A simple whiskey biscuit for a cake - let's not strain! Easy recipes for biscuits for oven, slow cooker, microwave


A good housewife is not the one who lives in the kitchen from morning to night, but the one who has several quick recipes in her culinary piggy bank and always has time for herself to love.

The real find will be quick and simple biscuits. They can be whipped up and used for a wide variety of homemade cakes.

A simple whipping cake for a cake - the general principles of cooking

Most biscuit cakes are cooked on eggs with sugar and flour. But in the classic version, the baking is slightly dry, requires impregnation, plentiful smearing with cream. On the one hand, it’s excellent, the cake will easily take the desired taste, such cakes are combined with all types of cream. But if you want to cook something tender and rich, then you can not do without other ingredients.

What products can be added:

• butter;

• sour cream, kefir, milk;

• boiling water, lemonade and other liquids.

For taste, cocoa powder, fruits or berries, vanilla, coffee, coconut or nuts are added to the biscuit, it all depends not only on the recipe, but also on personal taste. It must be remembered that dry ingredients, like cocoa powder, absorb moisture, you need to reduce the flour, otherwise the biscuit will turn out to be completely dry, heavy, and will crumble.

For baking, you need a greased form or a deep baking sheet, they need to be greased from the inside and sprinkled with flour. But it’s better to cut out a circle or a rectangle from parchment paper on the bottom, grease and cover it, you can simply grease the sides. In this case, problems with extracting the cake will definitely not arise. You can cook not only in the oven, but also in the slow cooker, below there are a couple of interesting recipes for the microwave.

Easy biscuit recipe

For the easiest biscuit recipe, you only need three ingredients and an extra bit of oil to lubricate the form, vanilla or zest for flavor, but you can add none of this. As an option - put everything in a cream or in the filling.


• four eggs;

• 120 g flour;

• 130 g of granulated sugar.


1. If there is a good powerful mixer, then the eggs can simply be broken into a bowl, add granulated sugar and beat well. In another case, the yolks and proteins are separated in different bowls, sugar is divided in half.

2. Beat whites in a steaming foam with sugar. The mass should be dense, light. Then beat the yolks. They will not turn into foam, but they will also become more magnificent, lighter.

3. Add flour, sift immediately to the yolks, stir and introduce whipped whites. Now stir gently to maintain the splendor of the dough.

4. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with flour. Or we put a piece of oiled parchment on the bottom, you can just take a silicone mold. We shift the dough, level the spatula with the top.

5. We send to bake. Temperature for a simple whiskey biscuit in the region of 180 degrees.

A simple whipping cake for cocoa cake

With cocoa powder, dark and chocolate cakes are obtained. For a simple whiskey biscuit for a cake, use dark powder without additives, then the color will be bright, the taste is pronounced.


• 35 grams of cocoa;

• 5 grams of baking powder (0.5 sachets);

• five eggs (if they are small, then we take six pieces);

• 90 grams of wheat flour;

• 170 grams of granulated sugar.


1. In a dry bowl, sift the flour mixed in advance with cocoa, add the baking powder to them. To give the biscuit a better flavor, you can add a pinch of vanilla or a little vanilla sugar.

2. In another bowl, break the eggs. If they are small, then take one more.

3. We begin to beat the eggs with a mixer, after about two minutes a good froth will appear. You can add granulated sugar in parts.

4. After adding the last portion of sugar, beat the biscuit mass for five minutes.

5. Switch the mixer to the lowest speed. If there is no slow speed, then take out and take the shoulder blade. Pour the flour, stir the dough for a few seconds.

6. Immediately shift it into the form and send it to the oven, which should have already warmed up well to 180 degrees.

Easy microwave biscuit recipe

This recipe for a light biscuit in the microwave is a real find for those who do not have enough time. You can bake one large cake or make several cupcakes using small silicone molds. If you need to cook a large cake, you can bake several thin cakes.


• 0.5 cups flour;

• 0.5 cups of sugar;

• 1 tbsp. l starch;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 tsp cognac;

• 0.5 tsp baking powder.


1. Beat the separated proteins into a steep foam with half the norm of sugar, set the mass aside for several minutes.

2. Beat the yolks until smooth, pour over the egg whites, add the flour mixed with a cultivator, pour in a teaspoon of brandy. But you can cook a biscuit without it.

