Maria Sharapova and Sasha Vuyachich: there will be no wedding!


The four-time winner of the Grand Slam tournament, Maria Sharapova, finally parted with the basketball player Sasha Vuyavich (player of “Los Angeles Lakers”). But in November of this year they had a wedding planned ...

The first of the unfortunate changes in their pair was announced by Vuyavich in one of the interviews he gave at the team training camp in Brunico, Italy.

After the third round of the US Open Tennis Championship (US Open) (last Friday), the journalists asked the same question to the 25-year-old athlete, and she admitted that in fact since the end of spring they no longer consider themselves a couple. "Of course, it was a difficult decision, but you know about our goals."

But what about? After all, the media so actively discussed the upcoming wedding, while the couple had already split up? “I kept waiting for someone to ask a question about it. I’ve never been such a person to announce such personal things,” added Maria. "I never talked about relationships when we were still dating. I never talked about our engagement. I now mean any of my previous relationships."

"The time spent together was a good period for both of us. But our busy schedules, sports career ... It was extremely difficult. Yet between us there was a huge sense of respect for each other."

None of the athletes disclose the reason for their separation, leaving this a secret from the public.

The rumor about the engagement of two successful athletes went in October 2010. Then Vuyavich offered Sharapova’s hand and heart at the celebration of their first anniversary.


Watch the video: Sasha Vujacic -- I'm Over Maria Sharapova . . Forever. TMZ Sports (June 2024).