An "inconvenient" male disease is treated with chestnuts? Peyronie treatment at home


Peyronie is a disease of the genitals of men that occurs in men at the age of 30-60. Peyronie is the curvature of the penis. This diagnosis can be attributed to one of the rare, which can be cured with the help of traditional medicine.

The use of chestnuts

In order to overcome the disease without surgery, you can use the chestnut fruits, which for many years have been famous for their beneficial properties, for healing. Chestnut is a fruit with which you can get rid of various human diseases. The chestnut, along with burdock and sage, contain substances that can absorb the formations in the penis and bring it to its normal position. One of the common and proven recipes for treatment can be called this:

1. Grind 20 g of ripe chestnuts into powder.

2. Pour the dry mixture with a mill of water.

3. Boil the product for no more than half an hour over low heat.

4. Cool.

5. Strain the broth.

6. To accept inside.

Ready broth should be drunk for three months. The daily dose is one glass of the drink, which must be divided into 3-4 doses and taken before meals. The taste of the drink is a bit bitter, but if you do not like it, you are allowed to add a little honey.

Healing herbs

In order to recover from peyronie, you need to use decoctions and tinctures based on different herbs to treat. A multi-component recipe for straightening the penis looks like this:

1. Mix in different proportions burdock root, leaves of sage, oregano, primrose, initial letter and flax.

2. In the evening, pour herbs with a liter of boiling water.

3. In the morning, strain the broth.

4. Take a drink half an hour before meals.

In order to achieve effectiveness from the broth, you need to drink it only fresh, that is, for a long treatment you will have to cook the broth every evening. The resulting product must be divided into 3-4 doses.

Advice! It is better to use fresh herbs collected in the forest. But if you cannot get such plants, you can buy dry plants at the pharmacy.

Healing baths

In order to overcome Peyronie's disease, not only oral agents are effective, but also therapeutic baths. A sage bath has a good effect, for the preparation of which a lot of dry grass will be required, and therefore men purchase it in pharmacies. The recipe for a bath is very simple:

1. Pour three packs of dried sage into a bucket.

2. Pour boiling water over the plants.

3. After half an hour, strain the infusion.

4. Fill the bath

5. Drain the liquid to warm water.

It is recommended to perform such a procedure before bedtime, being in the water for at least 25 minutes.

Leech ointment

In order to get rid of peyronie at home, it is recommended to prepare ointments for rubbing into the head of the penis, which must be used daily. One of the effective means is such an ointment:

1. Mix 50 grams of dried leeches with 15 grams of heparin ointment.

2. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons Dimexidum.

3. Add the resulting mass to a glass of acacia honey.

You can use such an ointment until it runs out. The tool does not lose its beneficial properties over time. Before using traditional medicine to treat peyronie, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.


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