It hurts under the left rib in front - what should I do? Why it hurts under the left rib in front, with what medications it is treated


Gastrointestinal diseases are ubiquitous. According to statistics, every second suffers from problems with the digestive organs.

Most often we are talking about diseases of the stomach. As the pathology of this organ, and many other diseases can give characteristic symptoms (pain under the left rib).

There are other reasons. What should you know about this unpleasant manifestation? Let's consider in more detail.

Sore under the left rib in front: causes

There are many diseases that manifest this symptom. Among them:

• Gastritis. The stomach is located in the upper third of the epigastric region. Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Pain can be observed, including in the area of ​​the left side (hypochondrium).

• Gastroduodenitis. It is a defeat of the final section of the stomach and duodenum. It is almost impossible to distinguish between this pathology and gastritis on its own. Even a doctor at first glance will not be able to make a similar diagnosis. It is necessary to go through some tests.

• Pancreatitis (reactive, etc.). Pancreatitis in medical practice refers to inflammation of the pancreas. This is the most serious disease of the above, since it is severe, a fatal outcome is possible.

• Injuries to the abdominal cavity. Bruises and tears of internal organs localized in the abdominal cavity are accompanied by aching pain in the area of ​​the injury. When it comes to pain in the left hypochondrium, the following can be affected: pancreas, left kidney, stomach, duodenum, spleen.

• Inflammatory lesions of the left kidney. In this case, the pain is localized in the projection of the diseased organ. We can talk about jade, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Each of the described diseases can give characteristic symptoms.

• Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder. Rarely, however, irradiation (recoil) of pain in the left hypochondrium is still possible.

• Cholelithiasis (stones in the gall bladder).

• Hepatitis of various origins. Can be mistaken for pancreatitis, since pain is often given to the left hypochondrium, despite the fact that the organ is located on the right.

• Sigmoiditis. It is an inflammation of the sigmoid colon.

• Colitis. Often, pain with inflammation of the colon is localized in the left side in front.

• Lesions of the spleen.

• Stomach ulcer. It is life-threatening, since as the process develops, perforation of the wall of the stomach with the subsequent development of peritonitis is possible.

There are many reasons why it hurts under the left rib in front. To understand and identify a specific disease is possible only after passing a series of instrumental studies.

Concomitant symptoms

Concomitant symptoms play a huge role in differential diagnosis, because according to the characteristic manifestations it is possible to suspect a particular disease. Among the symptoms are:

• Pain syndrome. It is characterized by different intensity and different character. With pancreatitis, the pains are cutting, localized in the left side, are girdle-like. The same thing is observed with gastritis, however, the pain in this disease intensifies after eating, while pancreatic pain syndrome is constant. In other cases, the discomfort is aching, pulling.

• Dyspeptic symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, all these are manifestations of stomach problems.

• Heartburn. The eternal companion of gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Heartburn occurs after eating and worsens with an empty stomach.

• A feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Most often occurs with problems with the gallbladder.

• A feeling of heaviness in the left side and epigastric region. Epigastric severity accompanies stomach problems.

• Violations of urination (oliguria - rare urination in small volumes, polyuria - the opposite).

• Pain in the pubic area, external genitalia.

• Feeling of incomplete urination.

• Pain in the lower back.

Everything described (the last four points) are symptoms of problems with the excretory system. Probably the kidneys are involved.

Symptoms are extremely numerous. You must carefully listen to your own body. Then you need to tell about all the manifestations to the doctor. It will be much easier to make an accurate diagnosis. Thus, the patient simplifies the work for the doctor, and for himself - life.

Diagnosis of pain in the left hypochondrium

Diagnostics begins with the selection of the right specialist for the visit. Gastrointestinal tract pathologies are handled by gastroenterologists. There may be problems with the excretory system. Here urologists and nephrologists come to the rescue (not to be confused with neurologists who treat pathologies of the nervous system).

The first thing a patient needs to do is seek the advice of a general practitioner. He will give the necessary directions and help determine the tactics of diagnosis. At the initial consultation, the profile specialist will ask questions regarding the patient's condition, the nature of complaints, their intensity and prescription. After collecting the anamnesis, palpation begins.

The doctor palpates the problem areas, observing the pain reactions. Through physical research, you can determine the structure of organs, their size.

At the end of the initial diagnostic measures, the specialist makes an approximate diagnosis and sends the patient to instrumental studies. Among them:

Ultrasound diagnosis of abdominal organs. It is carried out in order to identify the problem organ. Allows with a high degree of accuracy to determine the pathology. The same technique is used to assess the condition of the kidneys.

X-ray of the stomach with a contrast agent. It is often prescribed, informative in assessing the state of the stomach.

FGDS. Endoscopic, minimally invasive examination. Allows you to see with your own eyes the esophagus, stomach and initial sections of the small intestine. It is considered the gold standard in the examination of the stomach.

Liver and gastrointestinal scintigraphy. It is used to assess the functional state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the complex of these studies is enough for diagnosis.

Sore under the left rib in front: treatment

The answer to the question of what to do if it hurts under the left rib in front, suggests an unequivocal answer: you need to be treated. The treatment is mainly conservative. Only in exceptional cases is surgery necessary. Situations when the operation is not enough, they can be counted on the fingers:

• Pancreatitis in the acute phase with a severe course.

• Perforated gastric ulcer.

• Violation of the integrity of organs due to injury or due to the influence of other factors.

• Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

In other cases, if it hurts under the left rib in front, the treatment is medication.

The medicines of the following groups are used:

• Antispasmodic drugs. They are used to relieve pain by relieving spasm of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. These include: No-shpa, Drotaverin, Duspatalin, etc.

• Anti-inflammatory. They are used with great care, since many have a toxic effect on the digestive tract.

• Analgesics. Assigned to relieve pain. Analgesics should be selected carefully.

Analgesics and antispasmodics can be used at one’s own discretion on a temporary basis: there is a high risk of “lubricating” the clinical picture with prolonged use. You can take them only 1-3 days before visiting the doctor’s office.

The following drugs are also used:

• Heptoprotectors - to protect the liver.

• Diuretic medicines (diuretics for kidney problems).

• Etc.

Medication is prescribed only by a doctor and only by the results of diagnostic measures. Thus, the answer to the question of what to do if it hurts under the left rib in front, suggests itself.

Sore under the left rib in the front: prevention

Prevention of pain under the left rib in the front is quite simple and includes a number of measures and recommendations:

• It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet: malnutrition (nutritional reasons) is a significant factor in the development of gastrointestinal pathologies.

• Do not overcool.

• At the very first manifestations of pain, you should go to the doctor without wasting time.

Pain on the left under the rib can accompany a wide variety of diseases. It is important to respond in time and consult a specialist.


Watch the video: Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain according to abdominal regions (July 2024).