November 17: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


A romantic and cheerful holiday was established by the World Congress in Prague in 1946. However, his story is connected with events that tragically cut short the life of a young guy Jan Opletal, a Czech student. During a demonstration in 1939 on the streets of occupied Prague, he was shot dead by the Nazis. His funeral entailed protests, which resulted in the arrest of 1,200 students. Many of them were executed in the Gestapo dungeons without trial, and the rest were thrown into a concentration camp. Higher educational institutions of Czechoslovakia were closed until the end of the war. National Student Day in Russia is celebrated on January 25.

On Freedom Square in Baku on this day you can see a lot of people. Festive events dedicated to the national revival of Azerbaijan are dedicated to the memory of the mass protest rallies in 1988, when calls for the country's withdrawal from the USSR were first voiced. History says that about half a million people gathered on the square in those days. Azerbaijan became independent in 1991, and in honor of these events, Azerbaijanis celebrate Independence Day every year.

After the country gained independence, the Armed Forces of Armenia formed their own military medical hospital, which plays a large role in the formation of the Armenian army. In 1994, an agreement was signed in Moscow to end the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the country was able to throw all its forces into internal construction. Training for the army and medical hospital has become one of the most important tasks, therefore, in 1994, a military medical faculty was established on the basis of Yerevan State Medical University. Heratsi.

According to legend, it was on this day that Buddha Shakyamuni came to Earth from the sky of Tushita, taking his last incarnation. This is the fourth sky, all bodhisattvas live on it before they become Buddhas. Reincarnation in the fourth heaven occurs only when a person can awaken and develop in himself Holy Love, Impartiality, Compassion, Compassion. Spiritual desires prevail over sensual desires. Buddha Sakyamuni during his rebirth received the name Shvetaketu, before descending to earth, he preached the Dharma to his mother and other celestials. The celebration is to glorify the path of the Buddha. On this day, those monks who entered it for a time leave the community; in all the monasteries, a rite of donation of clothes is held.

The day of precinct police commissioners celebrate the main culprits at the labor post. After all, their main task is to tirelessly guard the peace of citizens in the entrusted area. Today, more than 54 thousand authorized persons carry out their duties. Every second crime is solved with the assistance of the local inspector. Precinct detachments were formed back in 1923, on November 17th. Since then, on this day annually celebrate especially distinguished employees and honor veterans.

The memory of the holy martyrs Nikander and Yeremey

As students of St. Titus, following the teachings of Paul, Nicander and Jeremiah actively preached Christianity. Idol-worshiping rulers seized the ministers of the church and tortured, trying to achieve the renunciation of the faith. Not succeeding, they were executed. It is believed that on this day you should not leave the house behind the fence or outskirts. It was possible to incur various troubles even in the yard, and the weather in every way contributed to this opinion. "The outskirts of this day are ghostly," "Erem - sit at home." On this day, one should not let evil spirits into the house, guard the splinters or coals that they tried to drag away. Even the neighbors are not given fire, guarding their happiness in their home.

November 17, 1558 - Acceptance of the throne of England and Ireland by the last queen of the Tudor dynasty - Elizabeth I

Elizabeth 1 inherited the right to rule after the death of her sister, Mary I. The English state at that time was dynamically developing, the Protestant church was restored, the war ended in defeat of Spain, Ireland became a colony of England. English merchants' attempts to infiltrate the New World intensified. The country sought to consolidate colonies around the world. The country's fleet has significantly increased, piracy flourished, actually sanctioning by Elizabeth 1. She ruled the country for 45 years, this time is called the "Golden Age of England". The queen herself never married, although she had many admirers. It is known that the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself had views on her.

