Honey Chuck Chuck - step by step recipes with photos and all the details. Cooking a delicious and fragrant Tatar chuck chuck as in the photo


Chuck Chuck is a real honey slide! This is a very delicious Tatar dessert that resembles a bunch of golden nuts. Every slice of crispy dough is “dressed” in a honey shirt. The dessert is actually very tasty, fragrant and beautiful. It is perfectly stored for several days, but it tastes best fresh.

Here are the best step-by-step chuck-chak recipes with photos and the most detailed descriptions of the cooking steps.

Chuck Chuck - General Cooking Principles

The dough for oriental sweets is always prepared on eggs, this is the main ingredient. Sugar is not added to it, as well as additional fats, but alcohol is often present. It can be cognac, vodka or another drink with a strength of at least 40 degrees. Due to its addition, small balls, of which the dessert actually consists, are crispy, porous. But sometimes other test options are used, for example, on milk. This can also be done, especially if there is no vodka. The dough is kneaded quite steeply, balls, straws or sticks are formed from it.

How to form dough for chuck-chuck:

1. With rolling. A piece of dough is rolled into a layer with a rolling pin, noodles are cut. Then it is cut across into small pieces or sticks, depending on the desired shape.

2. From flagella. The dough is divided into several parts and long sausages, or flagella, are rolled out from small pieces. As in the first embodiment, they are cut across pieces of the desired shape and size.

3. Balls. You can pinch off small pieces, roll balls with your palms. But this method is rarely used, since it is quite laborious and takes a lot of time.

Cooking chuck-chuck is always deep-fried. No need to save oil on it, slices of dough should float freely. It’s convenient to use not a frying pan, but a stewpan for frying, it is even better to take a cauldron. Since the walls are thick, the heat will be distributed evenly.

The fried dough pieces are combined with syrup. It is made from honey and granulated sugar. The ingredients just warm up, you don’t need to cook anything for a long time, but the sugar should completely dissolve. Balls or sticks in the glaze are laid out slide on a plate.

Classic Tatar Chuck Chuck: a step by step recipe with a photo (on cognac)

In this step-by-step recipe with a photo, the chuck-chuck is prepared with the addition of cognac. But you can also use ordinary vodka or even moonshine. It is advisable to knead the dough in advance so that it has time to lay down.


• 500 grams of flour;

• five eggs;

• brandy spoon;

• 1.5 cups of any honey;

• 70 grams of granulated sugar;

• 600-700 ml of refined oil.


1. We take a bowl convenient for kneading dough, break eggs into it, immediately add cognac. Beat with a whisk for a couple of minutes until smooth.

2. The flour must be sifted, otherwise lumps may form in the egg mass. We fall asleep, but not all. First, 2/3 of the total mass is enough, start kneading the dough in a bowl, then transfer to a table sprinkled with flour. Pour the flour until the dough becomes a pleasant consistency. From above it will be a little rough, not smooth, this is normal.

3. Let the dough lie on the table. We cover with a piece of film or simply turn over the bowl in which they were kneaded.

4. Pour the deep-frying oil into a convenient dish. We prepare a slotted spoon, spread the paper on a baking sheet or simply on the countertop, take out the fried things better on it, then transfer to a bowl.

5. We get the egg dough. We roll a cake out of it, cut a long noodle with a width of not more than five millimeters, it is better to make it smaller. Cut into pieces. Or we form flagella, you can roll balls. The features of these formation methods are described in detail above.

6. Heat the deep fat, but not to the haze. First, dip one piece of dough into the oil to check the temperature. If bubbles appear around it, the ball inflates and begins to brown, then you can start frying. But this piece must be obtained so that it does not burn.

7. Throw a handful of cooked balls in deep fat, fry until golden. No need to achieve a golden brown crust, it can ruin the taste of chak-chak. The base should have a golden wheaten tint.

8. Remove the balls with a slotted spoon, shaking off excess oil.

9. Throw a new batch, prepare the chuck-chuck until the dough is over.

10. Put honey in a saucepan, add sugar to it, put on a stove and melt. Sometimes they are heated in a water bath. But it's easier to do it on the stove, there is not much difference. After dissolution, remove the honey mixture from the fire.

