Mirrors - a look into the other world? How to understand that a mirror has negative energy, what signs are associated with mirrors


It is still not known who invented the mirror; history has not preserved the name of this person. But the mirror was known before our era. Perhaps all peoples have beliefs associated with mirrors. There are many legends about the other world - Through the Looking Glass.

The magic of mirrors

Mirrors were often in the service of magicians and sorcerers. It was believed that with the help of a mirror you can send damage to another person, and even make a conspiracy to death. But this art was available only to high-class magicians and sorcerers. Mages and psychics do not recommend buying and installing antique mirrors at home, even if they are of antique value.

According to experts, the mirror, like a video recorder, records those events, which become a silent witness. Mirrors that have become "witnesses" of a quarrel, murder, bring no luck to those who become their owners.

There is a known case when a young family acquired an old mirror, which they installed in their apartment. Troubles rained down on family members: no luck in work, loss of money, relations between the couple began to deteriorate sharply, clashes and scandals broke out. The couple turned to the famous psychic.

He recommended getting rid of the mirror. As it turned out later, before the revolution, the mirror belonged to a banker known in their city. In a fit of jealousy, he killed his wife at the mirror that the couple acquired.

The mirror changed hands several times, bearing the next owner no luck and problems in life. After the mirror disappeared from the house, family life began to improve.

Negative energy of the mirror, signs

Recognizing a negative energy mirror is not difficult. Near such a mirror, church candles begin to fade, from such a mirror it seems to blow cold. Such a mirror can not be installed at home or donated to someone.

Many signs with mirrors were associated with our ancestors. It was impossible to bring a child up to the mirror up to a year, if halfway had to return home, you had to look at yourself in the mirror - leave your reflection.

If there was a deceased in the house, the mirrors were hung with dark cloth so that the soul of the deceased would not get lost in the mirror corridors, and would not remain there forever. Broken mirror - seven years of failure. In Russia, magical properties were attributed to mirrors, many people were afraid of the evil eye, so mirrors were often made by craftsmen who were not sighted people.

Fortune telling in the mirrors

Mirrors are an invariable attribute of holy fortune-telling in girls. It is believed that in the mirror corridor, which form the mirrors that are installed opposite each other, you can see the future husband. However, impressionable and suspicious young ladies are not recommended this type of fortune-telling.

Very often for "fortunetellers" this fortune-telling ends often tragically. There is a known case when a company of girls decided to tell fortunes on mirrors.

One of the fortunetellers sat in a separate room with mirrors, after some time her friends heard the girl scream. When they ran into the room, they saw that the mirrors forming the corridor were broken, and the girl herself was completely gray-haired, her hands were wounded by shrapnel, she was crying, and no one could calm her down. The ambulance called in took the girl to the hospital. The fortuneteller girl underwent a long course of treatment in a clinic for the mentally ill, and subsequently did not tell anyone what happened to her then.

Despite all this, this item does not always carry a negative into people's lives. There are mirrors with positive energy that bring luck to their owners in business, and if you hang a mirror at the entrance to the house, it will "take" with you the evil that can be brought into this house.


Watch the video: Mirrors, Portals & the Paranormal (July 2024).