Cream for the cake: step by step recipes for homemade desserts. We prepare sweet and airy creams for cakes according to step by step recipes


A cake without cream is just a miserable parody. It is the filling that meets the taste and look. It is very important that it was sweet, airy, thick and pleasantly smelled. Here are collected step-by-step recipes for the best cream creams for the cake, which are simple and easy to prepare. They definitely will not flow and will certainly please you with a great taste.

Cream for cake - general principles of preparation

All creams for cakes are prepared on a milk basis. Most often used are cream, sour cream, condensed milk. Custards are very tasty and inexpensive, they can be cooked immediately on whole milk or on diluted condensed milk, eggs, flour or starch are added. If you want to cook a chic cream, then use mascarpone cheese, below is a step-by-step recipe.

What else is present in creams:

• cocoa or chocolate;

• sugar or powder;

• vanilla and other flavorings;

• butter.

The ingredients for the cream are usually whipped, it is convenient to use a mixer. Sometimes the mass is brewed, you may need a saucepan, stove. There are simple recipes in which products are simply mixed. But it’s better to whip sour cream, cream and butter. In this case, the filling will not turn out sugary, the cream will come out more due to the increase in volume, the mass will be thicker.

Custard for the cake: a step-by-step recipe for milk

A classic step-by-step custard cake recipe. Vanilla sugar is added for the flavor, but you can also pour ordinary vanillin or pour a few drops of essence. Custards for cakes differ from those with which cakes are filled, they should turn out to be thick, lush.


• 500 g of milk;

• 160 g of granulated sugar;

• 3 tbsp. l flour;

• 2 yolks;

• 1 tbsp. l vanilla sugar;

• 220 g butter.


1. To prepare the cream you will need a saucepan in which milk does not stick. You can use a small cauldron.

2. Sift the flour, you can use a fine strainer. You can not miss this moment, so that no lumps appear in the cream.

3. Add granulated sugar to the flour, mix the dry ingredients.

4. Separate the yolks from the proteins, transfer to a pan and shake with a whisk.

5. Add a glass of milk to the yolks, shake all together until a light froth.

6. Pour flour with sugar into a saucepan, stir the mixture with a whisk until smooth.

7. Pour in the remaining milk.

8. Put custard on the stove. According to the rules, he cooks in a water bath. You can cook just on the burner, but in this case they do not leave it for a minute, you need to follow the process so that nothing burns.

9. The mass is stirred from the bottom up, the thickening cream rises. We don’t do big fire.

10. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, and the cream becomes thicker, it will resemble jelly, remove it from the heat.

11. Leave to cool completely. If it was needed for cakes, then you can immediately add oil, dissolve in a hot mass, cool. But for a cake, it’s better not to do that. If time is short, then to speed up cooling, you can put the saucepan in a basin or in a bath of cold water, stir occasionally.

12. Cut the butter into pieces, leave in a warm place for an hour. You can’t heat or melt it, the product should just soften well.

13. Put the butter in a convenient bowl for whipping. Immerse the mixer, turn it on at high speed and whisk the butter until white and lush foam.

14. As soon as the oil began to resemble a cream, add a milk mixture to it with a spoon and introduce vanillin. All this time we continue to beat. If you connect everything at once, then grains and lumps may appear, so we are not in a hurry.

15. The finished cream is removed in the refrigerator. Let it stand a little and get stronger. We use to lubricate any biscuit, puff, sand cake.

Cream for cake "Ice cream": a step by step recipe

This step-by-step cake cream recipe uses cream. But there are options for ice cream on sour cream, it is also very tasty with it, a slight sourness appears. Cream should be taken 33%, which are intended for whipping.


• 250 ml cream;

• 250 ml of milk;

• 100 g of oil;

• 2 tbsp. l corn starch;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 4 yolks;

• vanillin.


1. The cream is prepared on a custard basis, it is advisable to make it in advance so that the mass cools down to room temperature. You need to start with it. Separate the yolks, the proteins are not useful. Put the yolks in a saucepan.

2. Mix corn starch and granulated sugar. In general, potato starch can also be used, but from corn is preferable.

3. Pour the sugar mixture to the yolks and beat with a mixer for two minutes. Most of the grains will dissolve, the mass will become like a cream.

