Secrets of seduction: what is ready to tell any woman


Everyone knows what a pickup is. Many girls are ready for speed to list the techniques of seduction. However, no matter how clever and sophisticated a girl would be, men will always have several win-win techniques. So, what is in the arsenal of modern Casanova?

Straight and confident guy - all girls dream of such a thing. Often they ask themselves the question: "Why does he simply not fit and meet?". And what will happen if he really does that?

In this case, our Casanova will approach, looking straight into your eyes, and say that she really wants to meet you, will touch gently, smile a lot. Or he will say: “You are like a model (or a journalist, etc.),” making the girl think about her appearance and become interested in such an attentive young man.

Observant and attentive gentleman

This subject will begin to lure the victim from afar, and the victim will not even notice the chain of "accidents". First, he will observe the girl, notice some details in her behavior. Then he will come up and say: "I have been watching you for a long time ... you are so nice on the phone." Such sweet speeches immediately place the girl to the guy, because he does not show a superficial interest in appearance, but wants to know more about her, "look into the soul."


Most often, men seduce girls who came with friends. It’s very flattering for a girl to be chosen from several rivals (albeit friends), but for a man it’s beneficial because the presence of other girls helps the chosen one decide to meet him. And if a man also makes a wide gesture - he will treat everyone with cocktails - then Casanova can be sure that her friends will help the girl say an unconditional "yes."


Girls, even if they are not susceptible to money (of course, what I mean), will never resist the men's generosity. Often it is completely unobtrusive, it can not be noticed. For example, he asks to give a girl some drink, without naming his name, forcing the girl to look for herself with a look, and most importantly - to start thinking about him.

The main thing for a man is to make a girl think about him in her free time. Therefore, if a girl realizes that all her thoughts are about a man, she needs to think seriously about what led to this. So you can see a smart pickup and throw yourself off the “hook” (if you want, of course).

He and his friend

If a girl has already started to communicate with an attractive man, then he has another trump card to consolidate his success. On the horizon, a "friend" may appear, to whom the girl will also be pretty. "Friend" will try to seduce the girl frankly in front of the gentleman. Here the skillful Casanova shows his determination and clearly says to a friend, they say, "she is mine." Since the girls have always been sympathetic to strong men, they immediately begin to show greater interest in the "alpha male." There is nothing you can do, physiology.

Of course, a man is able to apply these techniques, even if the girl is really nice to him. But if you do not want to get caught on the "hook", then be careful and solve the ladies of loveloons in advance.

Text: Irina Lev


Watch the video: 5 Secret Physiological Ways To Tell A Girl Is Into You (June 2024).