Ten minutes of training is a good solution for the lazy


Procrastinators *, extremely busy people and those who are quickly bored with the routine of physical training, may be tempted to a 10-minute workout.

Experts say that these short bursts of activity compensate for their short duration with increased intensity.

“In 10 minutes, you can get a good workout sufficient to trigger metabolic changes in the body,” said study author Liz Neporent and fitness instructor Jessica Smith. “It will help you lose weight, reduce stress and generally reward you with all the benefits of exercise.”

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most adults exercise moderate-intensity exercises every week for a total of at least 150 minutes.

But regular, intensive classes lasting at least 10 minutes are also acceptable. To take advantage of these 10 minutes to the maximum, Neporent and Smith recommend a set of cardio and strength exercises.

Carl Foster, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, believes that the benefits of high-intensity training are unique to young and healthy people. While for middle and old age (about 45 years for men and 55 years for women), such activities are unsafe.

"People who show moderate activity on a regular basis are not afraid of heart attacks," Foster said. “But for middle-aged and older people, high-intensity training can be a trap that leads to health problems.”

* Procrastinators - people constantly putting off “for later” all unpleasant deeds and thoughts.


Watch the video: I'm Not Lazy, I'm Just On Power Saving Mode! DIY Hacks and More by Blossom (July 2024).