White Bean Lobio is a classic of Georgian cuisine. White Bean Lobio Recipes with Vegetables, Mushrooms, Chicken


Bean Lobio is a traditional Georgian dish.

It can be served as an independent dish, as well as a cold or hot snack, side dish and the basis for sandwiches.

White bean lobio - basic principles of preparation

To prepare this dish, use the simplest products that can be purchased at any store.

"Lobio" in Georgian means "beans". So called dishes that are prepared from these legumes. They differ in the variety of beans, which are used for cooking, its size, color, degree of boiling, as well as the addition of various spices and herbs.

Traditional lobio is made from red beans. But an equally tasty dish is obtained from white or spotty. Often, several varieties of legumes are used at once, but in this case they are boiled separately.

To make the beans cook faster, they soak it in water for at least six hours. At the same time, it is recommended to replace water several times. When the beans swell, they sort it out.

Then the swollen beans are poured with fresh water, and boiled over low heat for an hour and a half. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not boil off completely, so that the beans do not burn.

In addition to beans, you need onions and carrots. Vegetables are peeled, chopped and fried until soft. Then they are transferred to a pot with beans.

To make the dish spicy and spicy, add hot pepper and garlic, ground in a meat grinder, to it.

Lobio is mixed, if necessary, add a little drinking water, season with spices, salt and stew on low heat for an hour.

Before serving, lobio should be slightly kneaded, but not until mashed.

Lobio can be cooked with vegetables, mushrooms, tomato paste, chicken, nuts or meat.

Recipe 1. White Bean Lobio with Nuts


half a kilogram of white beans;

200 ml of vegetable oil;

three onions;

kitchen salt;

cilantro - a small bunch;

3 g of red pepper;

100 g of walnuts;

two large tomatoes;

Fresh basil - six leaves.

Cooking method

1. Wash the basil and tomatoes. Wash the beans and soak in the evening. Peel the garlic and onions. In the morning, throw the beans into a colander and rinse again. Put in a pan, fill with water and boil until soft.

2. Pour the peeled walnut kernels into a blender bowl and grind. After a minute you should get a small crumb. Set her aside for a while.

3. Chop the whole onion not too finely, because the onion slices should be felt in the finished dish. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Fry the onion in it until transparent.

4. Chop the tomatoes and add them to the fried onions. Then send boiled beans and chopped nuts here.

5. Season with ground red pepper and salt. Add finely chopped basil and cilantro. Squeeze the garlic cloves through a garlic squeezer. Pour in a pan half a glass of broth from beans. Stew on a small fire for ten minutes.

Recipe 2. White Bean Lobio with Vegetables


vegetable oil;


200 g of white beans;

common salt;


three cloves of garlic;

bell pepper pod;

three fresh tomatoes;


Cooking method

1. We cook Lobio according to the principle of vegetable stew. Wash the beans and soak them for at least six hours. Then boil the swollen beans until cooked. Vegetables can be used both fresh and frozen, if you cook a dish in the winter.

2. Rinse the eggplant, wipe it with a towel and crumble into small cubes. We spread the chopped vegetable in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes to get rid of bitterness.

3. Onion finely chopped, fry it in vegetable oil. Put the grated carrots and fry until golden brown.

4. Rinse the eggplant, squeeze it well and fry separately until ready. Add to the pan with other vegetables and continue to fry all together.

5. Rinse the tomatoes, wipe and finely chop. Add the tomatoes to the pan and simmer, constantly stirring. Sweet pepper cut into thin strips and add to the vegetables. Sprinkle fried vegetables with chopped parsley.

6. At the end, add the boiled beans and pour about half a glass of water. Stew until all the liquid has gone.

Recipe 3. White Bean Lobio with Mushrooms


a glass of white beans;



green onions;

three cloves of garlic;

hazelnuts - 100 g;

a third of a glass of vegetable oil;

300 g of dried mushrooms.

Cooking method

1. Beans sort and wash. Soak in cold water and leave for a couple of hours. Then change the water and send to simmer for a minimum fire for about an hour and a half. Beans should not be completely boiled. Salt the beans at the end.

