The culprit of obesity is found!


The common belief that malnutrition is the cause of obesity and low physical activity has been seriously questioned. Obesity is largely dependent on genetics, scientists say.

Scientists at the University of Cambridge published studies that showed that the KSR2 gene, which slows down the metabolism and increases appetite in humans, is responsible for the occurrence of obesity.

The experiment involved more than two thousand patients with various forms of obesity. As a control group were people with normal weight.

Observations and tests showed that patients with KSR2 gene mutations experienced a much stronger year and burned fewer calories compared to the control group.

A new discovery, which may make a revolution in nutrition in the near future, will not only understand the mechanism of obesity, but will also contribute to the development of drugs not only against it, but also against type II diabetes.


Galina 11/07/2016
at 28, I lost 10 kilograms in half a year. I didn’t use any drugs. I began to eat 5 times a day, every 3 hours a little. I practically do not eat cake and pies. I am now 67 years old and my weight remains at the level of 63-65 kg with a growth of 159 cm

Svetochka 11/01/2016
You just have to eat less!


Watch the video: Aimilia Papakonstantinou: "The Obesity Battle: who is the culprit?" (June 2024).