Is a kitten’s dry nose normal or abnormal? In which cases a kitten’s dry nose means a disease, what to do if the nose is hot


Any malaise in a small kitten should not be ignored. The condition of the nose can tell a lot about the health of a furry baby.

Dry kitten nose - normal

Normally, the sense of smell in cats is cold and wet. Why is he like that? The animal itself often licks, moisturizing the nose, and the mucous membrane of the organ of smell releases moisture. In nature, it helps the cat hunt - a wet nose better captures the direction of the wind and the smells that it brings, including the smell of possible prey.

But still, sometimes the kitten’s nose can become dry, and this does not mean any disease. If the baby is sleeping or just waking up, running and playing a lot, playing, his nose can become warm and dry for some time. Dryness can also provoke heat, a lack of fresh air in the room. If a small purr perches on a hot battery or falls apart in the sun, the olfactory organ quite naturally heats up with the pet itself. After some time, the nose will return to its normal moist, cool state. In such cases, the owner has no reason to worry.

A kitten’s dry nose is a sign of illness.

In some cases, a dry and hot nose is one of the important symptoms that allow a kitten to suspect a particular disease. And here, the owner, first of all, needs to evaluate the general condition of the baby. If the kitten became lethargic, refuses to eat, does not want to play, lies and does not get up, then in combination with these signs, a dry nose looks like a very alarming symptom. Especially if its color has changed, it has become red, too pale or bluish.

Redness of the nose can indicate any infection in the body, rhinitis in a kitten, or some kind of mechanical damage to the organ of smell. If the nose turns white, this is a sign of a malfunction in the circulatory system. When you turn blue, you can suspect problems with the respiratory system, in particular, the inflammatory process, and the cat’s nose turns blue due to a lack of oxygen and heart failure. And if the dry nose gets a yellowish tint, there may be a disorder in the liver.

Dry kitten nose - concomitant symptoms of diseases

Watch the kitten carefully. There are a number of signs that, coupled with a dry nose, will indicate the development of the disease:

• the kitten has become lethargic, sad, lethargic or too anxious;

• the animal has loose stools, it feels sick and vomits;

• frequent urination (or vice versa is too rare);

• the kitten often and hard breathes, oppressed breathing, shallow;

• the pet's hair is in poor condition, it is tangled, untidy, falls out.

It is also necessary to examine the nose for discharge. Normally, they are not abundant and transparent. Yellowish, green, foaming evidence of illness.

Nasal discharge, which turns into crusts, indicates the presence of a viral disease. In this case, purulent discharge from the eyes, refusal of food and the general weakness of the animal become their companions. In the presence of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible, since we can talk about such dangerous, acute diseases like cat distemper (panleukopenia), rhinotracheitis or calcivirosis.

If at the same time as the nose is dry, small wounds, cracks, sores with crusts are noted on the skin of the kitten, this may be a sign of diabetes mellitus or dermatitis. And with frequent urination, which is accompanied by a mournful meow, you can suspect cystitis or other diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Dry kitten nose - what to do

If the nose of a small pet becomes hot and dry, measure the temperature of the baby. In cats, it is higher than in humans. For small kittens, a temperature of 38.5 to 39.5 degrees is considered normal. It is measured by an ordinary thermometer rectally. With an increase in body temperature to 40 degrees or higher, an infectious or viral disease can be suspected. In this case, the kitten may have hot ears, the baby begins to shiver. In this case, a visit to the doctor should be immediate. It is strictly forbidden to give animals any antipyretic medicine without consulting a veterinarian. It is possible to alleviate the condition of a kitten at high temperature by moistening its coat, and the animal should also have access to fresh water. But these are only temporary measures! The real treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, dry nose and fever are noted if the kitten is overheated. An animal, like a human being, can receive sun or heat stroke. Along with general lethargy, the baby's heart rate and breathing become more frequent. If the problem is in heat and overheating, you need to pick up the kitten in a cool place, drink it, or at least wet the spout with water. Soaking the legs and ears with cold water will also improve the condition of the pet.

The kitten’s nose can become dry and hot due to severe diarrhea and vomiting. The reason for this is dehydration. It is necessary to restore water balance. But often in this condition, the pet refuses or simply cannot drink. Here, one can not do without professional veterinary care. The doctor will prescribe a kitten injections or droppers.

Can tell a kitten’s dry nose about problems with the intestines or stomach. Sometimes wool accumulates there, which is not excreted naturally. This problem most often occurs in animals with a thick and fluffy fur coat. Malta paste helps to get rid of woolen lumps and prevent their formation. There are also special feeds aimed at combating this problem. The grass for cats, which can be raised in a pot and offer a kitten, also does a good job of it.

Also, the dryness of a cat’s nose can occur against the background of a stressful situation: severe fright, moving by car, high-profile games of children. Everything is simple: the animal must be reassured, offer him water, and the condition of the nose will quickly return to normal.

So, a kitten’s dry nose itself may well be a normal option. But if other symptoms accompany it, the owner will need attention and a quick call to the veterinarian.


Watch the video: Signs of Common Cat Health Problems - Cat Care (July 2024).