Tatarnik or thistle, what heals? Therapeutic properties, indications, contraindications tatarnika


Tatarnik has a considerable list of "nicknames", one of which is "thistle". The healing properties of the plant were noticed and tried several centuries ago. It was also believed that this is a magical plant associated with evil power. Sometimes it was used as an amulet against the evil eye.

In medicine, all parts of the plant will be used, but you need to know the time when which one to collect in order to get the most benefit. So, in June, it is best to take the green part of the tatarnik, in the colors most of the nutrients are concentrated from mid-June to mid-July. If you collect later, they will not bring benefits. The benefits of the roots and seeds can be obtained if you collect in the second half of August - in September. You need to carefully approach the procurement of raw materials (if it is not bought at the pharmacy), since the plant is prickly and can be easily injured. It is possible to store collected and well-dried raw materials for 2 years only in bags made of natural fabric.

What helps

The active use of tatarnik in medicine and cosmetology is possible due to its composition: proteins, carbohydrates, saponins, ascorbic acid, inulines, alkaloids, essential oil, vitamins.

Alternative recipes with this component are used for rheumatism, gout, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, nephritis, heart and vascular diseases, pancreas, hemorrhoids, gastritis. As a separate tool, and as part of other components, it is used for anemia, loss of strength, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and depressive states, for healing wounds, ulcers, and for eliminating scabies. There is a practice of use in cancer.

Tatarnik: medicinal properties

The following therapeutic effects of tatarnik are known to medicine:

• increase in immunity;

• depressant;

• wound healing (best affects mucous membranes);

• antiseptic;

• cleanser;

• tonic.

Thanks to ascorbic acid, the symptoms of a cold are quickly eliminated, and the immune defenses are increased. Viruses are destroyed thanks to the acidic environment that the substance creates.

They help to eliminate fungal diseases, thin the blood, protect blood vessels from the formation of coumarin blood clots.

Healing of sores on the mucous membranes, restoration of strength and liquefaction of sputum is possible thanks to saponins. They can also be used as a tool with a mild laxative effect.

A special role is played by flavonoids, which strengthen the body, regulate the hormonal system (more often, the drug is used by women). They have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, eliminate edema in the body.

Tatarnik: indications for use in medicine

The plant has not been thoroughly studied, but this does not interfere with its use in several areas of human life. In addition, it has been used for several hundred years.

In medicine, absolutely all parts of the plant are used. Which one will be used, how the preparation will be prepared depends on the disease. As medicinal raw materials, fresh juice, broth and infusions from inflorescences and the green part of the plant, roots, syrup are used.

Traditional medicine using tatarnik:

• Decoction for gastrointestinal diseases. Boil 20 gr. dried raw materials in 500 ml of water, insist until the mixture has completely cooled. Apply up to 6 times a day in small portions until the symptoms disappear altogether.

• Decoction for inhalation. Boil dry roots (30 gr.) In 1000 ml of water for 12 minutes. Use for procedures after the mixture has cooled. The remedy is effective against cough and colds.

• Broth to increase strength and restore the immune system. It is necessary to prepare a decoction, which will include roots, flowers, stems, leaves of the plant. Take 120-150 ml. 2 times a day.

• Remedy for diseases of the bladder. To prepare it, the ground part of the tatarnar and roots (well-dried) are ground in a coffee grinder. Take with a little clean still water.

• To quickly get rid of a cough, you can make syrup from flower baskets. For cooking syrup you will need: 0.4 l. water, 100 g. flowers and sugar. Boil the mixture until ½ of the raw material remains. The medicine is filtered after it is well infused.

• 10 g each leaves and flowers of tatarnik pour 250 ml of boiled water and wrap well, let it brew for 24 hours. The best option would be to use a thermos. A day you need to take 3 tbsp. The infusion is used under reduced pressure and to cleanse the blood.

• To get rid of skin diseases, it is worth preparing an infusion of flower baskets. You need to insist on alcohol for at least 30 days, mix the mixture every day.

• A wide range of applications has fresh juice from tatarnik: for inflammatory processes and abscesses (for wiping), for hemorrhoids (for preparing lotions), for instillation into the nose for sinusitis.

• If there is a problem with the heart, pour 200 ml of boiled water only 5 g. dry raw materials (roots), after which the dishes are well closed, the mixture is infused for at least 25 minutes. Next - thoroughly strain, there should be no plant residues, let cool completely. Reception does not depend on food intake. For a day you need to use 4 tbsp. such a medicine in 4 divided doses. Apply according to the scheme: 10 days of admission - 4 days of a break.

• Known recipes for the treatment of oncology of the intestines, uterus, skin. To do this, you can independently prepare a water infusion of 0.2 liters. boiling water and 1 tablespoon inflorescences. After the mixture is steamed, it must be filtered. The liquid is drunk per day for 2-3 doses before meals. Treatment is carried out for a month. For every day there should be a fresh portion of the medicine. Keep in mind that oncology is one of the most common causes of deaths in the world. Folk remedies may not be the only way to treat. About conducting such therapy should be warned by the attending physician.

• Water infusion or fresh tatarnik juice is used for compresses. Before use, it is best to boil (if used externally) so that the infection is not brought. In this way, burns, a wetting rash, abscesses and wounds can be treated.

Tatarnik is used to prepare not only medicines, but also as tea, which helps to cheer up no worse than coffee. So that there are no problems with sleep, it is better to use it in the morning. To get tea, it is enough to take 2 fresh or dry inflorescences and pour boiled water.

Tatarnik: application in cooking

The plant is used for cooking, not only to obtain an unusual taste, but also because of the content of ascorbic acid in it, as a useful substance.

They like to add leaves of tatarnik to okroshka, chowder and soups, pastries, salads.

Roots are used in dishes instead of parsley or celery roots.

Tatarnik and cosmetology

To restore the skin and hair, tatarnik juice or a decoction is used. They help eliminate inflammation on the face, remove acne and acne, improve skin condition. You can buy a facial care product based on this plant in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself: pour 3-4 inflorescences with alcohol, let stand for at least 25 days.

Broths based on tatarnik can rinse hair (at least a month). This helps to strengthen them and give shine. Rubbing the juice into the scalp saturates the hair follicles with vitamins and minerals.

Tatarnik: contraindications and side effects

Tatarnik does not have a long list of contraindications, since all the elements that are present in it are low toxic. But in some cases it is worth considering the feasibility of its use:

• You need to be prepared for the fact that with prolonged use, depending on the dosage, excitation or depression of the central nervous system is possible.

• It is not recommended to use as a medicine for people who suffer from frequent high blood pressure.

• If you have an allergic reaction to plant elements, you need to find an alternative medicine.

• Do not take tartar-based products for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age.

Side effects after taking tatarnik are very rare, but in order not to risk their health, it is better that such a herbal medicine is prescribed by a doctor, especially in cases with cancer.
