Eva Longoria erases the name of her ex-husband from memory and body


Despite the fact that a beautiful body for the actress is the key to her career, Eva Longoria received an unpleasant red spot on the back of her head.

And some time ago there was a nine-digit tattoo on it, dedicated to the celebrity’s former husband, basketball player Tony Parker. Namely, the athlete plays under the ninth number.

Recall that the couple has been together since 2004, 07/07/07 they were married. But, despite the “happy” date, in January 2011, their marriage was divorced due to irreconcilable differences.

Soon, in January of this year, Longoria applied laser technology to erase tattoos in honor of her ex-husband. By the way, Longoria has three in total: the number of the sports shirt on the back of the head, the wedding date on the wrist, and the initials of Tony Parker in a place hidden from the eyes of strangers.

To remove the tattoo, you need to conduct several sessions of cosmetic procedures that can stretch for many months.

And, judging by how her wound on the back of her head looks yesterday in Beverly Hills, the Desperate Housewife will need at least a couple of months to get her body in order.

Now, officially, Eva Longoria does not meet with anyone and is engaged in her career.


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