Spicy sauce - a Japanese touch on the menu! Recipes of hot spicy sauces with pepper, kimchi, capelin caviar and flying fish, mayonnaise, garlic


Spicy is a whole group of aromatic and spicy sauces that are popular not only in Japanese cuisine. Initially, they were served and used exclusively for national dishes. Today spicy is popular all over the world. The spicy supplement goes well with rolls, meat, fish, poultry and seafood. It is difficult to find a dish to which it does not fit.

Spicy sauce - general principles of preparation

• Spicy pastes and other additives. Many spicy recipes use chili pasta, kimchi sauce, and other similar ingredients. They can be purchased at specialty stores or supermarket departments. There you can buy flying fish caviar, Worcester sauce, Japanese Kyupi mayonnaise, but I often replace it with our usual mayonnaise based on eggs and butter, which can also be done.

• Soy sauce. A frequent guest of spicy sauces. If it is not cauldron in the recipe, but water is used, then you can add and even replace it. But do not forget about the pronounced taste and salinity of the product, you should be careful with spices.

• Chilli. Of course, it is best to use natural pods, grind, cook on your own, but faster and easier when using pastes or replacing with dry ground pepper.

• Vegetables. They are rarely added to sauces. Usually this is garlic, onion, recipes with the addition of tomato are found. Vegetables are passerized, chopped, combined with the total mass according to the recipe.

• Vinegar. Lime or plain lemon juice is also added. These ingredients give an original taste, and also serve as additional preservatives that extend the shelf life. This is especially important when adding fresh caviar to the sauce.

Spicy Roll Sauce

One of the most popular spicy sauce recipes used for rolls. Everything is prepared very quickly and simply, if there is a chili paste. You can replace it with a well-ground pod of hot pepper.


• 1 tsp chili pasta;

• 30 grams of soy sauce;

• 30 grams of mayonnaise:

• 40 grams of flying fish roe.


1. In general, it is better to use Japanese mayonnaise for the sauce. But the simplest sauce will do. Put it in a bowl.

2. Add the chili paste. Grind with mayonnaise until smooth. If you need to get a less spicy version of the sauce, then the amount of pasta can be slightly reduced or put half a spoon for easy piquancy.

3. Now we dilute all this with soy sauce. No more spices need to be added. Stir.

4. Lay the eggs of flying fish and you're done! It remains only to stir the sauce and you can go cook the rolls.

Spicy Soy Mayonnaise Sauce

This recipe is considered by many to be classic, which is very controversial. If there is no soy mayonnaise, then use a regular medium-fat sauce.


• 80 g mayonnaise;

• 2 tsp tomato sauce;

• 1 pod of chili;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• 65 g caviar of pollock;

• white and black pepper, salt.


1. Grind a sharp chili pod or take a similar amount of Japanese pasta.

2. Combine pepper and mayonnaise. Salt, put black and white pepper for the aroma, one pinch of each kind is enough, pour vinegar. Grind.

3. Lay the prepared pollack caviar, stir.

4. Close with a tight lid.

5. Place the spicy in the refrigerator, let the spicy sauce brew for two hours.

Spicy sauce with kimchi

Another variation of spicy sauce based on mayonnaise. Additionally, you need Japanese kimchi pasta and some soy sauce.


• 3 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

• 1 tsp kimchi;

• 1 tsp soy sauce;

• 1 pinch of pepper.


1. Put mayonnaise in a small bowl. We use the sauce to our taste, fat content does not matter either.

2. Add kimchi. Grind mayonnaise with pasta until smooth.

3. Only after that fill in the sauce, stir.

4. We throw a pinch of pepper. You can use a mixture of peppers, it will be even more aromatic. The sauce is ready! If everything is well mixed, then you can use it right away, no need to insist.

Spicy Garlic Sauce with Worcester Sauce

A variant of a very aromatic multi-component spicy sauce. An essential ingredient is Worcester sauce.


• 25 ml of Worcester sauce;

• 2 limes;

• 17 cloves of garlic;

• 8 pods of hot pepper;

• 100 grams of olive oil .;

• 60 g of onion;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• 260 ml of water;

• 200 ml of Japanese vinegar;

• 5 g of cumin.


1. Pour olive oil into a pan, send to heat.

2. Cut the onion, spread and fry a little.

3. We also cut the hot pods of pepper, add to the onion, slightly stew it all together.

4. Cut the peeled cloves of garlic into pieces, pour over to the onion and chili pepper. Cook together until soft. Do not fry strongly and stir constantly.

