How to cook juice from apples in a juicer for the winter? Very simple! Subtleties and tricks: with what and how to boil juice in an apple juicer


Sokovarka is a unique device that can extract juice even from hard beets or radishes.

But why do we need a tasteless drink?

It is much more pleasant to boil fruit juice, sweet and fragrant.

It can be drunk immediately or prepared for the future for the winter, which is very convenient and useful.

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker, close it for the winter?

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker - general principles of preparation

Apples must be thoroughly washed and cut before laying in the juice cooker. Since the product will be completely exposed to heat, it is very important to remove stubs with seeds. From them, the drink may have an unpleasant taste, bitterness. Seeds can also clog the holes in the upper compartment of the juicer and will interfere with the flow of liquid. Be sure to cut off all damaged places, traces of rot, wormholes. Finely chopping apples is not necessary. Small fruits are enough to cut into four parts, large can be 6-8 parts.

Sokovarka consists of three parts:

• hopper / sieve (upper tank);

• juice collector (in the middle);

• a saucepan for water.

Prepared fruits are stacked in a hopper with holes. Water is poured into the saucepan. To reduce the time, you can immediately use boiling water. Water needs to be poured to the level marked on the lower saucepan. Sometimes there is no mark, in which case you need to look in the instructions for the device, but usually it is 2 liters. During installation on a stove, the drain valve of the co-collector must be closed. Sometimes instead of it on the device is a rubber tube with a clamp.

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker for the winter

The traditional way of harvesting apple juice through a sugar cooker for the winter. The drink from the tap immediately flows sterile, hot, it does not require additional boiling. Use ripe, juicy fruits to get a lot of delicious drink. A little sugar is added to enhance juice secretion.


• apples;

• a handful of sugar.


1. Cut the washed fruits into slices, put in a saucepan from a cooker. Try to stack tight so that more product comes in.

2. Sprinkle apples on top with a handful of sugar. Layers can also be crushed, but not much, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too sweet.

3. Pour water into the desired compartment, install the structure on the stove, cover the apples tightly with a lid.

4. Turn on the stove, leave the cooker for an hour, the tap should be closed.

5. Now you need to stir the fruit with a spatula, pressing movements so that the droplets of juice drain. If the pieces are still very wet, cover the cooker and hold for another half hour.

6. While the juice is preparing, you need to rinse, sterilize the banks. Covers also need to be processed. It is enough to simply pour over them with boiling water.

7. Now take the prepared jar, bring it to the tap and fill to the top with juice. Cover, roll up immediately.

8. Fill jars or bottles until juice runs out.

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker with lemon balm and zest

Apple juice will turn out to be much more aromatic and tastier if you add a few fragrant ingredients to it. The easiest way to use herbs, citrus zest. But how is juice cooked in a juicer from apples with them and where should they be laid?


• apples;

• 2 branches of lemon balm;

• sugar;

• 1 orange or lemon.


1. As usual, crush apples in large pieces, discard the bits. Put half in a sieve from a juicer.

2. Rinse with orange or lemon soda to remove wax deposits. Cut the zest. This can be done with a knife for peeling vegetables or a grater.

3. Take a piece of bandage or gauze, roll in 2 layers, lay out the zest and tie it firmly. If this is not done, citrus slices will fall between the apple slices and clog the sieve holes.

4. Put a bag of zest on the branches of lemon balm.

5. Sprinkle it on top with a handful of sugar.

6. Lay the remaining apples to the top. Also add some sugar.

7. Close the device, turn on the stove, boil the juice after boiling for 30 minutes, then you can stir, let it boil for another ten minutes.

8. Pour a mouth-watering drink into cans, roll up for the winter, or cool and drink like that.

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker for the winter with pumpkin

A very popular mixed drink with pumpkin. It differs not only in taste, but also in a very bright color. Before you cook juice in a apple juice maker for the winter, take care of choosing a good, ripe and sweet pumpkin.


• pumpkin;

• apples;

• sugar.


1. Crush the washed apples with slices, put the juice cookers in a sieve first, fill in half or a little more. Lightly rub the layers with granulated sugar so that more juice comes out.

2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, lay on top of the apple slices. Sprinkle sugar on top. If the pumpkin is homemade or just good, you can boil the juice from pieces together with a crust.