11. Now you need to cover the balls with the prepared syrup. Either wet each, or pour the whole mass with honey immediately in a bowl, stir.

12. Put the honey chuck-chuck on a plate with a slide. Let the dessert stand for a while so that it “grabs”. When serving, the dessert is cut, but you can serve it and separate it with a fork.

Walnut Chuck Chuck: Step by Step Recipe with Photo

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of nut chuck-chuck. This dessert will have an unusual aroma. It is better to use walnuts, they are ideally combined with honey. Here, proportions are given for the preparation of a small dessert, if necessary, the number of products must be proportionally increased.


• 150 g flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tbsp. l vodka;

• 3 tbsp. l honey;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 60 g of nuts;

• a pinch of salt;

• deep-frying oil.


1. Break a couple of eggs in a bowl, add a small pinch of salt, shake until smooth, add vodka, stir and pour the sifted flour. Knead the elastic dough.

2. Let the dough lie down while we cook the nuts. We pour them into a dry frying pan, fry them to enhance the taste, remove excess moisture. If desired, you can use peanuts, hazelnuts, but walnuts give the strongest flavor.

3. Cool the finished nuts. The kernels can be left large or chopped as you like. Grinding into small crumbs is not recommended, it will stick unevenly, ruining the appearance of the dessert.

4. Return to the test. Cut it into elongated pieces. Then from each roll thin and long flagella, cut across small balls or straws of 1-2 centimeters. You can form blanks in another way, as described just above.

5. We heat the deep fat in a tall bowl, throw the dough pieces, fry them in pieces until golden brown.

6. Combine honey and sugar, melt until a homogeneous syrup.

7. Sprinkle the fried dough in a bowl convenient for mixing, add the fried nuts first, then pour in warm honey syrup.

8. Stir, put a slide on a plate.

9. You can collect this chuck-chak in layers, laying nuts. Or sprinkle with them a finished slide, but immediately after assembly, so that all the pieces stick. For reliability, you can optionally press it with your hands.

Chuck-chuck: step by step recipe (without vodka)

In this step-by-step recipe with a photo, the chuck-chuck is prepared from another test. It is distinguished by the absence of vodka. You can use any whole milk, condensed milk will not work. Butter can be replaced with margarine.


• 5 eggs;

• 0.5 cups of milk;

• 1 tbsp. l butter;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of honey;

• 5-6 Art. sifted flour;

• 0.3 tsp fine salt;

• 500-700 g of deep-frying oil.


1. Shake the eggs, add room temperature milk to them, salt and add melted or well-softened butter. Stir thoroughly.

2. Add the sifted flour, knead the steep dough, remove it to lie in the bag so that the mass goes limp, it becomes more malleable, easy to use.

3. It is possible to add oil for deep-frying, combine honey with sugar, but not to melt, it is better to do this before assembling the dessert.

4. We take out the dough from the bag, make balls or small sticks out of it, as we like more.

5. Warm up the oil, fill in a small portion, fry until golden brown. Take out slotted spoon.

6. Fry all the dough that remains.

7. Put on the stove melt honey and granulated sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat so that all the sugar grains dissolve.

8. Pour the fried slices from the dough into a large bowl, pour honey syrup, mix.

9. Place the dessert on a plate with a slide, firmly pressing the pieces so that there are as few voids as possible inside.

Chuck Chuck - Tips & Tricks

• To at least slightly reduce the calorie content of chuck-chuck, you need to remove excess oil. To do this, slices of the dough after frying should immediately be laid out on paper napkins or on towels, cover the balls with them from above, squeeze a little. Paper will quickly absorb excess fat.

• Chuck-chuck can be cooked not only with nuts. Variants with poppy seeds, raisins, and other dried fruits are very tasty. But first they need to be washed, dried, if necessary, cut into small pieces. If you want to make a bright dessert for children, you can add candied fruit or chopped marmalade, small sweets.

• Optionally lay out a large honey slide. You can make many small desserts. If the delicacy is prepared for someone and requires transportation, it is convenient to lay it out in silicone forms. From them it is easy to remove the chuck-chuck at the right time, transfer to a dish or plate.

• Chuck-chuck is not always prepared with honey, as it is a rather allergenic product, and also expensive. You can replace it with concentrated sugar syrup, i.e. undercooked caramel.


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