A set of exercises for the face at home from wrinkles. Gymnastics for facelift: technique and nuances


In addition to everyday face care, it is imperative to perform exercises for the face at home. Thanks to such gymnastics, you can get the effect of a facelift. Gymnastics for the face is a very convenient and easy way to maintain youth and beauty of the skin.

Preparatory facial massage before doing facial exercises at home

Gymnastics for tightening the contour of the face and skin as a whole can give the most positive result. But it will be noticeable if you first do self-massage. When carrying out it is necessary to resort to the use of special oils and creams. Any cosmetics should be selected only in accordance with the type of epidermis. In the process of self-massage, several types of exercises are done:

Light pressure;


· Stroking the dermis.

Begin the procedure by smoothing the upper eyelids. Movement should be directed from the inner corner of the eye. On this eyelid draw three times with index and ring fingers. After that, do stroking along the contour of the face. It is necessary to start the movement from the middle of the chin and end near the earlobes. The movements should be gentle and light, and carried out along the bottom line of the face.

The second line of self-massage is on the upper line of the face. Movements start from the middle of the forehead and end at the temples. After that, make movements from the corners of the mouth towards the lobes. Complete the procedure with gentle strokes of the palms of the neck.

Effective Facelift Exercises

Tonic gymnastics does not take too much time and does not require the application of effort. The most effective exercises are:

1. Circular eye massage. Eye massage is done in the upper and lower eyelids, above and below the orbit. Before the session, it is imperative to apply a moisturizer to the eye area. Pads of four fingers to do a light massage of two eyes at once. On the dermis you need to press down a little. First run in one direction, and then in the other. Repeat such actions up to 12 times. After these same four pads, first press on the lower eyelid, and then on the upper. Press for 4 seconds.

2. The surprise. Press the forefinger pads onto the area above the eyebrows. After stretch the skin with your hands. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times. After palms put on the forehead. The frontal muscles begin to control the muscles. It is necessary to raise the eyebrows. Repeat exercise 5-6 times.

3. Inflating the cheeks. For a facelift, take a deep breath and try to inflate your cheeks to the limit. After slowly exhale through your teeth. Repeat the exercise 10 times. You can also perform massaging movements of the tongue on the inside of the cheeks.

4. Kisses. Such sessions are carried out to increase the elasticity of the muscles that control the movements of the lips. It is necessary to smile as widely as possible, and then carefully and slowly make a tube out of the lips. Repeat such actions up to 18 times. There is one more exercise. It is necessary to maximally extend the neck, lips forward. This tension causes resistance in the labial muscles.

5. Elongation of the ears. Press the earlobes with your fingers and pull down for 30 seconds.

A set of universal exercises for the face at home

You can maintain a beautiful appearance not only thanks to professional procedures in the salons, but also using regular gymnastics for rejuvenation. The most effective are:

1. From wrinkles. Need to sit down and relax. Lower your eyelids and completely close your eyes. Sit like a quarter of a minute. After bringing palms to the face and completely close it. Rotate the pupils 15 times, first in one direction, and then in the other. Eyes must be closed. These actions are aimed at smoothing shallow vertical wrinkles.

2. To strengthen the muscles of the neck. Sit in front of the mirror, keep your back straight. Raise your head up a little. All neck muscles should be tensed. Repeat these sounds 2 times: "ii", "uh", "aaa", "oooh", "uuu". Only breathe through the nose, and the mouth should be closed. Repeat exercise 20 times.

3. To correct the tone of the eyebrows. Such actions will help tighten the epidermis in the area of ​​the superciliary arch. Try to raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Try not to move your eyes. Stay in this position for at least 10 seconds.

4. To improve vision. Sight to direct clockwise. First up and down, and then left and right. After the pupils, take it in the opposite direction. After the exercise, lower the eyelids and relax for a minute. This exercise helps to normalize vision without surgery. In order for the result to be stable, the session should be performed at least three times a week.

5. To improve blood circulation around the eyes. Such a session is necessary to eliminate bags under the eyes, due to the normalization of blood circulation under the eyes. To do this, close your eyes tightly, count to 5, and then open.

Anti-wrinkle chin and neck exercises

Gymnastics for the face necessarily includes exercises for the neck. It is this part of the body that determines the age of the woman, gives out the beauty and elasticity of the skin. The most effective exercises:

1. It is recommended to start a session with a warm-up. Put the left palm on the right cheek, and the right on the second. Start gentle patting movements. Gradually begin to pat the neck and again return to the cheeks. The warm-up duration is about a minute.

2. Lift the chin slightly and try to push the jaw slightly forward. The muscles of the neck must be tightened strongly and then relaxed. Keep energized for at least 5 seconds. Repeat steps 15 times. The voltage strength with each execution must be increased.

3. Raise your head a little, and open your mouth. Start straining your neck muscles as much as possible. Stay stressed for at least 5-6 seconds. After relaxing. At each session, the number of repetitions must be increased. The final number is 15.

4. Stick out your tongue. Use your fingertips to touch the corners of your mouth. The tension of the muscles of the neck must be increased to the limit. Stay in this state for at least 5 seconds, and then relax. Do the exercise 5 to 10 times a day.

5. A person needs to sit down and turn his head to the left. Try not to move your shoulders. Muscle very tightly for 5 seconds, and then relax. Every day do 5 times in each direction.

Gymnastics for the face will not do without exercises for the chin. The following exercises should be performed:

1. Lower lip. But the corners of the mouth should not be allowed to fall. They should be held with your fingers. Now strain your chin muscles also for 5 seconds. Repeat exercise up to 15 times.

2. Put your fingers to the corners of your mouth. The lower lip should be slowly and gently stretched over the chin. Tighten the muscles for 5 seconds. Repeat steps up to 10 times.

3. Press the chin with the fingers of the right hand. You need to try to open your mouth. Tighten your muscles again. Repeat 8-9 times.

4. Place two index fingers in the middle of the chin. Move fingers to the corners of the mouth in circular massage movements.

What you do not need to do with face exercises at home

Every woman needs to remember very important things:

· The early appearance of wrinkles contributes to excessive fullness, lack of sleep, frequent stressful situations, overwork, or excessive physical exertion;

· The appearance of early wrinkles is promoted by improper makeup, the use of inappropriate cosmetics that cause peeling of the epidermis, the use of cheap cosmetics;

· It is necessary to grimace as little as possible and portray unnatural laughter.

All these actions have a negative effect on the skin, so the effect of exercise from wrinkles will be significantly reduced. If you follow all the rules, lead a healthy lifestyle, then the skin will be beautiful and fit.

Performing the whole complex of exercises, you can very quickly get rid of shallow wrinkles, tighten the epidermis, give it elasticity and shine. But such a result will only be in the case of the correct implementation of therapeutic exercises for the face.


Watch the video: Treating the Mid Cheek and Nasolabial Folds When too Young for a Facelift, and Without Surgery (June 2024).