3. Pour the dough. It is convenient to use a silicone mold. But you can take other dishes suitable for cooking in the microwave. Lubricate from the inside, sprinkle with flour.

4. Put the sponge cake in the microwave for 5 minutes, the maximum power.

5. As soon as the time runs out, the furnace will give a signal, we detect another five minutes. Do not open, let the biscuit stand a little.

6. We take out, cool, use any cream for lubrication.

Simple whiskey sponge cake for a cake with berries

Sponge cakes with berries have one huge advantage - they do not need to be greased or decorated, they are additionally filled with something. You can just sprinkle with powder. But, if you really want to, you can decorate and cover with glaze.


• four eggs;

• a glass of any seedless berries;

•? glasses of sugar;

• a glass of flour;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• a spoonful of starch.


1. If berries with pits, for example, cherries or cherries, then take out, prepare before kneading dough.

2. Break the eggs into a large bowl. Immediately pour all the recipe sugar, turn on the mixer, beat the mass for about five minutes.

3. Add baking powder mixed with flour into the dough, stir.

4. Put the starch in the berries, mix gently and also run into the biscuit mass. Gently stir, shift into shape. You can pour the dough first, and then spread the berries on top.

5. We send the form to the heated oven. Temperature 170-180. Bake for about half an hour until cooked. Immediately do not take the biscuit out of the mold, let it get a little stronger.

Easy multicooker biscuit recipe

Another option for a very juicy and light biscuit in a slow cooker. It is cooked immediately with filling, it turns out just incredibly tender, heavy, something like a brownie.


• a glass of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• two eggs;

• three tablespoons of cocoa;

• 130 grams of flour;

• 10 g of baking powder;

• 100 ml of oil.


1. Take any two bowls, divide the milk in half, pour. We also share sugar and cocoa. First we stir one mixture, remove to the side. Stir the second.

2. Into the second mixture we introduce fresh eggs, shake the mass until smooth.

3. Pour in vegetable oil, pour out flour, cocoa, ripper and quickly stir.

4. Pour the dough into the greased multicooker bowl. We make sure that it is distributed in an even layer.

5. We bake for 50 minutes in the appropriate mode.

6. Open the slow cooker. We quickly pierce the whole cake with a toothpick, make a lot of holes.

7. Stir the first mixture, which was previously set aside, water. Close the slow cooker, leave the chocolate biscuit for a couple of hours, so that it soaks.

A simple whipping sponge cake for a cake with cocoa in the microwave

A variant of a simple whipping chocolate biscuit for an egg-based cake with milk. Refined vegetable oil, that is, odorless, is used.


• two eggs;

• six tbsp. l flour;

• eight tbsp. l Sahara;

• five tablespoons of milk;

• two tbsp. l starch;

• 10 tbsp. l milk;

• three tbsp. l cocoa;

• 6 tbsp. l oils;

• 10 g of ripper.


1. Shake the eggs with milk. You can not beat, but if you have a mixer at hand, you can completely knead the dough with it, it will turn out very quickly.

2. Add sugar, stir until the lumps dissolve.

3. Combine cocoa with flour and other dry products, stir. It is best to sift the mixture to saturate with oxygen.

4. Add the flour to the eggs and milk. Stir.

5. Enter the vegetable oil. Although, with melted margarine and butter, everything also turns out. Stir the last time.

6. We shift to the form, send for five minutes in the microwave.

7. After the signal, leave the biscuit to stand for another seven minutes. Only after this can you open the door and carefully get out the form.

A simple whipping cake for a cake - useful tips and tricks

• Any biscuit can be poured onto a baking sheet, bake a thin layer and use it for roll. Just make sure that the layer thickness is the same, the pan is covered, and the biscuit is not too dry, otherwise it will be difficult to twist.

• The yolks do not want to be crushed, remain grains of sugar? Put the bowl in a pan with warm water, everything will disperse perfectly in two or three minutes, the mass will become light.

• To make the biscuit smooth, the form with the dough added to it must be gently rocked to the sides. Confectioners recommend repeatedly knocking the bottom on the countertop.

• Do not put the biscuit in a cold or insufficiently warmed oven; protein exfoliation will begin. A crust resembling meringue will appear on top, bottom will be moist, dense, heavy.

• The sponge cake was pulled out early, it was not baked inside? Only a microwave oven will help, you can’t put it back into the oven, the cake will only dry.
