Massage in the treatment of transverse flat feet at home. Treatment of transverse flatfoot at home: diet therapy


Transverse flatfoot appears due to the omission of the transverse arch of the foot. This leads to its modification. A huge role in this pathology is played by the weight of a person, since the increased mass presses on the feet more strongly.

It is necessary to start treatment of transverse flatfoot at home as soon as possible in order to prevent the pathology from progressing.

Causes of transverse flat feet

Many people, especially women and people over 35, are familiar with such a problem as transverse flatfoot. The main causes of pathology are:

1. Overweight people. With a large body weight there is a large load on the feet, which becomes the cause of the disease.

2. Hereditary factor. Very often, the disease begins to progress precisely in those individuals whose relatives have encountered such a problem.

3. Illiterate operation of shoes. A person who chooses shoes with improperly installed arch support, of poor quality with too narrow toes, automatically falls into the risk group.

4. High heel shoes becomes the cause of pathology.

5. Limb injuries. Most often, this factor is the root cause of the pathology.

All these causes cause a person to feel pain and discomfort.

Massage in the treatment of transverse flat feet at home

This method of treating pathology will not only help get rid of pain and spasms, but also strengthen the ligaments. Massage helps the bones to return to their original place. This method is necessarily included in the complex treatment of pathology. In particular, it is highly effective for flat feet of the 1st degree. But in the case of a severe stage, this method is also shown.

Massage includes kneading the feet, pushing the sole with a large hand roll or fist. Exercise improves blood circulation, eliminates the feeling of fatigue, swelling.

Effective massage is performed at home. It is necessary to act on the feet, knead all the muscles, rub the limbs, move your fingers, knead the soles. For self-massage, it is effective to use special massage mats. It’s useful to roll bottles on the floor or walk on stones on a bare foot.

Physical therapy in the treatment of transverse flatfoot at home

This method of therapy is most effective. Specially selected exercises can affect the very cause of the disease, that is, weakened ligaments and muscles. For each patient, the disease progresses in its own way, so only the attending physician can choose effective exercises.

Manipulations should be carried out every day. It takes only 20 minutes of time. Some exercises are recommended to be done a couple of times a day.

The result is such exercises:

1. With this pathology, it is effective to walk on the outside of the foot. The fingers should be slightly bent. After that, be on tiptoe.

2. Most of the exercises are performed in a sitting position. It is necessary to compress and relax the muscles a couple of times. After doing the turns of the feet and the rotation of them.

3. In order to strengthen the muscles of the big toe, you need to connect both limbs and stretch them in front of you. Bend the left foot and bring its front part under the second. With the other leg, do the same.

4. It is very effective to lift the ball and various small objects with your feet.

5. Toes hold a pencil and try to draw figures on a piece of paper.

6. Stand on toes and jump from this position at least 30 times. It is necessary to adhere to the average rhythm of jumping. Repeat this exercise three times a day.

7. A good result gives walking on a log with bare feet sideways.

With regular exercise, you can get rid of the disease extremely quickly.

Diet therapy in the treatment of transverse flatfoot at home

The cure of transverse flatfoot implies the rejection of the use of flour, sweet and fatty dishes. The diet for such a disease should be rich in fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to use cereals for breakfast, and to prepare broths for dinner. But for lunch, patients with such a pathology must definitely consume 50 g of protein.

To strengthen bones, you need to use milk and vitamin D3. With flat feet, not only muscles, but also bones are affected. Very often they are modified precisely with transverse flat feet. To prevent deformation, calcium is required, which is found in milk. In case of lactose intolerance, children are prescribed special milk that does not contain this component.

Vitamins saturate the human body with useful substances that are needed to restore the structure of bones and muscle tissue. That is, the treatment of transverse flatfoot at home includes a whole range of different manipulations.

Folk remedies for the treatment of transverse flatfoot at home

The treatment of such a pathology is a very painstaking work. It is simply not possible to quickly cope with such a disease. With the help of folk remedies, it is possible to suspend the progression of the disease.

With the disease, it is useful to make lotions. The most effective recipes are:

1. Wormwood. With the help of compresses, you can get rid of pain. The leaves of the plant must be washed, then attached to the feet and wrap with a cloth. It is also possible to use this method for sprains, dislocations and injuries.

2. If severe pain occurs with pathology, then it is necessary to mix in the same ratio 3% iodine solution and lemon juice. After add two grated Aspirin tablets. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. To smear structure on sick extremities. Manipulate for three days in a row, and then take a break for a week. It is forbidden to acquire a different concentration. Otherwise, burns may occur.

3. Effective compresses with propolis, parsley and fresh river fish. Such compresses should be applied at night to cartilaginous growths. On top of them you need to wrap a cloth. Remove only in the morning.

With the disease, foot baths are also effective:

1. There are special foot baths that help eliminate fatigue, relax leg muscles, strengthen bones. Manipulation is very simple. It is necessary to dissolve sea salt in warm water. Add a tablespoon per liter of liquid. Limbs in such a bath hold a quarter of an hour. After that, they should be wiped dry and greased with a nourishing cream. Massage your feet gently.

2. Contrast baths. To do this, you will need two basins with water. Pour hot into one, and cool into the second. Previously, the legs should be steamed for several minutes. After dipping for 15 seconds in cold water. Perform such procedures daily for 10 days. After this time, take a break for a month. It is forbidden to do the procedure for women on critical days.

3. It is useful to add herbal decoctions to the baths. Effectively brew oak bark. 5 liters of liquid will require a kilogram of grass. Boil everything for half an hour. After the healing fluid, add to the bath.

4. With this pathology, a remedy with the addition of sage infusion is often used. To obtain 2 liters of boiling water, add 100 g of herb. Instead of sage, peppermint can be used. The limbs are immersed in the bath for a third of an hour.

5. Alcohol tincture of the immortelle. She needs to lubricate her limbs. Inflorescences should be dried in the oven, and then pour ordinary alcohol. Leave this mass for a couple of days. The mixture can also be used in the treatment of joints.

What can not be done in the treatment of transverse flatfoot at home?

In order not to harm yourself and not aggravate the current situation, if such a problem occurs, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Shoes with too low soles and high heels must not be worn. This will lead to a complicated course of the disease.

In case of illness, it is contraindicated to overwork the lower limbs. Do not stay too long on your feet. This can be said of laziness. If a doctor has prescribed any exercises, then they must be performed daily. Otherwise, there will be no improvement.


Watch the video: FLAT FEET Treatment-Complete Exercise PROGRAM To Correct Flat Feet OR FALLEN ARCHES (July 2024).