Diet therapy in the treatment of thrombophlebitis at home. Treatment of thrombophlebitis at home with compresses and rubdowns


Thrombophlebitis is a pathology that is characterized by an inflammatory process in the vein snack and the formation of a thrombus, which blocks the capillary lumen. This disease is dangerous because it can cause a number of life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology and proceed to its competent treatment.

Causes of Thrombophlebitis

Experts identify three main factors that provoke the disease:

1. High readiness of blood for coagulation. Such an ailment appears with changes in hematopoiesis, accompanied by increased production of platelets, with liver diseases, severe dehydration.

2. Dysfunctional changes in the inner layer of the venous wall due to injuries, island-inflammatory processes, autoimmune effects.

3. Change and slowdown of the outflow of blood from the lower veins during gestation, excess body weight, motionless lifestyle.

The mechanism of disease progression is phased. Whatever the cause of the pathology, its competent cure is necessary. This will help to bypass the grave consequences and complications.

Diet therapy in the treatment of thrombophlebitis at home

With the help of folk remedies, the manifestations of the disease can be partially eliminated. Such treatment methods should be included in the complex treatment of the disease. With thrombophlebitis, it is very important to adhere to a diet. It is recommended for several days to completely refuse to eat food. This is necessary for a comprehensive cleansing of the body. Such a cardinal effect on the body is not suitable for everyone.

The body may be harmful, so do not use for people with a history of:

Severe liver disease;

· Chronic and infectious diseases of the respiratory system;

Acute renal failure;

Oncological diseases;

· Lack of body weight;

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

With this pathology, it is forbidden to eat:

Animal fats


· milk chocolate;

Spicy and salty dishes;


· Butter products;

Fatty dairy products.

Must be eaten:










Flaxseed oil.

It is important to adjust your diet and abandon foods that provoke bleeding - fatty fish and meat dishes.

Fast first aid methods for treating thrombophlebitis at home

Thrombophlebitis brings strong pain, which is gaining momentum in the late afternoon. To a quick method of therapy include baths. The course of therapy should be carried out before bedtime. Use a warm liquid heated to 38 degrees and not higher. Mix with baking soda. Stick to the manual:

1. Pour warm liquid into a separate container for bathtubs and dissolve baking soda in it in the ratio: for 5 l of liquid 200 g of white powder.

2. Add 70 g of alum to the liquid.

3. In the resulting soda solution, steam the limbs for a quarter of an hour. Dry with a soft cloth.

The duration of treatment using such baths can last no more than 10 days. After this, it is recommended to take a break. The next course of treatment can be repeated in a couple of weeks. Soda baths can be replaced with a decoction of the tanning root.

At home, you can prepare a healing ointment. It will help completely get rid of the pathology. It is necessary to take one bottle of ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. Additional components are melted lard, aloe juice, onion juice, laundry soap, diluted with liquid. Place all components in a large container and put on a small fire. Stir the composition with a spoon while it warms up. After the tool cool and use as an ointment. The product should be applied to diseased areas, and not with a tight suspensorium. Apply ointment once a day, after which take a break for a day. Repeat manipulations until the medicine is over.

Compresses and wipes in the treatment of thrombophlebitis at home

An effective method of cure for pathology is wiping. There are many recipes for preparing tinctures for sessions:

1. Grind a leaf of Kalanchoe, take 2 large spoons and pour a cup of vodka. Leave for a week after which, as part of the composition, moisten the cotton wool and wipe the diseased limbs. The procedure is carried out once a day for three months.

2. Mix mummy and peach oil in a ratio of 1 to 5. Lubricate sore spots with the composition twice a day.

3. Place chestnut flowers in a bottle and pour vodka to the throat. Leave the composition for a week. After this time, a means to lubricate the affected areas in the morning and evening. The composition can also be prepared on the basis of horse chestnut fruits.

4. Peel potatoes, wash and grate. Squeeze potato juice from the resulting gruel with gauze. Soak the cotton wool in freshly squeezed juice and lubricate the affected areas a couple of times a day. Apply the pulp for the night. It must be tightly fixed with polyethylene.

Mumiye experts recommend using it inside. Dissolve 15 g of a healing agent in a liter of boiling water and leave it to stand for 10 days. Drink a large spoon for 10 days. After taking a break.

With pathology, soda compresses are effective. They are characterized by antiflogistic and absorbable properties. The recipes are as follows:

1. Mix the crumb of white bread with self-made apple cider vinegar and baking soda. The resulting composition is applied to the affected areas. It is recommended to keep the compress for at least 8 hours. The limb should be insulated with a woolen scarf. At the end of the procedure, wash your feet with warm water.

2. Sprinkle the area affected by the pathology with soda, and on top add the cabbage leaf. Wrap a warm cloth on top. Leave the compress overnight.

Such sessions should be carried out for at least 10 days. After that, take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again.

No less effective compresses from tomato. The pulp of red tomatoes can help. You can just apply the slices of the vegetable, and it is possible to grind the tomato to a pulp consistency. Apply the composition to the affected areas, and on top do not apply a tight suspensorium. Compresses are characterized by a cooling effect. They bring instant relief. Thanks to them, the outflow of blood returns to normal. Fruits are changed to fresh every three hours. Repeat sessions daily.

A good response is caused by a compress from St. John's wort. Mix the dried grated leaves with butter in a ratio of 1 to 10. Put in a water bath for three hours. Leave the post for 7 hours. When the broth is infused, filter it and add a tablespoon of leaves of the golden mustache. The composition is applied to the affected area.

Compresses can be made on the basis of white acacia flowers. Pour the flowers with vodka or alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. Compresses do daily before bedtime. Also, with this tool you can do wipes. After the procedure, apply baby cream.

Tinctures and decoctions for oral administration in the treatment of thrombophlebitis at home

Attention should be paid to decoctions and tinctures for oral administration in this disease. To prepare the products, the most affordable ingredients are used. The recipes are as follows:

1. Healing infusion of fresh nettle leaves. Pour a large spoonful of finely chopped leaves with a cup of boiling water. In winter, you can use dried nettles. Leave the composition for 2 hours. Drink 2 large spoons before eating 3 times a day.

2. The condition of diseased veins can be alleviated by tincture of nutmeg. Pour a glass of nuts with a bottle of vodka and leave for 14 days. It is recommended that you drink 20 drops every day before eating.

3. An effective remedy is a decoction of oak bark. Pour a large spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and put on a small fire. Take a large spoon 3 times a day.

4. Tincture of hop cones. Pour a large spoonful of cones with a cup of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. The resulting composition should be consumed 30 minutes before a meal. Drink a glass at a time. To enhance the effect, make compresses using the same decoction. Dampen the bandage in the broth and apply to sore spots. The first result can be seen after a week of constant use of the infusion.


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