Remedies for the treatment of colds and flu: how to choose an effective drug? Overview of the best medicines for colds


Avoiding flu or colds is almost impossible. But if you start treating the disease on time, you can avoid many unpleasant symptoms and serious consequences. There are many methods of therapy, but the most effective is the use of complex drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe any remedy after examining the patient, therefore it is forbidden to buy funds on your own and start treatment.


This is the best cold medicine that is highly effective against influenza type A and B. Also, medication against parainfluenza, adenovirus and some respiratory infections is effective. The drug gives not just an antiviral effect, but also a short-term temporarily stimulating effect. At the same time, spontaneous production of interferons by the body is stimulated.

This tool should not be used with strong susceptibility to the components in the composition and children under 18 years of age. The cost of the drug is above average.


This tool is the most effective. The drug is popular due to its low cost. The medication is effective against the influenza A virus. It is this virus that is the most common cause of epidemics of the disease.

With the correct use of the drug, side reactions will not occur. With timely treatment with the drug, most of the serious consequences can be avoided. Significantly reduced the risk of progression of complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. The tool inhibits the activity of the virus and reduces the symptoms. Thanks to this, the patient’s healing processes are accelerated. The medication can be used for preventive purposes. It is released in the form of syrup for children and tablets.


This medication is developed without the use of human blood substances. The active substance is recombinant interferon alpha-2. It is actively used in the treatment of viral pathologies, including influenza of various types, acute respiratory infections.

To cure SARS and influenza, a medicament in the form of composition for irrigation of the nasal passages is used. The therapeutic effect is aimed at inhibiting the activity of pathogens. After reception, local immunity improves.

This tool does not have contraindications for use, including when carrying a child, breastfeeding and children. The cost of the drug is average.


It is the best cold remedy, which is often called a complex effect drug. It is characterized by unique actions:

• antitussive;

• antiseptic;

• local anesthetic;

• analgesic.

The drug very quickly copes with sore throats. Also able to quickly cope with a dry irritating cough. Provides a feeling of coolness in the oral cavity. It does not have a drying and irritating effect on the mucous membrane.

The medication has a wide range of indications, among which are:

• pharyngitis;

• laryngitis;

• tonsillitis;

• complications after colds and flu;

• stomatitis.

The medication perfectly fights reflex unproductive cough. The medicine cannot be prescribed to women in position and while breastfeeding.


A relatively inexpensive tool that is prescribed for various viral infections, including influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses. This is a very powerful antiviral immunomodulator. The medication has a positive result in the treatment of herpes and hepatitis. It is characterized by such a unique effect as stimulation of the production of interferon in the body.

The drug can be combined with almost any medication that is used to combat colds and other diseases. It does not have contraindications and side effects.

Tonsilgon Dragee

This is a very effective natural remedy, which is characterized by antiflogistic and antiseptic effects. It acts as an active immunomodulator due to the fact that the composition contains chamomile, horsetail and marshmallow.

Oak bark tannins, essential oils, chamomile flavonoids have an antiflogistic effect, as well as help eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Dragees are prescribed for acute and chronic ailments of the upper respiratory tract:

• tonsillitis;

• laryngitis;

• pharyngitis.

The drug is highly effective in influenza and viral infections when the consequences are manifested after taking antibacterial drugs. The medication can be crossed with any antibacterial and antiviral agents. Third-party reactions after therapy practically do not occur. Rarely enough, patients exhibit allergic reactions. About caution, the drug is used during pregnancy and lactation, it is forbidden to give to children under 6 years of age.

Badger Fat

Fat has long been used in the treatment of colds, as it acts as a powerful tool not only for preventive measures. Badger fat is composed of Omega 3 and Omega 6. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids that the human body needs to strengthen and maintain the immune system. Vitamins A and E are observed in the composition of fat. These vitamins are also important for children for the prevention and treatment of rickets and dystrophy.

The drug is prescribed for tracheitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, chronic and acute bronchitis. Also, the tool can be used externally for psoriasis, eczema, and difficult to repair wounds. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.


This medicine has become widely used after the bird flu epidemic. Effective against two common types of influenza virus - A and B. The drug has a wide list of contraindications, therefore it is prohibited to buy and use without the permission of a doctor. Also, after taking, pronounced third-party effects may occur. The price of the product is very high.


Watch the video: How To Treat A Cold. How To Cure Common Cold. Best Medicine For A Cold And Fever And Sore Throat (July 2024).