DIY artificial flowers: a master class with a photo. Paper Strip Magic - Artificial Flower Options


They are very different - plastic, fabric, paper ...

They can decorate a home-made card, a fashionable lady's hat or even a whole house, just give it to someone for a holiday.

In order to make artificial flowers with your own hands, you will need:

• Crepe (corrugated), velvet or wrapping paper - in principle, even ordinary colored paper will do. You can get the material you need for crafts - usually this kind of paper is sold in stores offering quilling products.

• Wire. The road will lie in shops selling fabrics and sewing accessories. The wire for beadwork there is thin, soft, and most importantly, colored. However, in some houses the simplest wire can be found in almost unlimited quantities.

• Wooden sticks (long skewers). They are sold along with cooking goods - one package is usually enough for three to four magnificent bouquets.

• Tapes. Satin and kapron, wide and narrow, long and short - everything will fit.

• Scissors, needle, strong thread (silk, or cotton in two additions), glue - a standard set of materials.

• Loose powdery sequins, adhesive rhinestones for decoration.

Artificial roses

Lovers of roses, the color of which can tell the recipient a lot, will surely like such a voluminous craft.

For it, you need a sheet of velvet paper of the desired color, as well as an oval "blank" and transparent glue:

In order to enhance the similarity of the craft with a real flower, you can use several shades of velvet paper. Moving around the edges, you should stick light paper, and closer to the center and top - the one that is slightly darker.

To create the effect of "rain", you can use a transparent nail polish by dropping it in several places. It is not necessary to smear the drop, and even, on the contrary, it is worth waiting until it completely hardens. You can speed up the drying process in the refrigerator by putting work there.

You can make roses from maple leaves. When the finished flowers dry, that is, the leaves become brownish and brittle, they can be decorated: chocolate, wine red, crimson powdery sparkles are suitable.

Transparent glue should be applied with a brush to the edges of the "petals", and then gently showered with sequins from the bag. After half an hour or an hour, when the glue dries, the rose must be gently shaken - excess sparkles that are not fixed with glue will disappear.

The process of creating a basic flower is shown in detail in the picture:

DIY artificial flowers: Kansashi

You can make artificial flowers with your own hands in the popular Japanese technique called kanzashi.

The resulting flower can be attached to the hair band, or make a brooch.

For the latter, you will need to buy an iron blank for the badge in the sewing accessories store and "put" the product on glue.

You can do it easier by fixing a safety pin with a few stitches. The joint can be coated with glue or clear varnish.

DIY artificial flowers ... made of sweets. Candy bouquet

This craft is perfect if you need to make an individual, original gift.

She will need candies in a package; corrugated, wrapping or plain paper, wooden skewers, as well as glue, wire or thread. The process is extremely simple, so it is suitable even for beginners.

On a bamboo skewer, which must first be wrapped with a strip of paper of the desired color, wrapped candy is fixed with a wire or thread.

Then a strip of cream paper is wrapped around it, which is also fixed with a wire on the skewer. Since the bare "stem" does not look very pretty, it needs to be made as short as possible (ten to fifteen centimeters). However, if this option does not suit you, you can add the leaves, having cut the required amount, wind the thread with a spool of thread to the stem.

For strength, it is better to smear the winding places with glue or varnish - so the thread will not bloom, even if the knot is untied.

You can use the resulting flowers in different ways.

Topiary tree will look charming if you add artificial flowers made by yourself in it.

For this craft you will need a foam ball, bamboo skewers, plasticine and a glass. Plasticine needs to be sealed at the bottom of a glass or a small pot - this will serve as the basis for the "trunk", which should take about half a wooden stick.

A foam ball is mounted on the sharp end of the makeshift barrel, but if it is not found, you can also mold it from plasticine.

In this case, it is better to take a sculpture, which is sold in art stores - it does not melt as much as an ordinary one, so the topiary will not lose its shape.

However, if at home the remains of polystyrene are littered, you can build something original, the crown will be square.

If any details will need to be fixed with glue, it is worth remembering that the most popular “Moment”, sadly, corrodes the foam.

You can use special glue for ceiling tiles.

The finished product looks something like this:


Watch the video: Sewing With Nancy - Magic Patterns, Part 2 (June 2024).