Family, friends and a dog are keys to happy longevity


It turns out that all that a person needs for a long life is a second half, children, many good friends and, oddly enough, a dog. At least, scientists from Harvard Medical School in the USA are 100% sure of this, as Professor George Walliant, who led the study, which led the experts to such conclusions, said in his speech in the BBC program. In their opinion, even low social status and poverty are not a hindrance for a happy person, or rather, for the duration of his life.

To prove their words, experts cite the results of a lengthy study that they presented at a recent conference. As it turned out, the beginning of this scientific work was laid back in 1940, when experts took under their supervision more than 200 young people - among them were both girls and men. All of them were peers. Then scientists took an interest in their material and family well-being, and all the data on this was recorded in special forms and to this day were stored in the Harvard archives.

Many years later, experts returned to the study. Having made inquiries about all of its participants, as well as having studied the previously collected data, scientists have found that more than two-thirds of people who during their lives have never managed to start a family have not survived to our time. Meanwhile, more than half of the participants who have children with a loved one, many friends and pets, are still alive.

According to researchers, such an effect on people by their environment is caused primarily by the many positive emotions and peace of mind that characterize the state of a person who is close to those with whom he enjoys spending time. Due to this, the immunity and health of people as a whole is significantly improved. Due to this, they are less susceptible to many diseases, which helps to extend their life span. However, lonely people also have a way out, says Professor George Valley - this is a dog. Besides the fact that the pet helps brighten up the “gray” everyday life, we enjoy it a lot, playing with it and taking care of it. And in difficult situations, the dog can support the owner, making him smile and think about something good.


A good article, because only at home in the circle of your beloved family you can truly relax, and a dog can really improve your mood.


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