Why dream about school, go to school, teach at school? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what the school dreams of


In a dream, you can get into any situation, find yourself in any, even the most unusual place.

Why is the school dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What school dreams about - the main interpretation

The school is dreaming of as a symbol of the knowledge that you will gain through your perseverance and your efforts. But it is important to consider all the details and all the nuances of sleep, in order to further understand its interpretation:

• Did you dream about your former school;

• Did you study at school, or taught someone;

• What exactly did you do at school;

• What emotions have visited you during, and after sleep.

Not for everyone, school years were a period of joy and self-development. Many people recall them with horror and even with negative emotions. Do you remember your school with the same emotions?

The dream in which you had an unfamiliar school - says that some events of the past were not realized or thought over by you. Now it’s time to figure out everything that happened in your past, maybe we’ll talk about some negative events that you don’t want to forget about and carry the burden of the past with you to the future.

What does school dream about if you see yourself as a teenager who is late for a lesson - such a dream means that soon you will be filled with emotions and feelings of the past. Depending on whether you had a lesson in a dream, the emotions in real life will be like that.

If you didn’t have time for a lesson, it means that in real life you will experience emotions of depression and confusion, you may also feel a certain stiffness in words and actions after such a dream. The dream book advises in the near future to choose the most suitable behavior strategy for yourself and not try to delve into other people's problems, try to resolve all your situations first.

If in a dream you are joyfully approaching the doors of the school - such a dream means that you will be happy to do daily tasks, you will be happy to achieve your goals, past experience will give you sensible clues how to proceed now.

The dream in which you try to open the door of the school and you do not succeed in it means that you will try to return to the past and learn something from him, but this is a bad idea and you will not be able to realize it. The dream in which you knock on the door and open them to you after a while indicates that it’s time for you to knock on a visit to one of your old friends and acquaintances. It will be a pleasant meeting and quite pleasant communication, which will allow you to learn a lot of important things.

A dream in which you communicate with a huge number of people on the porch of your former school - says that you do not have enough communication with like-minded people. Perhaps you need support and mutual assistance from a loved one. Perhaps you want to see someone from your old colleagues, colleagues at your place. In any case, such a dream suggests that you can’t find any real friends with whom you can share common interests.

Why dream of a dilapidated school? Such a dream means that soon you will understand and realize that your dreams and hopes are destroyed by time. You could try very hard to hide from others the fact that you have long ceased to believe in yourself and dream, but life events will turn out so that you have to admit it to yourself.

If you see in a dream how the roof of the school falls to the ground - such a dream means that your modern ideas about life will collapse. Such a dream can also speak of your wisdom in the past and your lack of judgment in the present moment of time. Try not to lose sight of those people who can become an example and benchmark for you. It is very important.

The dream in which you see schoolchildren who leave school on a call indicates that you are also ready to give up everything and radically change your life. But is it worth it? Perhaps you are in a hurry and such an act of yours will not lead to good consequences, it will not be decisive for you. Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude to everything that is happening and decide for yourself whether you want to change the situation radically, or do you have a different goal?

If the school burns in your dream, you will wake up in shame from your shame for your actions. On the one hand, you didn’t do anything terrible, but, on the other hand, you could behave in the past without any reason and now really regret it.

A dream in which you see your class teacher young and smiling at you indicates that your past experience will be useful to you in new achievements, and as a result, you will get new opportunities for development. Also, such a dream may portend to you advice and support from a loved one with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

Why dream school on Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, it is said that the school is a dream as a symbol of the experience of the past, which is useful to you in the present. Thanks to him, you will be able to build new relationships without making past mistakes. Try to relate to the experience of the past with understanding and acceptance. Do not accumulate resentment and anger.

If you dream that you attended school in old age - such a dream may mean that you decide on some kind of experiment in relationships, maybe you decide to start dating your former partner, who previously did not suit you for some reason, but now you are ready to compromise and much to forgive him.

The dream in which you are trying to go to school, but something is constantly holding you back from this, suggests that you can try to get a life lesson and you won’t succeed. You will try to learn something useful from the relationship, but you will only encounter misunderstanding and rejection from the partner. The dream book advises not to force events and not to look for logic in those events that will happen in your life further.

If a lonely girl dreams that she has come to school for a lesson, such a dream suggests that she does not learn from her own mistakes and falls into the same situation again and again. Such a dream also suggests that it is time for a girl to take care of herself and switch from finding a partner to developing her personal qualities.

A pregnant woman may dream of school as a symbol of the fact that someone will teach her and put pressure on her for the purpose of making some kind of decision. Her partner will not be too caring and will not try to maintain an even and trusting relationship with her, so she should count on her life experience.

What is the dream of the Esoteric dream school

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the school is dreaming as a symbol of past victories and defeats. If in a dream you joyfully run along the corridors of the school - in reality you will receive good news from an old friend. You can even personally communicate with him, you can have a good time with him.

The dream in which you are trying to leave school, but the door is closed, speaks of your negative experience, which too actively affects your real life. Try to minimize this influence and not give so much importance to everything that will happen in your life.

A dream in which you see some students leaving school while you remain in the classroom and watch them from the window indicates that you are prone to envy and resentment. You are looking for a reason to blame another person for the situations that have developed in your life. The dream book warns you against such acts.

What is the dream of the school in other dream books

In the dream book of Medea it is said that the school is dreaming as a symbol of life, the lessons of which you must learn. The quality of your future depends on how well you learn the lessons of the past.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said, if you take away the class at school - such a dream means that you will try to get rid of everything superfluous in your life. It can be both people and things, it can be your old friends and former partners.

If you do not clean yourself at school, but clean with someone else - remember with whom. This person will allow you to get rid of a huge number of problems. He will be with you at the most difficult moments and in the most difficult moments of your life. Why do you have a dream in which you run away from the lesson?

This means that you ignore the prompts of life, do not want to listen to its important details, do not want to appreciate the chances that life gives you. Try to focus in the near future precisely on the previously missed moments of your life, on those moments that you considered insignificant. Now they will prove themselves in a different light and quality. It is time to be prepared for this, otherwise life will become unpredictable.


Watch the video: What does school dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).