What are fermented products: what are their benefits and harms? How to choose probiotic supplements and how to use them correctly


These are products that have been processed using yeast or bacteria to change the organoleptic properties of food or to preserve it. Such components, being an excellent source of probiotics, are part of some traditional diets.

The consumption of a variety of fermented products will lead to a diversified, i.e. also diverse, gastrointestinal microflora. The more diversified it is, the more effectively we can fight infections and diseases.

Ways to get probiotics

When there is a need for probiotics, many ask themselves: which way to get them can be considered optimal? Perhaps this is a mandatory daily diet with fermented foods? Or is it better to start with probiotic supplements? Or maybe inject them from the outside by injection?

It all depends on the specific case, but if you are healthy, you can start with fermented foods and drinks - this will help maintain good health. Eat in moderation all their types: each product contains different strains of microorganisms that benefit the body in different ways.

If you need probiotics to restore an altered state of the intestinal microflora, you probably need to start with supplements. Why exactly with them? Yes, because supplements are a controlled product containing certain strains, so with their help you can "tune" your condition.

Supplements are formulated to minimize side effects. In addition, with them you know the number of CFU (colony forming units), but you will not do this for cultivated products. The latter contain a constant amount of additives to maintain a pathogen-free environment and to stimulate the growth of microorganisms. Some of these substances are salt, sugar and lactose.

In contrast, probiotic supplements contain only traces of lactose; therefore, sometimes they are suitable even for people with her intolerance.

Benefits of Probiotics and Fermented Products

Such products have many health benefits, with scientific research finding more and more areas where probiotics can be of great benefit. Here are just a few examples:

- improvement of the cardiovascular system;

- maintaining the oral cavity in good condition;

- increase immunity;

- mental health;

- urogenital health;

- excellent digestive tract function;

- cancer prevention;

- maintaining a normal weight.

Fermented Food Examples

There are many types of cultivated products, among which natural fermentation is one of the best. Processed food will contain more than one or even two strains of beneficial bacteria, and with controlled fermentation in most cases, from one to four.

Some foods contain even more strains. This, for example, tibiko (water kefir), milk kefir, kombucha, or Kombucha. At home, you can cook the following fermented foods:

- dairy: yogurt, kefir, sour cream, butter, some cheeses;

- vegetables: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, beet kvass, as well as many other pickled vegetables, such as turnips, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli;

- cereals: sourdough, beer, kvass, first courses;

- fruit: wine, apple cider.

Fermented foods are most valuable in their raw, unpasteurized form, and when they are cooked, they lose many beneficial microorganisms. Pasteurization is a common technique with the goal of extending the shelf life of many fermented foods, but it greatly destroys the value of food.

Probiotic supplements: how to choose them

It is difficult to make a list of products with the best probiotic supplements, because they are usually designed for various ailments and health conditions. Given this, do not compare, for example, apples and oranges. However, if you have a specific problem, look for a description of the probiotic supplement manufacturer regarding health benefits.

Check the list of strains and make sure that these microorganisms in additives are scientifically proven and are able to really improve the condition, check out expert assessments.

Sometimes a product contains strains produced by third parties. If possible, try to check the storage technology, and if the additive requires cooling. make sure that the seller strictly follows the rules of storage and transportation. Browse product reviews online. Well, of course, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


Watch the video: How the food you eat affects your gut - Shilpa Ravella (June 2024).