The use of dandelion juice in folk medicine: benefits and composition. Who should not dandelion juice: harm and side effects from the elixir


Everyone is accustomed to treat the ubiquitous plant with bright yellow flowers, like a weed. But in fact, and he can find a worthy use for the benefit of the body. Especially valuable is dandelion juice, whose properties and healing qualities are reflected in various branches of traditional medicine.

What dandelion juice consists of: the benefits of components for the body

The plant juice is distinguished by a high content of elements such as calcium, potassium, sodium. Few people know, but dandelion juice is the best source of iron and magnesium.

The structure of the plant includes liquid glycosides (taraxacin, taraxacerin) and the substance inulin, which take part in the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. Among the components of plant juice, you can find a whole group of vitamins, which include A, E, C, B2, PP. An important set of useful elements is also important:

• micro and macro elements: titanium, copper, nickel, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus;

• mineral salts;

• tannins;

• proteins;

• rubber substances;

• saponins;

• sugar;

• fatty oil;

• choline;

• resins;

• waxes.

The composition is rich in carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which positively affects the organs of vision. When collecting plants, it is always worth considering the fact that the concentration of inulin increases closer to autumn.

Thanks to this set of components, medicinal juice has useful features:

• positively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys;

• removes accumulated toxins, harmful substances and toxins from the body;

• has a calming effect on the human nervous system;

• takes part in the treatment of diabetes;

• normalizes metabolic processes in the body;

• eliminates constipation;

• improves blood composition;

• eliminates swelling after insect bites;

• Increases breast milk production in nursing women.

Juice has a large number of positive properties:

• urinary and choleretic;

• tonic;

• soothing;

• anti-inflammatory;

• expectorant;

• pain medication;

• anti-carcinogenic;

• antispasmodic.

Plant juice can be applied externally, usually as a cosmetic product. But much more often it is taken orally.

Homemade dandelion juice: properties and medicinal qualities of a plant

The list of healing qualities of the elixir of harmless and useful weed can be continued endlessly. Among the discovered and verified healing powers of the plant are:

1. The possibility of treating diabetes.

2. Benefits in the treatment of cancer.

3. Effective cleaning of the liver, blood vessels - everything is explained by the presence of antioxidants in the composition.

4. Excretion of atherosclerotic plaques, kidney stones and gall bladder.

5. The elimination of inflammation of the stomach, the normalization of high acidity.

6. Reducing joint pain with gout.

7. For colds, juice is used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

8. Cooked decoctions from weed juice help restore strength, increase insulin production in the body, normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins.

9. Compresses and lotions are prepared from the juice, which have a wound healing effect and accelerate the processes of fracture bone fusion.

The use of dandelion juice - contraindications and harm from the plant

Often dandelion juice is used not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes. The liquid prevents the appearance of kidney stones, but it is not able to fight with existing formations.

The elixir from dandelions is quite effectively used in the cosmetic field. Most often it is used to rid the skin of age spots, freckles. When mixing drugs with hair cosmetics, for example, masks or shampoos, you can strengthen the hair follicles and make the hair obedient.

When using the juice inside, it is necessary to ensure that it is always fresh to avoid side effects. As an external remedy, juice is used to remove corns, warts, in the treatment of eczema and conjunctivitis.

With regular drinking of dandelion fluid, the general condition of the body improves. If there are no contraindications, the work of the stomach and intestines will improve - these organs will work without failures. In this case, the level of cholesterol in the body will be reduced. A mild diuretic effect normalizes blood pressure. A high potassium content allows you to take the elixir for heart failure. And the remaining components in the composition will prevent the leaching of potassium from the body.

Dandelion juice is actively used to treat various diseases by both adherents of traditional and traditional medicine supporters. Thanks to him, you can successfully deal with such ailments:

• colitis;

• pyelonephritis;

• periodontal disease;

• poor appetite;

• anemia;

• cataract;

• asthma;

• joint diseases.

There is no contraindication to the use of juice for nursing mothers and pregnant women. It ensures the safety of the fetus, destroying various kinds of infections without outside interference of drugs. In the process of breastfeeding, the elixir increases lactation.

How to get dandelion juice: contraindications and the benefits of elixir

Only the juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, extracted in early spring, is useful for treatment and ingestion. Extract juice from the whole plant, and not just from the stem, from which it always stands out when the flower is torn off. This procedure is carried out from May to June. For this, the plant is crushed and extraction is carried out with a small portion of water. To reduce the bitter taste of the future medicine, the plant is soaked for 30 minutes in slightly salty water before the procedure.

The juice preparation process looks like this:

1. Leaf preparation - the plant is thoroughly washed in cold water, allowed to dry, finely chopped, placed in a colander and poured with boiling water.

2. The finished raw material is passed through a meat grinder, then the extraction passes through a dense fabric.

3. The resulting liquid should be combined with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and boiled for 3 minutes.

It is necessary to take medicine daily before meals for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day. One serving should be 2 tbsp. l Ready dandelion juice can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator. You can use it to make alcohol tinctures.

Virtually no dandelion juice contraindications. With caution, it should be treated by such people or completely abandoned the use of such people:

• with diseases of gastritis or stomach ulcer;

• with blockage of the biliary tract;

• with Crohn's disease;

• with individual intolerance to plant components.

Juice is contraindicated for people suffering from frequent diarrhea. And an overdose of the plant can provoke an upset stomach and cause vomiting.

To avoid harm to the body from dandelion juice, the plant should be collected in environmentally friendly places. Or at least avoid areas near roads, factories, landfills. By their nature, dandelions tend to accumulate harmful emissions and lead.


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