4. Add milk, whisk for a few more seconds and put the mixture on the stove. Cook on low heat until it thickens and becomes like semolina porridge. Remove and cool.

5. Soften butter at room temperature. Beat for a few seconds and gradually combine with custard.

6. Pour the cream in a dry and clean bowl, immerse the mixer and beat until dense foam.

7. Carefully introduce the cream into the cooked custard.

8. For the aroma, add vanillin. Sometimes lemon zest is put in the ice cream, but it is important to grind it very well before that. Ideally, dried zest is used, ground into a powder.

9. Cream "Ice cream" is ready! Do not store it for a long time in the refrigerator, it is better to use it immediately, while the mass is fresh and fragrant.

Chocolate Cake Cream: A Step-by-Step Recipe

A variant of a delicious chocolate cream cake. In this step-by-step recipe, it is cooked on sour cream. We take a fatty and thick product so that the future dessert does not float.


• 480 g sour cream;

• 250 g of sugar. powder

• 2 tbsp. l cocoa;

• 50 g of oil;

• 150 g of dark chocolate;

• 1 g vanilla.


1. Open the chocolate, break into pieces, put in a bowl.

2. Add the butter sliced. If the product is softened, then put it just like that.

3. Set to melt. The ideal option is to use a water bath. To do this, one pan is placed on another, filled with liquid. When heated, heat and steam slowly melt the product. Chocolate is smooth, shiny, does not curl and does not stick.

4. You can melt immediately on the stove. But the fire must be minimized and constantly interfere.

5. Alternatively, use a microwave. To do this, the products are placed in a suitable dish and heated, chocolate must be stirred every 10-15 seconds.

6. In any case, the main thing is not to overheat the product. Once it becomes homogeneous, you need to stop heating.

7. Mix powdered sugar and cocoa powder, sift in a bowl.

8. Combine the sweet mixture with sour cream, beat with a mixer for a minute. We do it carefully so as not to turn into oil.

9. Add a little vanilla to the chocolate cream to enhance the flavor. You can take the essence with the scent of vanilla or chocolate. A deep taste is obtained by adding coffee. It is necessary to dilute a small amount with hot water to the pulp, cool and combine.

10. At the very end, we introduce the melted chocolate, whip and done! This cream is good in that after cooling it becomes thicker, does not drip from the cakes, thick layers can be applied.

Amazing cake cream: a step-by-step recipe with mascarpone

This step-by-step cake cream recipe uses mascarpone cream cheese. The mass is quite thick, it is great not only for decoration, but also for leveling the surface.


• 220 ml of heavy cream;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 120 g butter;

• 0.45 kg of mascarpone;

• 160 g of powdered sugar.


1. Butter needs to be very well softened, but do not let it melt.

2. Combine the butter and cream cheese, stir and add half the icing sugar. We continue to interfere until the mass becomes homogeneous.

3. Add vanilla to the cheese mass.

4. Measure the cream, pour into an empty bowl.

5. Beat the cream with a mixer until they begin to turn into foam.

6. Add the remaining powdered sugar. We continue to beat until beautiful patterns begin to move away from the mixer corollas.

7. Add cream to the first mascarpone cream, gently stir or whisk with a mixer, but only at the smallest speed.

8. The cream is ready! If to use it for greasing cakes. Then you can collect the cake right away.

9. If the mascarpone cream is designed to level the cake, you can cool it slightly. It is better to level the surface in two stages. First grease the cake from all sides and cool, all crumbs are printed. Then apply the finish layer and align with a spatula, a large knife.

10. The same cream can be prepared in a chocolate version. Add 100 g of dark chocolate, melted with 40 g of butter, the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Cream for the cake - useful tips and tricks

• Do not mix butter with other components immediately, there is a risk of lumps. It is important to add sour cream, condensed milk or custard gradually, whipping the butter each time until smooth.

• All cream ingredients should have the same temperature. Otherwise, there is a risk of stratification of the mass, water may move away or grains will appear.

• Flour, cocoa, starch are always sifted before adding to creams. It will be difficult to disperse the lumps in a dense mass, it is better to get rid of them immediately.

• If the cream is liquid, it can be thickened. To do this, add special powder, gum or diluted and melted gelatin to the prepared mass. Perfectly thickens the mass of melted chocolate.


Watch the video: Only 2 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse Recipe Just In 15 Minutes (June 2024).