Nutrition for weight loss for men: basic rules and principles. How to plan a proper diet for a man to lose weight


Not only the fair sex are fixated on their excess weight, the stronger sex, although less often, but still sometimes also tries to follow the figure.

The reason for this can be many factors: gaining attractiveness, fighting the middle-aged crisis, maintaining health and others. But you should always start any fight with excess weight with the preparation of the right diet, it is 70% of success, and weight loss exercises for men - provide only 30% of success.

The basics of good nutrition for weight loss for men

For any man who wants to lose weight, proper nutrition is no less important than attending workouts.

The ideal way to reduce weight is through comprehensive measures. In order for the diet to be effective, to benefit the male body, you need to know the principles on which it is based.

It is they who will help in the future to easily create a menu for the day.

The first thing to do is to establish a regularity of nutrition or simply form a regimen and adhere to it clearly.

Often men do not bother much about the frequency, and most importantly, the quality of the products they consume.

From situational nutrition, which occurs at any time of the day, will need to be abandoned. It is also worth forgetting about snacks with the food that was at hand.

Improper and irregular nutrition is not only harmful to health, it provokes the appearance and accumulation of excess weight.

Therefore the basic principle - proper proper nutrition at a certain time in small portions 4-5 times a day.

What should look for nutrition for weight loss for men: drawing up a diet

As a rule, any meal always starts with breakfast. To charge the body with energy and saturate it with the right amount of protein and carbohydrates, you should choose the right menu. For example, cereal with fruits, poultry, fish or meat and whole grain bread can easily cope with the task. If you supplement breakfast with a small amount of greens or vegetables, then the body will also receive vitamin enrichment, which will be very useful. It is very important that, with proper nutrition, meat or fish are steamed or cooked.

When breakfast menu compiled in accordance with all the rules, then after eating it, the body will feel comfortable for some more time. But by 11 o'clock in the afternoon the received nutrients at breakfast for the body are not enough. Therefore, it is time for a second breakfast. This is not lunch yet, so do not go deep into cooking. Make a cottage cheese casserole or a sandwich of the same whole grain bread to give the body nourishment. A light “snack” is the best option to restore strength at this time of day.

In the afternoon, you can already go to to dinner. Such a rule is the basis of a healthy and healthy diet. The male body is already ready to take serious food in significant quantities by the middle of the day. Therefore, for lunch you can cook lean soups based on meat or fish. For the second dish, you can serve yourself vegetables and meat, which can be prepared in different ways, but without resorting to frying. Vegetables with meat can be steamed, boiled, stewed. So they will retain their nutritional value, and will bring great benefits to the body.

After some time, after lunch comes afternoon tea - A meal that is familiar to many of childhood. With age, people forget about such a “snack” and very in vain. An afternoon snack is very important for a healthy diet. You can eat cottage cheese, some fruit, vegetable or other sour-milk product, so that at the end of the working day you do not feel exhausted.

Often dinner for men - This is a way to compensate and restore all the precious energy that they spent during a busy day using high-calorie and dense food. It is very difficult to resist such a temptation, so it is always important to remember the motivation for losing weight. No matter how regrettable this statement may sound to men, the best dinner is vegetables. You can diversify your meal with dairy products, for which the body will only say thank you.

List of Slimming Foods for Men

The daily diet should be saturated with nutrients and balanced. You can use not only low-calorie foods, but also dilute them with more high-calorie ones. Products that are subject to mandatory inclusion in the diet:

• cereals - you can cook rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal;

• soups based on meat, vegetables or fish;

• low-fat poultry, meat and fish;

• black or whole grain bread;

• fruits, as well as vegetables in any form;

• dairy and dairy products;

• natural drinks.

Preference should be given to fish rather than meat dishes. It is necessary to refuse such products as:

• sauces (especially mayonnaise);

• sweet and flour products;

• alcohol;

• fatty and spicy dishes;

• fast food and convenience foods;

• barbecue;

• chips, crackers and others.

Useful Diet Nutrition Tips for Men

In many men, extra pounds are visible on the stomach and sides. In order for excess weight to begin to go away, on average, a man's body should consume no more than 1800 kcal per day with moderate physical exertion. But this does not mean that absolutely any dishes that do not exceed the specified number in total calories can be included in the diet.

There are some rules, following which you can get rid of excess weight and figure out how to provide proper nutrition for weight loss for men.

1. Do not take too long breaks between each meal. Prolonged fasting during the day can lead to problems with the stomach or digestive system.

2. Eat small meals, a little bit, but often. It is advisable to do this at least 4-5 times a day.

3. It is always worth paying for the expiration date of the products on the package. After all, proper nutrition can not consist of stale foods.

4. Refuse to eat fatty and high-calorie foods.

5. Add variety to the menu. At least change the menu once a week, the maximum - daily. Even if the dishes are prepared from the freshest and most correct products, the male interest in such food will quickly disappear in a certain repetition, as will the interest in the process of losing weight in general.

6. Do not forget about physical exercises, which must be combined with proper nutrition. The most optimal options for quick weight loss are jumping rope, jogging, walking, cycling, strength exercises. It is very important to do exercises aimed at strengthening the heart muscle.

7. Although proper nutrition implies refusal of alcoholic beverages, you can afford to consume them in small quantities once a week. This way will protect the body from the stress that it will experience from the inability to get what you want and will lift the mood for the most losing weight.

8. To enhance the effect of proper nutrition on the body, you should get enough sleep and, if possible, do this as often as possible.

9. In terms of motivation, a personal diary can help. In it you will need to celebrate your achievements, changes, first results and other things that are important to you in order to increase self-confidence and the desire to continue what you started.

10. Even the most healthy food can be eaten too much and wonder at the inviolability of weight. Therefore, it is very important never to overeat. Always finish your meal with a slight hunger.

11. Carbohydrate-rich lean foods are the best way to quickly and easily make up for lost energy.

12. Make your last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Make sure that only low-calorie foods get on the menu, because any other with a reduced evening metabolism will necessarily be deposited in the form of a fat layer.

13. Those men who want to not only lose a few extra pounds, but also to give their body relief, should give preference to protein foods. To do this, include more dairy products, seafood, lean meat and fish in the diet.

14. Men need to drink about 3 liters of water per day to improve metabolism. If possible, strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages should be discarded or their consumption reduced to a minimum.

Strict adherence to the rules will undoubtedly help to achieve your goals. Do not rely on instant results and throw the right nutrition for men to lose weight after a week of failure. It is important to be patient and take into account the individual characteristics of the body. By the way, to improve metabolism, there is a special diet.


Watch the video: Quick Guide to the Keto Diet (July 2024).