5. Remove from heat. Cool slightly.

6. Puree vegetables with a blender until smooth. It will turn out a very sharp paste.

7. Add Worcester sauce, cumin, then Japanese vinegar and stir well.

8. Now you need to dilute the mass with boiled water. You can take part of the soy sauce and not salt. We do as we like more.

9. Squeeze juice out of limes. You can take ordinary lemons, but then one is enough.

10. At the end, put granulated sugar, which will make the taste softer, stir. We close the dish with a tight lid so that the aromas do not disappear. Let the sauce brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Spicy sauce with baked peppers

A recipe for a very beautiful and bright sauce, which is prepared on the basis of baked chili pods and Bulgarian pepper. They can be prepared in advance if something is being cooked in the oven.


• 2 sweet peppers;

• 4 pods of chili;

• 1 tsp kimchi;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 60 ml of soy sauce;

• 10 g sugar;

• 2 tsp Japanese vinegar.


1. Lubricate the pepper with olive or plain vegetable oil. Put the pods on the wire rack. Cook at 200 degrees to a rosy color. If the chili is cooked faster, then take it out earlier. Cool down.

2. Carefully remove the baked skin, take out the seeds. We need only tender flesh. We put the prepared pieces in the blender's container, and in it we will prepare the sauce.

3. Grind the peppers for a minute.

4. Add kimchi and the remaining oil, whisk again.

5. Dilute the mass with soy sauce, put vinegar and sugar to improve the taste.

6. Now we interrupt the sauce for the last time, bring it to a homogeneous pasta and you're done! We serve Japanese dishes or just meat.

Spicy sauce with Tabasco

A variant of a very spicy, interesting, but easy to prepare sauce. The whole process will take no more than five minutes. Additionally, you need fresh garlic.


• 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

• 1 tbsp. l Tabasco sauce;

• 1 tbsp. l soya sauce;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 tsp chili pasta.


1. The longest in this recipe is the cleaning and chopping of garlic. Remove the husk, quickly chop or rub. Or we will use a special press.

2. Now add to the garlic all the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. If there is no chili paste, then you can pour a third of a teaspoon of dry red pepper.

3. Thoroughly rub the ingredients with a spoon. Fragrant and spicy spicy is ready!

Spicy sauce with sesame oil and onions

Another vegetable version of spicy sauce, which uses white onion and sesame oil.


• 2 tbsp. l sesame oil;

• 2 tbsp. l olive oil;

• 80 g of white onion;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp chili pasta;

• 10 ml of rice vinegar;

• 30 g of tomato sauce;

• 5 g of ginger (fresh root).


1. Peel the white onion and garlic, cut everything into pieces, stick together in the oil in a pan. Passage to softness.

2. Peel the ginger, chop, add to the vegetables, immediately pour the vinegar and put the tomato sauce. You can use any ketchup to your taste.

3. Stir everything in a pan, heat the food for about a minute to reveal the aroma, remove from heat, cool slightly.

4. Transfer vegetables to a blender, add chili paste to them and immediately pour soy sauce. Grind until smooth gruel.

5. At the end, add sesame oil to the sauce, stir.

Spicy Smoked Eel Sauce

This is not only a sauce, but also a full snack. A small amount of smoked eel ennobles and gives an amazing aroma. Serve the sauce to rolls, just to rice, pasta, use for tartlets and sandwiches.


• 100 g smoked eel;

• 100 g of Japanese mayonnaise;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp chili pasta;

• 1 tsp kimchi;

• 0.5 lime.


1. Squeeze the juice from the lime, you can not filter it, but it is better to remove the seeds that have got by chance.

2. Mix mayonnaise with lime and soy sauce.

3. Add kimchi, immediately lay the chili paste. Or we grind a fresh pod to a state of gruel, mix with the bulk.

4. First we cut the smoked eel into thin strips, then into small slices across.

5. Pour the eel into the sauce, stir.

6. Cover, leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Eel is soaked in sauce and will present its aroma.

Spicy sauce - useful tips and tricks

• If you plan to make the sauce for the future, then do not immediately add caviar, fresh herbs, vegetables to it. It is better to prepare a hot concentrate, which will stand perfectly in the refrigerator for several weeks, if necessary, dilute the base with the necessary ingredients.

• Spicy perfectly tolerates temperature changes and state changes. If a large amount of sauce is left or it contains perishable ingredients, then it can be poured into a sealed container, put in the freezer.

• Kimchi - spicy sauce with ginger, garlic and other aromatic ingredients. It is important not to confuse it with the Korean cabbage dish of the same name.


Watch the video: How to Make Hibachi Dinner at Home - Yum Yum Sauce Too! (July 2024).