All about the wonderful properties of lavender oil. How to get the most out of lavender oil, using it in aromatherapy, home cosmetology and herbal medicine


Lavender oil is one of the main ingredients of modern world perfumes and a medicine with many amazing qualities. With a bottle of lavender oil, it is possible to significantly improve your health and beauty.

Noteworthy features and benefits of lavender oil in general terms and details

The expanses of violet-amethyst lavender fields are a symbol of Provence, fascinating travelers and one of the most significant plantations of this plant in the world.

Gardens are decorated with lavender, confectioners appreciate its candied flowers, bed linen was laid over with dried branches in the Middle Ages to give it an aroma ...

But it is especially worth mentioning about its oil, in which the whole essence of the plant's benefits is concentrated.

Lavender oil belongs to the category of elite essential oils, not only because of its unique qualities, but because of the expensive production - to get only 100 ml of the product, it takes 10 kg of excellent raw material, that is, fresh flowers of narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula officinalis).

Lavender collected for this purpose in France is of the highest quality.

Lavender essential oil is produced by distillation (steam distillation), which differs significantly from the technology of past centuries, which did not allow to obtain such a pure product.

The finished oil is transparent and almost colorless (only a slight yellowish glow), light and flowing. The smell is of course magnificent lavender, but, besides the flower palette, there are subtle bitter woody notes.

It is important to note that obtaining high-quality lavender oil at home is an impossible task. But sometimes these recipes do not imply a sophisticated imitation of the technology for extracting oil from a fresh plant, but only aromatization of olive oil with dried lavender flowers - such a product is harmless even for food, but, of course, has practically nothing to do with real essential oil.

Lavender essential oil is one of the favorite components of perfumers, it is appreciated by manufacturers of various skincare products and is also suitable for home beauty products.

But first of all, humanity has learned to use lavender in aromatherapy.

It can be simple aromatic pendants, and aromatic lamps and special moistened with oil sticks made of wood, which is supposed to smolder, fragrant.

Moreover, it is important to note the good compatibility of lavender with most other essential oils.

The aroma of lavender oil is very useful in everyday life, because:

• due to the antibacterial properties of the plant in the room, pathogens of diseases transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets are actively destroyed (which is especially important in the autumn-winter season of influenza and acute respiratory infections);

• the smell of a plant repels mosquitoes.

Since ancient times, lavender is in demand for flavoring bedding - you just need to dilute a few drops in water (about 10-15 ml per 1 drop), spray it with linen (but do not make it wet!) - and you will be guaranteed a good, healthy sleep without nightmares and light awakening.

But not only is lavender valuable for the nervous system, it also reduces irritability and increases stress resistance, prevents the development of depressive states and neurosis, gives a surge of vigor and good mood.

To relax on the physical and psycho-emotional plane after a hard day, it is recommended to add lavender oil to the bath water (in the foam for it).

And the addition of lavender oil to the foot baths not only relieves fatigue, but also reduces the likelihood of corns when wearing shoes and reduces foot sweating.

The effect of inhaled lavender essential oil on the human body can be continued with its qualities such as:

• reduction of headaches;

• normalization of heart rate;

• arousal of appetite;

• normalization of high blood pressure;

• strengthening the body's natural defenses (including immunity and resistance to the negative effects of the environment, including radiation).

What are the benefits of lavender oil for youth and beauty

It is known that lavender oil was added to face cream in the 8th century in Italy, and although the beauty science of those times is largely doubtful (which is worth only lead in white!), Modern leading cosmetologists insist on the fidelity of the ancient choice of lavender, because it really effective for:

• normalization of the sebaceous glands (which allows you to get rid of oily sheen);

• narrowing and cleaning of pores;

• removal of irritations, peeling and redness, regardless of their origin (changes in the hormonal background, improper care, poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle);

• healing of injuries, and, thanks to lavender, even from severe acne there may be no traces and scars;

• toning and “revitalizing” aging, tired skin.

Thanks to lavender, the skin becomes soft, velvety, well moisturized.