3. Close the appliance, turn on the stove, cook for 40-50 minutes.

4. Now you can open the lid, take a long spatula and mix apples with pumpkin well. Cover, cook another quarter of an hour.

5. Now you need to mix the contents of the upper barrel again, so that all the liquid in the glass passes through a sieve.

6. Open the tap, pour the drink into sterile containers, immediately roll the lids. Cool pumpkin and apple harvesting upside down.

How to cook juice in a juice cooker from apples and carrots without sugar

Useful preparation that can be used in baby and diet food. Sugar is not added. Use carrots only juicy, orange. Otherwise, she will be a guest in the sieve of the device and will not give out anything.


• apples;

• carrot;

• water.


1. Peel the carrots, cut into 0.5 centimeter circles. Fold back tails immediately. If root crops with green centers come across, it is advisable to cut the stem. He will give the juice a bitterness.

2. Cut the apples into large pieces.

3. Put a good layer of apples in a strainer first. Then you can alternate apples with carrots. If you want, try a little sugar, juice will come out more.

4. Install a sieve on the device, do not forget to add water to it.

5. Turn on the stove, close the lid, cook for at least an hour.

6. Then you can stir, leave another 20 minutes.

7. Open the tap, fill the sterile jars. If the food is intended for the child. Choose small containers. If you do not store the drink for storage, then such juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

How to cook juice in an apple juice maker for the winter (spiced with grapes)

Before you start boiling juice in a juicer from apples for the winter, the grapes must be thoroughly washed and sorted, since there is always a lot of dust, cobwebs and other varieties on it. The most delicious drink is obtained from small wine grapes, but you can take any other varieties.


• grapes;

• apples;

• sugar;

• citrus peel;

• 2 cloves;

• 1 stick of cinnamon.


1. At the bottom of the sieve, place the apples cut into pieces, about half.

2. In a piece of gauze, wrap a cinnamon stick, cloves, citrus peel. You can use dry zest. Add a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of lemon balm if desired.

3. Tie a gauze shred with spices in a bag, put on apples. Sprinkle with sugar.

4. Separate the grapes from the branches, cover the apples to the top of the sieve. It is not necessary to sprinkle sugar with it, since it gives the juice well without it.

5. Turn on the stove. Boil the juice after boiling water for 30 minutes to an hour. Stir well at the end, remember the skins, but be careful not to tear the bag of spices. You can also squeeze it.

6. Pour into jars, cork.

How to cook juice in a juice cooker from apples and chokeberry "Cherry"

A very interesting way to harvest apple juice with the taste and color of cherries. Chokeberry is not needed very much, for a standard juice cooker two or three glasses are enough. It is desirable that the berries are ripe and juicy.


• 2-3 glasses of aronia;

• 20 cherry leaves;

• Apples (how much will go);

• 150-200 g of sugar.


1. Before boiling juice in a juice cooker from apples for the winter, you need to soak the chokeberry in cold water, let dust and litter come off, then rinse well.

2. Cherry leaves must also be rinsed, leave to drain water.

3. Chop the apples in large pieces. Place in the pan of the device.

4. On top lay chokeberry and cherry leaves, sprinkle all this with sugar.

5. It remains only to turn on the stove, wait exactly one hour. But after 40 minutes you can see how the process is going, stir the mass.

6. Pour apple juice with cherry flavor into jars, roll up, send for storage.

Cooking juice in an apple juicer - useful tips and tricks

• Apple peel contains a huge amount of vitamins of different groups, pectin and tannins. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove the skin from the fruit before laying it in the tank.

• Do not discard boiled peel with pulp. There is enough taste left in them. The mass can be used to prepare the filling for the pie, you just need to add sugar, jam, raisins, vanilla. Hot waste can be stacked in sterile jars and rolled up for winter cakes.

• You cannot add sugar to hot juice after boiling, even if it seems sour. The drink will disappear, not worthy until the winter. If acidic fruits were originally used, sprinkle more sugar on the layers in the barrel.

• From sweet apples aromatic juice is obtained, but it may lack the very acid that gives brightness to the taste. The way out is to add a lemon. You can just sprinkle apples with powder mixed with granulated sugar. As an option - dilute a little acid in boiling water, pour apples on top.


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