head, we will skip this step.

Rules for cleaning frozen shrimp:

1. Rinse the product under cold water until they completely melt.

2. Carefully, so as not to tear off the meat, we begin to remove the shell. To do this, the shell needs to be incised and the plates removed. If the shrimp is large, do it carefully and slowly, as there is a high probability of tearing meat.

3. The intestines are removed by the method already known to us, but this should be done slowly (in thawed shrimp, the intestinal tract can easily break).

After all the procedures, shrimp are washed again under running water and dried with a towel. You do not need to knead them when drying, just gently pat them with a dry towel or napkin.

Important Shrimp Guidelines

How to clean shrimp? This question excites everyone who first encountered a similar product. Here we figured it out. But how to choose the right shrimp - this is a lot of important question. Indeed, the taste and aroma of the prepared dish will depend on the quality.

Of course, it is best to buy them alive from a special aquarium, but this is not always and not always possible. The second option is frozen shrimp. When buying them, it is important to carefully consider the appearance of each individually. Properly processed shrimp should not be stuck together. The legs and tails are pressed against the body, and the head should be green or brown. The ice on each carcass should be minimal so that it seems as if the shrimp is enclosed in the thinnest coating. The presence of snow and ice in the bag is generally unacceptable.

How can I use remote shrimp shells

And finally, one more tip. After cleaning the raw shrimp, do not rush to throw away the shells. From them you can make a wonderful soup or exotic sauce. Put them in a pan. Pour water so that it only covers the shell, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. After that you need to remove the pan from the heat, strain the contents and start cooking soup on the broth from the shells of shrimp.


Watch the video: These Shrimp Are a Clean-Up Crew For Dirty Fish. Nat Geo Wild (July 2024).