Jogging: how to run correctly, how to start running regularly. Features of running for weight loss: morning, afternoon, evening


Running is one of the most affordable and effective sports for weight loss.

With it, you can significantly improve your health, but this will only work if you can run correctly. Despite the simplicity of this exercise, some rules must be followed to complete it.

Otherwise, you can not only not benefit from it, but vice versa, harm your health.

How to start running for weight loss and recovery: equipment

The first thing you need to take care of when jogging is choosing the right clothes and shoes. Running shoes are different from regular shoes, so if you want classes to be beneficial to health and not harm, then you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

• There should be special cushioning on the sole of the shoe. It is necessary in order to absorb part of the load from impacts of the feet on the surface. Cushioning is located on the heel of the shoe, and in some cases additionally on the toe.

• Shoes should not be made of hard materials. It should be breathable and well ventilated. It should also be very soft and flexible in front of the toe.

• The outsole should have thick rubber inserts. This is necessary not only for additional depreciation during running, but also in order to extend the life of your shoes. In particular, attention should be paid to the presence of such inserts on the heel, as well as near the outside of the toe. These areas have the greatest burden.

• How to run if your shoes are uncomfortable? It is very important to approach the choice of shoe size. Ideal are those sneakers in which the fingers do not reach the front of about 2-3 mm.

If you run in unapproved shoes, you are more likely to get injured. This is one of the most common reasons students drop out.

In order to choose the right running shoes, you must find out your arch of the foot. Not only how to run correctly, but also how to choose sneakers for safe workout directly depends on this parameter. This parameter is differently called the degree of pronation, and there are three main types:

1. Neutral pronation - during running, the contact of the outer side of the heel and the surface is created. The foot is turned inward by 15% and completely reaches the ground, while the weight of the body is held without any problems. For people with this type of pronation, stabilizing shoes are best suited, with medium control of pronation (Support).

2. Hypoprony - The movement also begins with the outside of the heel touching the surface. In this case, the leg rotates less than 15% when moving. With such pronation, the impact force is concentrated on a much smaller surface of the leg. For people with this type of pronation, shoes with neutral cushioning, which contributes to a more natural movement of the foot (Neutral), are provided.

3. Hyperpronation - This phenomenon is most often found in people prone to flat feet. As in the case of neutral pronation, running movement begins with the contact of the outer side of the heel with the surface. The difference is that in this case, the leg rotates by more than 15%. In this case, the shock load is absorbed less efficiently. They need control shoes for a greater level of control of pronation (Control).

In order to find out your level of pronation, you can conduct an easy test. Lay a piece of thick paper on the floor and step on it with wet feet. After 30 seconds, circle the borders of the resulting picture and look at your results. Based on the figure, you can easily determine the degree of pronation.

degrees of pronation

Running and losing weight: running time

A lot of newcomers who decided to start training do not know how much time they need to give running to get the first significant results.

It is worth saying that running is not only a stimulator of the work of almost all the muscles of our body, but it is also an excellent anaerobic load. With it, you can actively burn calories, and as a result quickly lose weight.

In order for jogging to become a good help for losing weight, you need to exercise regularly.

However, it all depends on your level of training.

If you are just starting out, you should run no more than three times a week. In this case, you need to pay time to the initial warm-up, which includes walking, and only then go directly to the run. The first 2-3 weeks of classes should be done three times a week, about 10-15 minutes devoting to walking, and after it 25-35 minutes to run at an easy pace.

When your body begins to get used to new loads, it will be possible to increase running time, and shorten the walking process. To understand how to run correctly, you need to feel your body - if you do not have time to recover from training to training, then you should add rest days, or reduce the training time.

It is worth noting that do not give directly to running less than twenty minutes. During this period of time, your body uses the body’s energy reserves, and running at this time will not affect weight loss. After these twenty minutes, the body begins to use fat stores as an energy source. Separately, it should be said about the intensity - you can not deceive your body. If you run a light jog, which only slightly exceeds the speed of your stride, then, accordingly, the body will need more time to expend energy reserves. The optimal running speed is about 8-12 km / h, and the lesson should be about 40 minutes, taking into account the warm-up by walking.

