Children's hairstyle for graduation in kindergarten: what can I advise? The variety and amazing beauty of hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten


A graduation in kindergarten for each young lady is equated to the most solemn ball in the life of an adult young lady. And she really wants to look herself-herself.

In addition to a beautiful dress and shoes, a girl can stand out among the rest with an unusual hairstyle. And here mom and the stylist come to the rescue.

Children's hairstyle for graduation in kindergarten. Training

Not so long ago, the summer season ended, the advent of which everyone is waiting. And in May, graduation parties were held in kindergartens, which is why many mothers and fathers spent more than one day in excitement and pre-holiday preparations. This is not to be surprised, because the little one has already completed the very first stage in his still short life, and later many more interesting discoveries await him. And then mothers and fathers will triple their attitude to their growing baby and will use constant ingenuity.

If the preparation of a young gentleman for this holiday does not require special efforts from mom and dad, then for a little beauty, the preparation period takes more than one week - you need to pick up a dress and figure out what jewelry she will wear, and even decide on the styling, choosing the most unusual and beautiful. And here it turns out that many hairstyles are simply amazing with a variety of interesting options and a kind of creative approach.

So, when parents begin to think about graduation of their baby, they understand how many questions, most of which relate specifically to hairstyles, they have to solve. And really: is it possible for a graduate in a kindergarten to make a hairstyle at home, decorating it with ribbons, flowers or hoops; What is the best styling for a girl if she cannot sit long in one place?

Hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten. Note to Moms

There are some simple tips, adhering to which, you can greatly simplify the process of preparing for graduation in kindergarten.

A tiny graduate lives on the dream of her first gala evening; she wants to be the most beautiful there. Therefore, her whole image - outfit, shoes and hairstyle - should be considered at least a month and a half, so that directly in preparation for the celebration, neither the child nor the mother would need to get nervous and quarrel due to the catastrophic lack of time. Another point: you must immediately decide where the child will have their hair done at the graduation in kindergarten: either by a qualified specialist in the salon, or at home with your own hands.

In this situation, parents should remember: the main decoration for a girl at such a young age is a certain immediacy of the image, that’s why you should not burden her appearance with too “adult” hairstyles.

The sooner and easier the curls of the little princess are laid, the greater the likelihood that such a little mysterious, elegant look will not cause her any inconvenience or discomfort.

Children's hairstyle for graduation in kindergarten. Long curls

If your princess has long hair, then a variety of weaving options, some unusual flagella and romantic curls will suit her. It should be noted that girls at this age already have their own ideas about how they think a beautiful styling should look.

Therefore, it will be right to ask the daughter in advance what she wants to choose, how she presents her solemn image at the graduation party in kindergarten.

If you nevertheless settled on puffy curls, then experts do not recommend using hot curling iron to create them: hair will be harmed. The best thing is to do it in a different way: apply the most ordinary non-solid curlers or rags (all this is in any home). They will not cause the girl to deliver any unpleasant moments during sleep. Another point: you need to know in advance what the weather forecast will be, because if the air on this solemn day is damp, all painstaking labor will go to dust.

How to make voluminous and slightly wavy hair for a children's hairstyle on the inlet in the kindergarten? You need to follow a few simple recommendations:

1. Before the start of the celebration, in the evening, you need to braid a few spikelets, and immediately in the kindergarten to dissolve them.

2. Now the wavy locks are ready, which can be stacked in the form of a malvinki.

3. The hairstyle that has turned out may well be decorated with a stylish hoop, diadem or some other decor elements that are suitable for the occasion.

To make your child a similar hairstyle, knowledge of certain hairdressing skills is not required. That is why mom will be able to lay her daughter’s curls on her own prom in kindergarten with her own hands. By the way, do not be afraid of experiments, because the combination in one hairstyle of all kinds of curls, pony tails and tows will give an unexpectedly interesting result.

And to fix the strands and reach the required volume, you can use a little mousse or varnish, so that the naughty curls will be firmly fixed.

Hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten: butterfly from hair

This styling will emphasize the tenderness and a kind of defenseless little girl. And to make it is not so difficult, although it will take a lot of time.

1. First, you need to carefully comb each lock of hair and put the hair in a ponytail, securing it with an elastic band. To prevent the occurrence of the so-called "roosters", you can use hairdressing wax, only before you rub this wax between the palms of your hands, and only then apply a very thin layer, treating each lock.

2. The tail is divided into four equal parts. To prevent hair tangling, you should fix them with separate rubber bands.

3. Choose one of four strands and from the very center of the ponytail begin to braid the French braid, picking up hair from above. Similarly, all four parts must be braided.

4. It is necessary to make sure that each wing of the butterfly is as even as possible and the bend is as beautiful as possible. For this, the mother should try to adjust the tension of the strands in the pigtail and grab each curl as close as possible to the tail itself.

5. After all the strands are woven, you need to braid an ordinary pigtail, and fasten its tail under the wing of a butterfly using hairpins. Each of the actions performed must be done more than carefully, trying to make sure that there is perfect symmetry on all sides.

6. All four strands must be braided in exactly this way. And do not forget to pull out two small ponytails from above, because they will be in this hairstyle that will serve as the antennae of the butterfly. It will be correct to lubricate them with a strong fixation gel and slightly wrinkle at the ends.

7. At the end of all work, the finished hairstyle must be fixed using hair spray, and gently smooth each loose hair.

Children's hairstyle for graduation in kindergarten. Short and medium hair

For short hair there are not very many variations of hairstyles, but you can always decorate the image with some additional accessories, headbands or hairpins.

Using a regular curling iron, you can twist the hair a little, adding volume and lightness to them. It will be appropriate to use a shiny diadem or a bright bow as decoration.

Ponytails that are tied all over the girl’s head will look pretty. In this hairstyle, hair clips with ribbons, colored rubber bands will look great, and the ends of the ponytails can be curled using the same curling iron.

In the process of selecting styling for medium-length hair, you should pay attention to different methods of weaving spikelets, because each of them can be decorated with small crabs, colored hair clips and other additional accessories.
