How to quickly become ideal due to the shortcomings of others


For every single man, there are three unmarried women. Most of us know firsthand about competition. What to do and how to always get the desired man?

There are many myths about women. Many girls have the same drawbacks. If you manage to cope with the main female problems, then you will be able to conquer any man in the first week of a relationship. Just because you are not like the others.

Women are bad interlocutors

There are two types of women - talkers and shy. Moreover, one and the same lady can wander from one category to another, depending on the interlocutor. The former speak incessantly, the latter remain silent as captive guerrillas, ready to defend the secrets of their homeland with their breasts.

Men do not like both the first and second. Talkers remind the heroine of Rina Zelena in the film “Foundling”. Remember, the neighbor who spoke very fast, very much and very inaudible?

The stories of the talkers on the first date may look like this: “Marina lives with Volodya and recently Anton, this is the son of Volodya and Marina, came to grandmother Veronika Petrovna, this is Anton’s grandmother, she is very nice to Marina and Lyusa, the aunt of the cousin of his wife’s father Grigory Vasilyevich, I told you about him. ”

And why does a man need all these names? He fell asleep already at the moment that someone there has a son. Chatterboxes tell a huge amount of unnecessary and uninteresting information. By the way, talkers are incredibly important for a man to remember the friendly hierarchy and genealogy. After all, he still will hear enough stories about these people, she thinks.

Shy passive, they are used to the fact that a man, like a burlak, drags the whole conversation on himself. He is a real superhero, saves a date from long pauses, awkward silence and oppressive silence.

The shy ones can really be embarrassed at the sight of the interlocutor, or they can be insidious furies who are simply used to such behavior of men. Suppose a girl says she’s embarrassed, and a man charmed by Pushkin-Turgenev’s modesty helps her deal with self-restraint. That’s what ladies think. Why is this bad? Well, a man gets tired no less than talkers, and the entire female population of the planet is branded: "Bad interlocutor."

How to become a speaker?

We have already given practical advice on communicating with men. In addition, I would like to say that one of the writers in one of his works wrote: “People have ceased to have a dialogue, they no longer talk. They are just waiting for their turn to speak. ”

Think about whether your interlocutor is interested in what you are going to tell. Men are more patient and if we sometimes can afford to stop the conversation unceremoniously, then your interlocutor has only one thing to not seem ill-bred - to stop communicating if he really does not like it. Although why, because a large percentage of women behave just like that. So the boys have to come to terms and get used to talking more.

Learning to have a conversation is in your best interest. The attention of men directly depends on your ability to talk! The more time you spend improving yourself, the more you will stand out from the crowd of imperfect women.

Women can't come up with anything interesting.

Or do not want to. Women are accustomed that the beloved decides everything for them: which restaurant to go to, how to spend the evening and where to go to relax. He must conquer. Despite the fact that a man always tries to solve something and come up with something, he periodically suffers reprimands for the fact that “we never go anywhere”, “I lack romance” and “every night is like the previous one”.

To become ideal, due to the non-ideality of others in this parameter, is not so simple. When you encounter the problem of “How to spend the evening”, it turns out that there are not so many options, and then you really understand your man and begin to even sympathize with him a little.

A man will appreciate if you decide together where to go. And if you find yourself an excellent organizer and an excellent creator, then be sure that you will be torn off with lonely hands on the stock exchange of lonely hearts, you will have no shortage of fans.

What original ideas can I offer you? Maybe they will push you to something more interesting ...

- Restaurant away from the center. In order to feel the whole national flavor. You are not obliged to eat there. You can drink a bottle of champagne or beer. Although who knows, maybe this will be a really great quiet restaurant with the finest food you have tried. You can also dine in the forest, the main thing is that the view was beautiful.

- Winter walks. The main thing is to choose a place where people still come in order not to drown in snowdrifts, trying to enjoy nature. You can go to the river. Fishing is not necessary. You can just sit by the fire.

- Abandoned places. The benefit in Russia is full of them. In Russia you will find a huge number of abandoned villages, towns, churches and houses. Moreover, not all of them are completely empty. Sometimes you can stumble on the traces of former residents. Sit on the Internet a bit and you will find a great place to go. It will be a great weekend adventure.

- Bike tour. A variety of cycling trips are being organized now. You can order them at travel agencies. Together with a professional trainer and a group, you go to interesting places on an iron pony. All routes are laid in advance. You can choose where to go and what to see.

It’s best to take just such tours, and not plan your own route. Firstly, it is safer, and secondly, you are guaranteed to see something worthwhile. Sights and beautiful places are the main task of the organizers of the route. Do not be afraid of heavy loads, tours are created not only for professionals, beginners are also very satisfied.

Make a celebration for yourself, make a surprise for a man. Think about what you would like, and express your wish to your beloved. Agree, a little effort and you will spend your time better than anyone else, your friends will be jealous, and a man will never want to let go of someone with whom it can be so much fun!


Daria 11/23/2016
Dear author, we really look forward to hearing from you the next and much more relevant and interesting article for women: “How to quickly get the perfect partner due to your shortcomings”!)


Watch the video: Jordan Peterson - Ideals Reveal Your Own Shortcomings (July 2024).