Running for health and weight loss: what to do before jogging

The most important event to be held before the race is warm up. If you neglect it, then with a high probability you will get injured in the very first trainings. In addition, the warm-up allows you to cheer up and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Running without preparation is a great stress for the body, which can be further exacerbated by your unnecessary injury.

Walking is also a workout. If you simply rush off into the quarry without additionally preparing the body for this, then you will put a huge load on the cardiovascular system. Over time, this can result in big heart problems. You need to raise your heart rate gradually, and little by little.

A warm-up helps to warm up all the muscles and ligaments, and they become less susceptible to injuries. In addition, a gradual increase in the pulse will drive the blood faster through the body and will contribute to its awakening.

In order for the run to be more intense and you feel more energy in the body, you can spend a couple of tricks. For example, you need eat something rich in carbohydrates. About an hour and a half before training, you can eat foods rich in carbohydrates. It is especially good to use bananas for these purposes - they contain natural glucose, which serves as a source of energy for our body. Buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal are also suitable - they also contain carbohydrates that will help you feel a boost of energy in your body during exercise.

A cup of coffee can serve as an additional source of energy. Caffeine promotes the production of adrenaline in the body, thanks to which you will notice a surge of strength in the body. In addition, coffee also contributes to the burning of fat, as adrenaline forces the body to use fat as energy. Therefore, from this drink you will immediately get a double effect. But it should be noted that coffee in large quantities can do the body more harm than good. Excessive use of it in combination with jogging can cause increased stress on the heart.

Running technique

It is very important to have the right technique when running. Otherwise, in a week you will be able to feel pain in your knees or feet. Remember - while running, your legs get a load that is several times higher than your usual weight. Joint injuries are very difficult to cure, and getting one of them at least once, completely getting rid of it will be quite difficult. Therefore, remember the following instructions for the technique, and always follow them.

In order to figure out how to run correctly, you first need to understand the running mechanism itself. Very often, runners develop various injuries and inflammation of the joints of the legs, as well as all kinds of sprains and dislocations. Knees come first in the list of most common injuries.

Running is a natural activity for man, and nature provides that this activity does not bring us excessive harm. But at this stage, the difference appears - a man in shoes does not run at all as without him.

While running barefoot, the movements of the legs of a person try to be fast and smooth. At the same time, he tries to step as far as possible on the front of the leg, with almost no heel. In this case, the entire load falls on the muscles and tendons, and the bones and joints receive almost no load. At the same time, when a person runs in shoes, the picture changes dramatically. Running in sneakers looks more rugged, and awkward - first of all, the heel comes into contact with the surface, then the rest of the foot. In this case, the bones and joints get a lot of stress and are often prone to injury.

Therefore, one of the most important activities for proper running is to accustom yourself to "natural" run. Try to keep your running light and smooth while stepping on your forefoot. But just moving on to this technique is quite difficult - since the body is already accustomed to a different kind of running, and the muscles and tendons are not ready for a new kind of load. Therefore very important slowly learning this techniquesmoothly increasing the load. Otherwise, you can earn a foot injury. But, this type of running may not be suitable for people with hyper or hypoprony, so it is very important to navigate according to your feelings.

there is some basic ruleswith the help of which the correct running technique is achieved:

• The neck should not strain - it should be in a neutral position. The gaze is directed in front of you, and not down.

• During running, inhale and exhale should be done in two steps.

• Very often the cause of improper technique is stoop. It is important to remember that during running, the shoulders should be straightened and lowered, and the press should be a little strained.

• Hands should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

• The foot should land either on the center of the front of the foot, or on the center of gravity strictly under the body. There should be no shuffling of feet.

• In no case should you step on the surface with your heel in the first place - it should touch the ground last and only for a split second. Then, immediately takes off from the ground and pulls itself to the buttock.

• The speed must be controlled by the level of the tilt of the case, but in no case by the step frequency - the higher the speed, the lower the tilt.

• For each leg, 90 beats per minute - steps are short, without stomping on the ground.

How to run in the morning

The most common time for jogging is morning. Thanks to her, you can quickly raise the tone of the body and get a boost of energy for the whole day. In addition, morning jogging is a prophylaxis for many diseases and also helps to deal with stress. But you need to follow some recommendations in order to run correctly in the morning.

