Mood swings and health. What diseases are manifested by emotional instability?


Emotions are an integral part of our life. It is emotions that are our first reaction to what is happening. When something bad happens, we are sad; in a funny situation we laugh; when something good happens, we rejoice. But it also happens that the mood changes on its own, regardless of what happened.

When a person ceases to control his feelings, he becomes really hard. In such a situation, it is necessary to understand where the causeless mood swings came from. Very often they talk about changes in health.

If you often become nervous, annoyed and sad for no reason, you need to pay attention to such features of your emotional state:

1. The reasons why negative emotions appear. If you are upset over all sorts of trifles, then you need to beware.

2. The frequency of mood changes. You can not call the norm a sharp change of mood several times during the day.

3. The strength of the reaction. If, due to a trifle, you almost start to get hysterical, this may be due to some disorders of the nervous system.

The most common causes of emotional instability are stress, chronic lack of sleep, depression, and mental disorders. At least the explanation for the sudden mood swings lies in the following problems:

1. Hormonal imbalance

It is because of it that increased sensitivity, tearfulness and irritability are characteristic of girls during menstruation, during pregnancy, in adulthood, during menopause. Men can also suffer from hormonal disruptions.

2. Thyroid dysfunction

This body produces hormones that regulate many processes within the body. If for some reason the thyroid gland begins to produce an insufficient amount of hormones, a person may develop feelings of depression and nervousness. Amid problems with the thyroid gland, people often develop depression.

3. Malfunctioning of the adrenal cortex

These glands produce hormones of emotions - dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine. The first is responsible for positive emotions. With his lack of man can not experience joy. The second and third are hormones of fear and aggression, if there are too many of them in the blood, a person suffers from difficult experiences. The release of adrenaline into the bloodstream provokes heart disease, so people with heart pathologies complain of causeless fear.

4. Brain Injury

They cause dysfunction of the pituitary and hypothalamus, as a result of which hormonal jumps begin in the blood, affecting the emotional state of a person. Changes in mood can also indicate brain tumors.

Thus, emotional instability often indicates a malfunction in the body, therefore, with a similar symptom, you must consult a doctor. Before you go to the clinic, take a look at yourself and think about what other changes have occurred. As a rule, with the mentioned diseases, additional symptoms appear, according to which it will be easier for the doctor to recognize the ailment.


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