2. Rinse the mushrooms, fill with warm water and leave for a couple of hours. Boil the pre-soaked mushrooms until half cooked in slightly salted water. Flip on a sieve and fry in hot oil along with onions.

3. Drain the water from the beans, add the mushrooms fried with onions and crushed garlic. Place the nuts in the blender bowl and chop everything into crumbs. Rinse cilantro, shake and chop finely. Add chopped nuts and chopped cilantro to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Pour in vegetable oil. Add a pinch of turmeric, red, black pepper and coriander. Mix well.

Recipe 4. White Bean Lobio in Tomato Sauce


half a kilogram of white beans;

250 ml of tomato juice;

200 g of sweet pepper;

two bay leaves;

two cloves of garlic;


onions - 100 g;

black pepper;

10 g of basil;

100 g of carrots;

vegetable oil;

100 g of cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Beans sorted out, put in a colander and rinse. Soak in water in the evening. The next day, throw the beans into a colander and wash it again. Boil until soft. About a quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, salt and add laurel leaves.

2. Rinse the cilantro, dry it on a napkin and grind it.

3. We clean vegetables. Cut the carrots into thin strips. Chop the onion in small pieces. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Pepper pods are cleaned from seeds, cut into small squares.

4. Heat oil in a cauldron, fry pepper, carrot and onion in it until soft. Pour in 50 ml of juice, put herbs and garlic, sprinkle with chopped basil and simmer for five minutes.

5. Put the boiled beans to the vegetables, pour in the remaining juice. Pepper the dish. Stir and simmer over low heat under a lid for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 5. Hot White Bean Lobio


white beans - 250 g;

ten stalks of celery;

a large bunch of parsley;

fresh tomatoes - 130 g;

cilantro leaves - 50 g;

garlic - four cloves;

celery (leaves) - 60 g;

red peppers - a small piece;

four bow heads;

lilac basil - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Sort the beans, removing all chopped and spoiled grains. Rinse the beans by changing the water several times. Then fill with water and leave for about eight hours.

2. After the allotted time, rinse the beans well again and pour again with cold water. Place the container with beans on a stove and bring to a boil without covering it with a lid.

3. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, put the stalk of celery, lavrushka, onion whole, and then twist the fire to a minimum to prevent boiling. Stir periodically with a wooden spatula so that the beans do not burn.

4. Cut the remaining onion into small pieces. Chop the garlic and grind in a mortar with coarse salt and hot pepper until gruel.

5. At the end, remove the celery stalk and onion. Next, gently stirring the broth, add chopped onions and about half of the garlic mixture into it.

6. Without stopping stirring the broth, bring the beans to full softness. Remove the pan from the stove and add the tomato puree from fresh tomato, adding the remaining greens.

7. Dilute adjika and uchi-suneli in a small amount of broth, and then introduce the resulting mixture into a pot with beans. Salt and season with freshly ground black pepper. Stir, cover and leave in a warm place for half an hour so that the dish is saturated with the aroma of spices and herbs.

Recipe 6. White bean lobio with chicken in a slow cooker


250 g of white beans;

table salt;

200 g of chicken breast;


200 g of tomatoes;


100 g of purple onions;

walnuts - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Previously sorted, soaked and washed beans spread in the device. Pour into it two multi-glasses of water. We turn on the quenching program for an hour.

2. Cut the raw chicken breast into small slices, put it in the device's capacity 20 minutes before the end of the regimen. Season with spices and salt.

3. Remove the beans and chicken breast from the bowl. We wash the bowl of the device and carefully wipe it dry.

4. Shred the onion in half rings. Pour fresh tomatoes over with boiling water, peel them and wipe them through a sieve. Finely chop the nuts, cut the greens.

5. Pour oil into the bowl of the device, put the onion and fry it for a quarter of an hour in the “baking” or “frying” mode.

6. Add tomato puree, herbs, spices and nuts. Return the beans to the bowl of the device. We mix everything. Cook in a quenching mode for half an hour.

White Bean Lobio - Tips and Tricks

  • Soak the beans in beer, so it turns out even more tender and softer.
  • Sauté the beans over the lowest heat so that it boils completely.
  • If you want to add sourness to the dish, add some wine vinegar.
  • Add tomato paste or tomatoes to lobio to get an interesting shade.