November 17, 1717 18th-century legendary con artist Bessler-Orfireus demonstrated “perpetual motion machine”

Johann Ernst Elias Bessler-Orfireus was an adventurer by character. He arranged the presentation very solidly and presented to his patron Karl of Hesse-Kassel the wheel that could rotate without stopping. Within a month, the wheel spun at the same speed, and the fame of the swindler swept across Europe. In total, he demonstrated more than three hundred models. At first it was simply impossible to stop the wheel, the last models stopped at the behest of the owner-inventor. Constructions could do some work - to lift weights, to move things. For the first time, the reputation of the inventor was shaken by his maid, who claimed fraud, but failed to prove this fact. Many today believe that the perpetual motion machine was built, but its secret has not been revealed.

November 17, 1757 - opening of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg

The Senate became its founder, and Count I. I. Shuvalov was the initiator and trustee. The functions of the Academy included the education of young artists and artists. For 9 years, students were trained in drawing, engraving, sculpture and architecture. Catherine II gave the Academy a higher status, defining for many years its activities in the development of the artistic heritage and the study and generalization of world experience. The 1917 revolution reduced the value of the academy within the state, and in 1918 it was completely abolished. It was recreated only in 1932, and after the collapse of the USSR, it became the Russian Academy of Arts.

November 17, 1869 - the Suez Canal was opened for shipping

It allowed water transport to move freely between Europe and Asia by the shortest route. The ceremony was held in Egypt, on the Aigle yacht, which passed the first channel, the Princess of France Evgenia was in company with the chief construction engineer Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps. It is known that the canal was built with the forced use of Egyptian labor. For 11 years of construction, the country was literally ruined, France and England took advantage of this, establishing control over it. Along with the introduction of the Transcontinental Railway, the Suez Canal played a large role in the development of world industry, and also contributed to the further colonization of Africa.

November 17, 1948 - cessation of sea movement of the cruiser Aurora

The warship was put into eternal parking in St. Petersburg, a naval museum was opened on its territory. The cruiser Aurora served for 45 years, during the voyage he was a warship and training ship, participated in the First World War. It was from him that a volley of guns was fired, which served as the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917. During the blockade years, the cruiser Aurora was in the port of Oranienbaum and was subjected to systematic shelling. 1992, it again raised the St. Andrew’s naval flag.

Born on November 17

August Möbius (1790 - 1868), German astronomer, mathematician, physicist

His most famous discovery is the Mobius strip, illustrating one-sided surfaces. Moebius also published several papers on astronomy, mechanics, and statistics.

Sophie marceau (1966) - French film actress, director

Sophie Marceau's career did not always go smoothly. Once she even had to pay a huge penalty for choosing in favor of marriage. However, her theatrical and actress and director talent has been repeatedly awarded with prizes and prizes. In Russia, she starred in the film "Anna Karenina."

Martin Scorsese (1942) American filmmaker

The whole life of an Italian born Martin Scorsese, from early childhood, was connected with the cinema. He, a patient with asthma, cool darkened cinemas made it easier to breathe. Although in his youth Scorsese dreamed of becoming a priest and even entered seminary, in 1970 he moved to Hollywood and began to study cinematography. Almost all of his films became famous: "Evil Streets", "Taxi Driver", "Raging Bull", "Aviator", "The Last Temptation of Christ" and many others.

Ivan Alexandrovich Pyryev (1901 1968), screenwriter, director, director of Mosfilm

The most famous works of Ivan Pyryev became beloved by the people for many decades. “Rich bride”, “Secretary of the district committee”, “Tractor drivers”, “Pig and shepherd”, as well as an adaptation of Dostoevsky’s historical works “Idiot”, “White Nights”. The film based on the novel The Brothers Karamazov remained unfinished.

Agnolo Bronzino (1503 - 1572), Italian artist

The Italian portrait painter Agnolo Bronzino was called the copycat of Michelangelo. Combining his style with the Venetian, he painted not only portraits, but also frescoes, paintings for the altar, religious paintings and mythological plots in the mannerism style.

On this day, Nikanor, Denis and Yerema celebrate their name day.


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