What are the benefits and harms of protein shakes for the body? Myths and truth about protein shakes, their dangers and benefits


Previously, protein shakes were discussed only in the gyms, but today they are already firmly established in the diet of ordinary people who lead a healthy lifestyle and strive to lose weight. Around the use of protein mixtures there are many myths, questions and doubts. Let's figure out what protein shakes consist of, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

The composition of protein shakes and the benefits of protein for humans

A protein shake is a food supplement, an extract of a water-soluble protein of animal or vegetable origin, obtained by laboratory tests. Depending on the feedstock, the protein may be casein, whey, egg and soy. In addition to proteins, cocktails often include mineral supplements and multivitamins.

As a rule, protein mixtures are prescribed on the recommendation of a nutritionist, fitness instructor or nutritionist in order to gain muscle mass and reduce body weight. This is scientifically justified, because protein shakes accelerate metabolism - the body has to spend 30% more energy on protein processing than burning fat and carbohydrates.

For athletes and those who want to lose weight, the benefits of protein shakes are undeniable, because they:

provide quick intake of amino acids in the body;

contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fatty acids;

replace natural protein products;

help control appetite;

eliminate body fat while preserving muscle.

The role and benefits of protein shakes in eliminating protein deficiency

About 20% of the human body consists of protein, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the formation and oxygen supply of cells, tissues, muscles and organs, and the strengthening of immunity. Protein deficiency leads to cardiovascular diseases, carbohydrate dependence, low elasticity of the skin and blood vessels, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, endocrine disorders.

On average, the daily protein intake for an adult is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. That is, a person weighing 75 kg should consume 75 g of protein, and half of them must be of vegetable origin (mushrooms, legumes, asparagus, soy), and half - of the animal (eggs, chicken, cottage cheese). For the day to gain this norm only with food is almost impossible.

IMPORTANT. For athletes, children and pregnant women who need an increased amount of protein to build cells and tissues, the protein intake rate increases to 1.5 g.

Then protein shakes come to the rescue. In 1 portion of the mixture, as a rule, contains 25-30 g of protein, but there are no excess fats and carbohydrates. The protein is convenient to store - the powder takes up little space, and use - just dilute the additive with water and stir. In favor of cocktails is the fact that protein mixtures are prescribed even for children with impaired appetite.

Slimming Protein Shakes: Harm or Benefit?

When losing weight, the temptation is to build an entire diet solely on protein, but this can not be done. An excess of proteins in the body due to the uncontrolled intake of protein shakes is harmful to the body. Cleavage of a large amount of protein will lead to increased nitrogen production, and this is an additional burden on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. A systematic overdose of proteins is also fraught with disturbances in the endocrine system, to which the skin will immediately respond with the appearance of acne and a rash.

The main value of protein during weight loss is its ability to reduce appetite and create an anti-catabolic effect, that is, preserve muscle cells, while breaking down fat. To reduce body weight, it is necessary to replace one or more meals with protein mixtures. However, protein shakes are still not a substitute for food, but only a healthy supplement. It is designed to stimulate the body to spend more energy, and not work in stress mode.

The benefits of protein shakes for women

At one time, the female body is able to absorb 25-30 g of protein. At the same time, the process of its splitting in girls proceeds more slowly than in men.

Protein shakes will benefit women the most when consumed:

after physical exertion - the protein stops the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, restores injured muscle cells;

after waking up, to gently start the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

at bedtime, as the last meal;

as an easy and healthy snack between the main meals.

It is believed that the consumption of a sufficient amount of protein in girls contributes to the renewal of red blood cells in blood cells, this has a positive effect on the female cycle. In addition, certain types of protein (for example, soy) can normalize the hormonal background and prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands.

Can protein shakes harm the body?

The use of protein shakes in the right dosage, approved by a nutritionist, can not harm a person. All health problems that are described as harmful protein shakes are the result of improper intake of mixtures.

Obviously, if you systematically eat one protein, the body will switch to a lower energy consumption and stop producing enzymes for digesting other foods, including solid foods.

IMPORTANT. With excessive use of soy protein containing phytoestrogens, men may experience disturbances in the endocrine system.

There are three main causes of adverse effects after taking supplements:

Failure to comply with recommended dosage

It is important to monitor the number of servings of protein supplements. After all, getting amino acids from food, we feel full, which prevents us from overeating. With protein shakes, there is a risk of exceeding the norm several times - they are psychologically perceived as a drink or dessert.

Using fake or expired protein

When buying a powder, you need to carefully study the composition on the package. Cocktails, the components of which include synthetic sweeteners, sugars and thickeners, are best avoided. It is better to buy ready-made mixtures and pure protein from well-known, trusted companies and manufacturers. The product must be certified and have permission to sell in the country.

Individual intolerance to cocktail components

Before you start taking it, you need to consult a specialist and take tests for lactose tolerance. Chronic and acute digestive disorders, liver, kidney, enzymatic deficiency are also among medical contraindications that exclude the possibility of protein intake.

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of protein shakes for the human body. To supplement your diet with proteins or not, you need to decide based on the conclusions of specialists, and take supplements only at the recommended dosages and in combination with physical activity. Then the benefits of protein shakes for the body will be visible not only to you, but also to others.


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