All this is achievable, it is only worth sometimes adding one or two drops of flower oil to a portion of the usual makeup products, it does not matter, purchased or according to a home recipe.

Lavender also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp and is capable of:

• accelerate the elimination of dandruff and prevent its occurrence;

• prevent hair loss and strengthen, accelerate their growth;

• remove irritation from the scalp overloaded, for example, using styling products or unsuccessful care, or simply very sensitive;

• facilitate combing and styling;

• enhance their shine and silkiness.

You can do just that - add a few drops of lavender oil per dose of a store care product (shampoo, conditioner, mask).

You can - add oil as a bonus ingredient to any homemade hair product, and it’s useful to consider that lavender goes well with olive, burdock and coconut oils, egg yolk, and its effectiveness can be improved if you hold the product on your hair under a plastic wrap and / or with a towel.

It is useful to rub lavender oil into the cuticle (to soften) and the nails (to strengthen the nail plate, give it more shine when polishing, prevent fungal diseases) in combination with tea tree and apricot kernel oils.

These tools also accelerate the healing of microdamages that can occur with manicures and pedicures.

Sometimes adding a few drops of lavender oil to your favorite hand cream, it is very easy to put them in order after household chores (washing, washing dishes, wet cleaning) and the negative effects of the environment (whether it is work in the country or winter frosts).

Lavender oil is effective in anti-cellulite products, in particular, due to its properties, it enhances blood circulation and normalizes water metabolism in the epidermis, smooths and tightens the damaged skin structure.

Lavender can also enhance the effectiveness of body scrubs.

What properties of the plant create the benefits of lavender oil in folk medicine

Inhalations with lavender oil (it and water) help with diseases of the respiratory system, in particular, relieving nasal congestion, relieving cough and acting as an expectorant.

Along the way, they are also very useful for the oral cavity, because, being (already noted) an antiseptic, they destroy harmful bacteria that cause, in particular, caries and periodontal disease.

Regenerating, anti-inflammatory and light analgesic properties of lavender oil, it can be used to:

• soothe skin affected by insect bites (reduces swelling, redness and itching);

• stimulate recovery in many skin diseases (including eczema and psoriasis), but, of course, only lavender, without special medications, will not be enough;

• accelerate the healing of burns and various external injuries - wounds, ulcers, cuts.

But it is very important to note that the use of undiluted lavender oil (at least with other oil, such as apricot oil) is fraught not with skin treatment, but with skin damage.

Rubbing enriched with lavender essential oil significantly reduces muscle pain after hard physical work or playing sports, restores overloaded ligaments and alleviates the condition of diseased joints (relieving swelling, improving mobility, and reducing pain during movement).

Massage products with lavender oil are recommended even for diseases of the spine, as well as for a speedy recovery from dislocations, sprains and bruises.

What about the dangers of lavender oil

The influence of lavender in all forms that this plant can take on the body of pregnant and lactating women is the topic of many heated scientific discussions, but lately there have been increasing opinions that small amounts of lavender oil do not harm women in these responsible and important periods of their lives.

Moreover, moderate aromatherapy with lavender oil can reduce toxicosis manifestations such as physical weakness and general malaise, nausea and dizziness.

In order to avoid harm from lavender oil, it is contraindicated in the use of drugs containing iron and iodine, and is also very undesirable if they are lacking in the body in principle (and in particular with anemia), since certain substances in the chemical composition of the plant interfere with the absorption of these microelements .

Prolonged and / or excessive effects of lavender on the body can worsen the condition with hypotension, that is, lower the pressure even more.

Despite the fact that allergies to lavender are less common than other plants that are popular for the production of essential oils, those who were not familiar with it before, it is recommended to take it for a large-scale application of lavender (adding to the bath, aromatherapy) - it’s quite enough apply a drop of her oil on the bend of the elbow (naturally diluted with something neutral) and wait 4-6 hours - if during this time there are no symptoms (redness, itching, sneezing, etc.) - lavender is safe in an individual case.


Watch the video: 10 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS. Manifesting, Visualizing, Aromatherapy. Renee Amberg (July 2024).