29th week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 29 weeks of gestation.


The third trimester is a crucial time for a pregnant woman, the expectant mother has already managed to get used to the fact that in her womb there is a full-fledged child who constantly reminds of her presence. All thoughts of the fair sex are occupied by the upcoming birth ...

Changes in the body at 29 weeks of gestation

The 29th week for a pregnant woman is not a very calm time, the problem is that the blood circulation in the body reaches its maximum, this phenomenon leads to a deterioration in well-being and severe fatigue, it seems that mother nature herself sends the future mother on maternity leave.

To prevent dangerous situations in the form of heart attacks and strokes, the body automatically lowers blood pressure, this process is carried out by means of the fact that the placenta increases the production of the hormone progesterone, which helps stretch blood vessels and facilitate the movement of blood through them. Do not be surprised if you notice characteristic protruding veins on the feet, hands or stomach, this is just a visual manifestation of the body's reaction to excessive activity in the blood vessels.

Along with a decrease in pressure at the 29th week, a decrease in hemoglobin level occurs, which is confirmed by the results of tests that a pregnant woman systematically passes. It is very important to increase hemoglobin in time, this is important not only from the point of view of the health and well-being of the expectant mother, but also in order to prevent hypoxia in the child.

The condition of the fetus at 29 weeks of gestation

The growth of the baby by the 29th week reaches 26 centimeters, the weight is from 1300 to 1500 grams. The problem is that the fetus already feels a certain discomfort due to lack of space in the womb, a pregnant woman also feels this process. The future mother begins to notice not the somersaults and the baby’s shifters, but his blows with arms and legs, and quite strong ones. There are cases when the child’s movements are so active that serious tubercles appear on the abdomen at a time when the fetus is too actively trying to expand its space.

As for the formation of the baby itself, the main distinguishing feature of the 29th week is that, finally, the immune system is formed and even in the case of premature birth, the baby has a very high chance of survival, of course, with proper care.

Many pregnant women do not understand why they need to constantly run to the toilet for little need, the fact is that on the 29th week the formed and functioning kidneys of the unborn baby give out about ½ liter of urine.

Possible sensations at 29 weeks of gestation

Fatigue is the first sign of the 29th week, her pregnant woman already feels several hours after sleep, this condition occurs due to active blood circulation. Edema and heartburn often occur, due to low hemoglobin levels, fainting can occur, dizziness and mild nausea are present.

Do not be scared if you suddenly notice strong contractions of the uterus, this process is called contractions of BrextonHicks, it is not dangerous for the baby, so the body of a pregnant woman prepares for the upcoming birth. You need only sound the alarm if there is a vaginal discharge from the uterus during intensive contractions of the uterus, then urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital to prevent a miscarriage or premature birth.

There is a certain psychological discomfort, because thoughts about the upcoming birth are constantly overwhelming, and fears about the baby’s health and well-being are haunting. Many expectant mothers are not sure that they can cope with the postpartum period, especially in cases where a pregnant woman does not have a husband or close relatives.

Necessary medical supervision

No special medical procedures are scheduled for the 29th week, the examination is limited to the usual analysis of urine and blood, as well as a routine examination in the gynecologist’s office. The test results most often show a low level of hemoglobin, the task of the future mother to try to quickly raise it with the help of food, vitamin and mineral complexes.

General recommendations

Recommendations for a pregnant woman who is at the 29th week are to follow a proper diet, take walks in the fresh air and have a good rest. The use of protein and calcium is important, since the fetal muscles are constantly growing, they need high-quality nutrition.

If after walking you feel very tired, lie down on the bed and place your feet on the roller or blanket so that they are above the level of the heart. In hot weather, a cool foot bath helps relieve fatigue and swelling.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Kokorina 03/30/2016
The kid turned over and lay down correctly, head down. I hope there will be no more somersaults. And I myself go, like a crystal, I don’t raise my hands up.

Milena 03/30/2016
The bag has already been collected in the hospital. Let it be in the corner, but if anything, everything is ready for me. She took it and went, and the hospital was across the road from me.

Nastya 03/30/2016
I run to the toilet constantly, sometimes at night I get up two or three times. Far from home, I try not to leave, I hang out next to civilization, where there are toilets.

Paulina 03/30/2016
Terribly heartburn torments, before pregnancy did not even know what it is. Very unpleasant feeling. I use the advice of a doctor, it helps a little.

Isabelle 03/30/2016
Here it is written it is necessary to rest, and at my house the repair is in full swing. It so happened that both money and opportunities appeared only now ...


Watch the video: 30 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect - Channel Mum (July 2024).