Zucchini with meat - the best recipes. How to cook zucchini with meat correctly and tasty.


Eating zucchini is a very inexpensive way to enrich the body with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. And meat, which goes well with zucchini, enhances its positive effect and brings its very important component - protein. And in terms of taste, they are ideally suited to each other. In addition, zucchini improves the digestion of meat and helps normalize acidity.

Zucchini with meat - general principles and methods of preparation

The combination of zucchini with meat has a lot of cooking options. From these products you can make a casserole, fry meatballs, stew or stuff. Given that zucchini is cooked quite quickly, very often meat is included in the recipe in the form of minced meat, which has less cooking time than whole pieces. The most popular product, which includes the composition of dishes from zucchini with meat, is cheese. It improves the taste and aesthetic qualities of the dish, as baked cheese crust looks very appetizing and beautiful.

Zucchini with meat - preparation of products

In order for the dish of zucchini with meat to cook faster and turn out soft and tender, it is necessary to take the flesh of young animals - pork, veal, lamb or lamb meat. Otherwise, it may happen that the zucchini starts to boil, and the meat is still tough.

Zucchini with meat - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Zucchini rings with meat

Cooking is easy. While the oven is warming up, you can do the cooking. To make things go faster, you can fry the minced meat and boil the rice in advance. The ingredients are indicated on 1 large zucchini. For this recipe, it is better to take not young, but adult fruits, removing the core from them. Decorated with cheese crust, the rings look very elegant and whet the appetite. In addition, they are tasty and satisfying. You can vary the taste of meat with various spices.

Ingredients: zucchini, minced meat (fried) - 03-05 kg, half a glass of boiled rice, 2-3 tomatoes, 100 g of grated cheese, 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, flour, vegetable oil, spices / salt / pepper.

Cooking method

Peel the zucchini, cut into rings of 2 cm and cut the core with seeds. Then salt, roll in flour, fry on both sides. Put in a row on a baking sheet. Stuffing mix with rice, salt, pepper, spices and fill them with zucchini.

On each ring put a circle of tomato, grease with mayonnaise and send the baking sheet into the oven for 15-20 minutes (180C). Five minutes before ready to sprinkle mugs of squash with cheese. Hot rings can be served with sour cream.

Recipe 2: Meat in a Zucchini Fur Coat

Dedicated to lovers of meat and zucchini. The dish is juicy and tender. Garnish can be mashed from potatoes or boiled rice.

Ingredients: 600-700g of pork or veal, 2 zucchini, 1 large onion, 150 g of hard cheese, egg, salt, mayonnaise, pepper, ketchup - all to taste.

Cooking method

Mix ketchup, salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Mix the sliced ​​meat with the resulting sauce, put it in a form that needs to be greased with oil.

Grate one zucchini, mix with finely chopped onions and a raw egg, add salt and put on a layer of meat. Cut the second zucchini into circles and put the round ones on top. They have a layer of mayonnaise and grated cheese. Bake for about an hour (200C).

Recipe 3: Braised Zucchini with Meat

When zucchini ripen on the beds, you can prepare many dishes from them in various versions. For example, stew with meat. It seems to be a simple dish, but so healthy, light and tasty.

Ingredients: large zucchini, half a kilogram of meat, 1 onion and carrots, 2 tomatoes, vegetable oil, herbs and spices.

Cooking method

Pour a little oil into the pot and fry the meat, cut into small pieces. Add onions with carrots. After 5-10 minutes, put the diced tomato into the meat and put it out.

Peel the zucchini, chop it into small pieces and put in meat in a cauldron, salt. Stew for 30 minutes. At the end, sprinkle with spices and chopped herbs with garlic. Serve stewed zucchini with sour cream.

Recipe 4: Zucchini Meat Cutlets

Quite a lot has already been written about the benefits of zucchini. It has long been known that they should be included in the diet as often as possible, especially in the vegetable season. True, not everyone likes fried or stewed zucchini. Having shown a little imagination, you can contrive and cook a new dish - cutlets. In which chopped zucchini can not always be determined on the palate. The taste of cutlets is just meat, which men will especially like. Give it a try. Cutlets can be fried or steamed.

Ingredients: 700g minced meat (any), 1 small zucchini, 1 onion, 2 slices of loaf, clove of garlic, pepper, breadcrumbs, salt.

Cooking method

Soak the loaf in water or milk. Finely grate the young zucchini, let it stand for a while, drain the juice that has stood out, otherwise the stuffing will be liquid.

Zucchini, long loaf, and finely chopped onions with garlic, add to the minced meat, knead well, pepper and salt. Blind cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs or flour and fry.

Recipe 5: Zucchini and Meat Casserole

After all the cabbage rolls are wound or peppers are stuffed, often a little extra mince remains. Here it can be used for this casserole.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 3 eggs, 1 tomato, minced meat - 0.5 kg, boiled rice - ½ cup, hard cheese - 100 g, salt.

Cooking method

Fry chopped zucchini in a pan, add chopped tomatoes, salt, and simmer until cooked. Add minced meat with boiled rice and fry a little, stew. Beat eggs, salt and pour zucchini. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bring to readiness on the stove under the lid over low heat or in the oven.

Recipe 6: Zucchini with Meat and Mushrooms

In the recipe, instead of pickled mushrooms, you can use fresh ones. In this case, add a couple of chopped tomatoes to give the dish a certain sourness and taste.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 300 g of meat, 200 g of pickled mushrooms, 1 onion, vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Zucchini and meat cut into cubes, onions in half rings, mushrooms in strips. Put and fry the onion, meat, mushrooms and zucchini in a pan with oil, alternately. Pepper, salt, add a little water and simmer until tender, making a small fire.


Watch the video: How to Make Stuffed Zucchini. Zucchini Recipe. (July 2024).