Firstly, you should not immediately go to the street after awakening and conquer distances. The best solution would be arrange a run half an hour or an hour after waking up. During this time, you need to drink a glass of warm water, which will serve as a catalyst for awakening the body. Water well accelerates the metabolic process in the body, and will easily awaken it from morning drowsiness. In addition, at the same time, it is necessary to conduct a small gymnastics in order to warm up the muscles and ligaments.

Depending on the season, you need to pay Great attention to the choice of clothes. If even the cold season does not stop your desire to run in the mornings, then you need to dress correctly, otherwise your jogging may be suspended by the disease that arose. It is worth putting on a winter tracksuit with special insulation. The run itself must be intense, otherwise you may freeze. After it, you need not to linger on the street, but quickly get home and get under a hot shower.

Running in the morning, as a rule, is good because at this time your stomach is not burdened with food, and you can run without a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It also has practical benefits. The body uses eaten food as a source of energy. In the absence of such, he will almost immediately begin to use the reserves of fat for this purpose. But if you running on an empty stomach, you may already feel hungry while jogging, which may interfere with your workout. You can eat a small breakfast, in the form of cereal or some fruit - this way you can stop the feeling of hunger, and get additional strength for a run.

Jogging in the afternoon

When planning to run in the daytime, you should pay attention to several factors. First, do not forget what you need do not eat before jogging for about 1-1.5 hours. Otherwise, you will feel heaviness in the stomach, and you may even feel sick. In addition, food before exercise should be light - do not eat fatty, heavy foods.

If you combine jogging and, say, a gym, it is best to run after doing the exercises. In this case, you can lose much more calories and lose weight faster. Only a certain amount of glycogen, a substance that is the source of energy of our body, can be in the body at a time. When it ends, the body begins to release energy from fat cells. Therefore, running after heavy physical exertion, you are almost 100% likely to use only fat reserves for this.

Running in the afternoon is good because the body’s energy potential is at its peak at this time of day. You can practice at full strength, while raising your spirits. In addition, while running, blood flow in the body accelerates. Blood rushes faster to all organs, including the brain. Thanks to this, you will notice that you have become much better at thinking after your workout.

Jogging in the evening

There are several undeniable advantages of evening runs compared to running at other times of the day. First of all, it's time. It is very difficult to force yourself to wake up a few hours before work just to run around. In the daytime and even more so - it is busy with work. And in the evening, as a rule, there are no special cases, and you can easily can relieve all the stress during a short run.

If you run before bedtime, you’ll be surprised how fast and easy you will fall asleep. Jogging in the evening is a great way to spend energy before bedtime.After it, you will feel pleasant fatigue, and you can enjoy bright and colorful dreams. In addition, running in the evenings will help get rid of the daily calories. Morning is the best time to run for weight loss when, as an evening run, it is more focused on relieving stress and preparing for sleep.

Unlike morning jogging, before going to bed you should run less intensively. The optimal time is 20-30 minutes at an average speed of 8-10 km / h. This is explained by the fact that more energetic jogging can lead the body to a “platoon” state - it will expect new loads and its tone will increase. This condition may cause insomnia before bedtime.

After jogging

The first thing you can do after jogging is stretching exercises. Your muscles will already be in a pre-warmed state, so the possibility of injuries or stretching is extremely small. And stretching will help the body recover faster after a workout.

Immediately after training you can arrange a meal. At the same time, food should be rich in carbohydrates - you need to restore the body's energy reserves. You can eat chocolate and other sugar-containing foods in small amounts, but only immediately after a run.

Need to restore body water balance. During training, you experience increased dehydration. Together with sweat, minerals that are vital to our body come out of the body. Therefore, it is very important to drink enough water.

In no case do not smoke after training. One of the goals of running is to strengthen the cardiovascular apparatus, and even one cigarette smoked during or immediately after exercise can nullify all the results. During running, the heart already experiences significant stress, and a cigarette has a stimulating effect, which can cause heart pain and many other negative consequences.


Watch the video: This is What Happens To Your Body When you Walk 5, 30 and 60 Minutes (July 2024).