Fennel: the beneficial properties of a plant for the human body. What are the contraindications for fennel?


Fennel, whose beneficial properties are not known to everyone, is very similar in appearance to dill, so they are often confused.

However, the scope of the plant is much more than you might think.

Fennel has very few contraindications; it is in demand in aromatherapy, pharmaceuticals, alternative and traditional medicine. In addition, the plant is indispensable in cooking.

Its alluring aroma makes the dishes exquisite, no one will refuse such delicacies.

The chemical composition of fennel

The composition of fennel is rich in useful trace elements. Thanks to such a "vitamin chest", it has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal systems of the body.

The composition contains:

• ash and dietary fiber;

• minerals - iron, sodium, magnesium, selenium, potassium;

• vitamins - group B, A, ascorbic acid.

There is a lot of protein in the composition of fennel, and if you take into account that the plant is characterized by low calorie content, we can conclude that it will be extremely useful for those who follow their figure.

Fennel: useful properties of the "dill double"

Not only the leaves of the plant found application, but also its root, seeds. Including this product in his diet, a person takes care of his health. And due to the fact that fennel has practically no contraindications, not only adults but also young children can feel its beneficial properties.

Fennel: useful properties

1. It has an antibacterial effect and helps strengthen the immune system.

2. Promotes healing of wounds and stops inflammatory processes.

3. It is an excellent cancer prevention.

4. Normalizes the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, allows you to forget about problems with the stool, improves the intestinal microflora.

5. Strengthens blood vessels and nervous system, fights insomnia and stress.

6. Stabilizes the work of the heart muscle.

7. Normalizes metabolism, which allows you to constantly remove toxins and toxins from the body.

8. Increases the body's resistance to SARS and infectious diseases, it is especially recommended to eat fennel in the fall and winter.

9. Nourishes the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, which increases human performance, relieves fatigue.

10. Decoctions based on fennel seeds perfectly fight cough.

Fennel in Alternative Medicine

Fennel is a very valuable medicinal plant. For medicinal purposes, it has been used since ancient times. The plant is good in that it is not difficult to get it, even if you buy it dried in a pharmacy, it is inexpensive. But, the recipes of traditional medicine based on fennel are sometimes better than any antibiotics fight some ailments.

1. When coughing. Fennel seeds (about 5 grams) ground into flour are poured with 200 ml of warm water. Everything must be brought to a boil and removed from the heat after 40 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered after cooling, taken 3 times a day before meals (for 15 minutes), 50 ml.

2. To strengthen the immune system, fennel can be brewed like tea. You need to purchase dried plant leaves in a pharmacy and steam them with boiling water, at the rate of 150 ml of water per 1 tablespoon of fennel.

3. With urolithiasis. 2 teaspoons seed plants are poured 150 ml of boiling water. The tool is infused for 1 hour, then filtered. You need to take it for a week at 100 ml 3 times a day.

With insomnia at night, it is recommended to drink tea from fennel. Also, such a drink will be useful for those who want to normalize their metabolism and lose weight. You need to drink 150 ml of tea daily on an empty stomach, be sure to 30 minutes before the main meal.

The use of fennel in cooking

Edible not only the leaves of fennel, but also its heads of cabbage, stems. The plant is used in cooking as a spice. Enticing sweetish aroma perfectly complements sauces, meat and vegetable broths.

The pulp of the plant is very tasty if it is fried in egg breading. Such a side dish will appeal to both adults and children. Heads of fennel are added to desserts, casseroles.

Vitamin soup with fennel and vegetables

In order to prepare meals, you will need the following ingredients:

• petiole fennel (2 pieces);

• 150-200 grams of diced potatoes;

• leeks - about 100 grams;

• celery root - 100 grams;

• carrots - 100 grams;

• pepper and salt are added to taste.

Step by step recipe

1. Petioles of fennel and leek are cut into cubes of medium size, onions it is even desirable to cut smaller.

2. Celery and carrots rub on a coarse grater. All vegetables are mixed in a deep frying pan and stewed in vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes under a lid.

3. Diced potatoes are poured with boiling water, boiled until cooked, then all other vegetables are added there.

4. The soup is boiled for another 5 minutes, you can add greens for the aroma. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve the dish with sour cream.

Fennel in home cosmetology

Fennel useful properties in cosmetology are very appreciated. This plant:

• nourishes every skin cell with vitamins and minerals, smoothes fine wrinkles;

• treats acne and prevents its further appearance;

• struggling with the "orange peel";

• normalizes collagen synthesis, which prevents premature skin aging.

Beauty Recipes

1. Cologne against acne.

In 50 ml of ethyl alcohol, add essential oil of tea tree and lavender (10 drops each) and 5 drops of fennel oil. Everything mixes well, the cologne should be allowed to infuse for several days. With the resulting product, the face is rubbed 2 times a day, acne will pass very quickly.

2. Remedy for cellulite

In the same proportion (10 drops each), the essential oils of the following plants are mixed - fennel, geranium, juniper. Lemon essential oil (also 10 drops) and jojoba (about 100-120 ml) are added to this. You need to mix everything well and let the product brew for 2-3 days. The resulting massage oil is rubbed into the problem areas 2 times a day for 15 minutes.

3. Face and hand mask

1 large quince is crushed in a blender until gruel is formed, a yolk of chicken egg, 1 teaspoon of fat cottage cheese and fennel essential oil (3-4 drops) are added to it. The product is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face with a thin layer, washed off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Fennel: contraindications to the use of plants in various fields

Despite the large number of healing properties of fennel, there are several "but" to its use that you need to know.

Fennel: contraindications and the main "but"

1. Fennel is able to increase the flow of breast milk, so lactating mothers can only use it if absolutely necessary.

2. If after using the plant for medicinal purposes, a person feels nauseous and lightly dizzy, fennel is contraindicated.

3. In the presence of individual intolerance to the plant, it is forbidden to use it for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

An overdose of fennel can lead to an upset stomach. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, you need to consult your doctor.


Watch the video: Dangers of Essential Oils: Top 10 Essential Oil Mistakes to Avoid. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).