How does a cough cake work and what helps? How to cook cough cakes for children: recipe


When treating a cough, parents try not to resort to medications so as not to harm the baby's body. Folk recipes help relieve cough, especially honey cough cakes are very popular. To get the maximum effect, it is important to properly prepare the cake.

Causes of coughing in children

Coughing in children can occur for several reasons. The most common causes are:

· Viral and colds;

Allergic reactions

· Individual structural features of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

If the child became lethargic, tired, weakness appeared, then treatment should be started immediately. Before resorting to the use of medicines, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. But even such recipes have contraindications, so you should consult with a specialist before use. The most effective remedy is a cough cake, there are several ways to prepare it.

Honey cough cake - panacea for flu and colds

The main goal of the cakes is the qualitative heating of the bronchi. It is in the bronchi that the cough most often arises. There is irritation and narrowing of their walls. Tortilla warms up the bronchi, relaxes them and expands. Thanks to this, you can breathe deeply without any problems. At the same time, sputum leaves much easier.

If the cough cake is cooked correctly, then this will be an excellent substitute for mustard plasters. There will be no burning sensation. The procedure will be painless for babies. Indications for the preparation of such a tool are:

Acute respiratory diseases, which are not only infectious in nature, but also non-infectious;

· bronchial asthma;

Acute and chronic forms of bronchitis;

Island inflammatory processes in the lungs;

· Running a cold cough.

But before using the product, you will need to consult a doctor.

Rules for the use of cough cakes for children

There are some simple rules for using tortillas. Such subtleties and secrets will help make therapy as effective as possible:

1. Prepare the product immediately before use. A fresh product is more saturated with useful substances and vitamins than the one stored in the refrigerator.

2. Before use, be sure to lubricate the skin, as it will pester. It is also possible to get a burn. Lubrication is recommended with any moisturizer or even regular vegetable oil.

3. A greater result can be obtained when one cake is placed on the bronchial region, and the second behind. Thus, the body warms up better and the cough recedes faster.

4. After applying the product, it is necessary to wrap it with cellophane. Wrap a terry towel on top.

5. Warming up session should be carried out in the evening before going to bed. The patient should be in a lying position under the covers. But the moment is important that falling asleep with a tortilla on your back is strictly prohibited. This can cause a severe burn. It is recommended to set an alarm. 1.5-2.5 hours will be enough to cure the baby.

6. After the remedy is removed, the place must be wiped with a cloth moistened with warm water. After the dermis, wipe it dry and cover with a dry cotton cloth.

There is another rule that you must always remember. Since the cake has a warming effect, it is forbidden to apply it at a body temperature of more than 37.2 degrees. It is recommended that children warm every two days, and adults every other day.

Recipes for healing cough cakes

There are several recipes for cooking. It can be not only honey cakes, but also potato, mustard and others. The most popular and effective:

1. Honey cake. The healing effect depends on honey. To make a small tortilla, you need to mix two small tablespoons of honey with flour. To increase viscosity, you can add oil or slightly warmed vodka. Put the mixed mass on gauze or a bandage rolled up in several layers. The best place to place is the center of the chest.

2. Cough cake with mustard. Mustard acts as an excellent warming agent. Cough cake with mustard is often used for bronchitis and for the treatment of severe dry cough. The tool can be used to treat not only adults, but also children. When compared with mustard plasters, this remedy has a milder effect. After procedures with this remedy, the cough becomes wetter and sputum discharge is facilitated. But this tool should not be used at temperature and allergic reaction to components. To obtain the required mass, mix a large spoonful of vegetable oil with the same amount of flour and mustard powder. Roll out the dough. Put the resulting pancake on polyethylene. Healing compress is applied to the chest. Polyethylene must be outside. The medical compress must be insulated with a woolen scarf. Keep the product for at least two hours. If the patient is able to tolerate the thermal effect, then it is possible to keep more than two hours. Be sure to monitor the condition of the skin. This applies to young children whose skin is more irritable. During the session, the cake should be torn from the dermis from time to time. When strong redness appears, it is necessary to refrain from continuing. Wipe your chest with a clean towel. If necessary, moisten it in water. After the end of the session, remove the cake and wash the place of contact well from mustard.

3. Potato cake. To prepare a healing cake, take four medium potatoes and wash well. Put to boil, then crush together with the peel. In the puree add 3 small tablespoons of soda, a small spoonful of honey. Knead the resulting mixture well and put the tortillas on a cloth napkin. While warm, apply to the chest and back of the baby. Wrap cellophane on top and turn into a warm scarf. Session before bedtime. After removing the dermis cakes, wipe dry. Such sessions are carried out several times until the cough completely recedes.

4. Rye cough cake. For colds, rye cake is a great help. To prepare the product, mix a glass of rye flour, a large spoon of honey, the same amount of vegetable oil and pour a small spoonful of mustard powder. Pour boiling water over the composition and knead until a homogeneous porridge-like mass is obtained. Form the finished composition into a cake and attach to the chest. Then fix with polyethylene and put on a scarf on top. Keep the compress for at least one and a half hours. The therapeutic effect can be seen already after several procedures.

5. Honey mustard tortilla. Another highly effective recipe is mustard and honey based tortilla. You can add not only wheat, but also rye flour. Oil is also added and mustard is taken in powder form. Take one large spoon of each ingredient and mix thoroughly. In no case should proportions be violated. Stir the composition until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Roll out the dough, form a cake and put it on polyethylene. After attach to the chest to ensure direct contact with the dermis. Perform before bedtime. It is impossible to allow hypothermia.

6. Tortilla with salt. The recipe is the same as for a honey cake, but a little salt is also added to the dough. This recipe is more suitable for older children, since salt enhances the warming effect.

What is the best way to use the prescription?

Contraindications to the use of cough cakes for children

Despite the simplicity of the preparation and its use, there are still contraindications for use. It is forbidden to use cakes in the presence of abrasions and scratches on the skin. Moreover, it is forbidden to apply for burns. This can aggravate the situation and cause complications.

It is forbidden to put a cake to children who have too sensitive dermis. Do not resort to treatment if you have allergic reactions to the components.

With tuberculosis or scarlet fever, this method will not only not be useful, but it can also be harmful. With cardiovascular pathologies, additional heating will be superfluous. Therefore, with heart problems, the drug is contraindicated.
