Magic meat of turkey: the benefits and harms of "Spanish chicken." The healing properties of turkey meat, benefit for children


Valuable turkey meat is expensive, but it has an unusual taste and many beneficial properties. Nutritionists strongly recommend including a turkey in the diet, and for good reason.

The chemical composition and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey is the largest of all poultry. An adult female can weigh as much as 35 kg. The weight of a carcass can reach ten kilograms, and the smallest one draws at least five kilos. And all this is not only tasty, but also remarkably healthy meat.

The composition of turkey meat contains the following elements:

• vitamins E, A, B, K, PP;

• trace elements iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium;

• the most important amino acids are lysine, thiamine, isoleucine, histidine;

• atomic gold;

• cellulose;

• protein.

Every 100 grams of turkey meat contains 75 mg of cholesterol. Thanks to its excellent absorption, it does not harm the vessels. Moreover, turkey meat cholesterol interferes with the concentration of harmful lipids that come with food. Turkey meat is organically involved in metabolic processes, enriching the body with useful substances and preventing the development of dangerous ailments.

First of all, nutritionists note a huge amount of iron in turkey meat. The benefit of turkey poultry for patients with anemia is very high. A small portion of the product can prevent the development of anemia. For comparison: red beef, which is recommended by doctors for anemia, contains half as much iron as turkey meat.

Due to magnesium, the heart muscle is strengthened, and phosphorus is almost as much as in fish. That is why the calcium contained in turkey meat is fully absorbed and helps strengthen teeth, nails and bone.

Sodium and potassium ensure the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, and vitamins of the PP and B groups are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Moreover, in terms of sodium content, turkey meat is superior to beef and veal. Make sure the high content of this trace element is simple: try the cooked turkey. The meat will have a salty taste. This means that there is no need to use a lot of salt, which further increases the useful properties of the product.

There is so much protein in turkey meat that it can be used as a natural tool for building muscle mass. This opportunity, by the way, is used by many athletes.

The average calorie content of turkey meat does not exceed 150 kcal. The lowest calorie fillet (a little more than 100 calories), the highest calorie content of the wings, from which the skin is not removed (190 calories). By the way, skinless poultry meat becomes less fat and high in calories.

The benefits of turkey meat

Protein must be ingested daily in the human body. The protein norm for a healthy body is 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. Turkey is an ideal source of natural protein needed to maintain normal muscle mass. That is why, by the way, the benefits of turkey meat for pregnant women and children are especially great.

The product is easily absorbed without causing heaviness in the stomach. Useful properties of turkey poultry in the following:

• provides an optimal level of blood formation;

• normalizes metabolic processes;

• lowers cholesterol;

• stimulates cell renewal;

• activates the brain;

• normalizes the endocrine system;

• prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

• indicated for hypertension and osteochondrosis;

• favorably affects the heart, blood vessels, nervous system;

• strengthens joints and bones;

• helps get rid of depression and insomnia;

• prevents earlier aging;

• strengthens masculine strength, shown with reduced potency.

Turkey meat is useful for those who want to lose weight, and therefore indispensable for obesity. Protein will provide energy and saturate for a long time, and the absence of carbohydrates will help trigger the processes of fat decay. Ideally combine turkey with leafy green vegetables.

There is evidence that turkey meat prevents the development of cancer due to the high content of antioxidant substances. Therefore, those who are predisposed to this terrible ailment or simply monitor their health should include a turkey in their diet.

Fresh broth made from turkey has a beneficial effect on health. It can be eaten at the first signs of a viral disease, and during the recovery period after ARVI or surgery, and with any ailment. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, the broth acts as a natural safe energetic, giving strength, restoring a good mood.

Turkey meat in baby food

The rapid growth of muscle and bone tissue, the development of the nervous system and brain, which occur in childhood, require special nutrition. Turkey meat contains exactly those vitamins, amino acids and minerals that a growing body really needs. So the benefits of turkey meat for kids and teens are invaluable.

Allergy to turkey protein is extremely rare. Therefore, there is practically no harm from turkey meat. This is especially important when it comes to infants receiving the first meat complementary foods. Pediatricians advise children prone to allergic manifestations to give mashed potatoes from turkey to prevent a negative reaction of the immune system.

The second important point is the excellent digestibility of turkey dishes. The meat will not overload the gastrointestinal tract of a small child, but it will give all its benefits to the body. The main thing is to cook the turkey correctly using a double boiler or pan. You can combine meat with mashed potatoes from boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini.

Older children in the period of active muscle and bone growth are also very important to cook turkey meat. It will ensure the normal growth of the skeleton, the development of the brain and nervous system. In addition, turkey poultry will strengthen the immune system and become a prophylaxis of viral diseases during the period of flu and colds.

Harm from turkey meat

Turkey is absolutely safe for the body of an adult. However, you need to remember about the potential danger that always persists for allergy sufferers. As a rule, turkey meat does not harm them, but there are exceptions. Perhaps individual intolerance is the only ban that is on the use of "Spanish chicken."

Meanwhile, there are certain limitations that should be borne in mind. So, you should not eat a lot of protein for people suffering from the following ailments:

• renal failure;

• gout;

• urolithiasis disease;

• hypertension.

The fact is that protein foods overload the kidneys. Therefore, it is important for nephrological patients to reduce the amount of protein that is ingested. Hypertensive patients do not need to completely abandon the turkey. However, it is always important for them to remember the need to reduce the amount of salt and fat. That is, to cook mainly the breast and merge it purely symbolically, in order to only strengthen the salty taste of this meat by nature.

The largest amount of fat contains poultry skin. Therefore, nutritionists recommend removing it before cooking for anyone who strives for health and longevity.

In addition, it is important to remember the danger of seeding poultry with salmonella. This means that heat treatment should be given great attention, especially when it comes to baby food.


Watch the video: Black Magic. National Geographic (July 2024).