5 real reasons: because of which the effect of birth control pills is reduced


It turns out that oral contraceptives may not protect you from an unplanned pregnancy. And that's why:

Violation of the schedule for taking pills

Most drugs have an effect on hormones and ovulation, preventing fertilization in the uterus, so take them, you must follow the instructions.

It is worth skipping at least one reception, the level of hormones is disrupted and pregnancy can occur.

If the schedule was accidentally broken, then within a week it is recommended to refrain from intimate relationships.

Herbal remedies

Addiction to herbal teas and other herbal remedies can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. Therefore, it is better to refuse to take medications and drinks based on flax, St. John's wort and alfalfa. Garlic tablets are also contraindicated.

Medical preparations

There is a whole list of drugs with which contraceptives cannot be combined. These include: antibiotics, hormones, anti-tuberculosis and antifungal agents, antidepressants. They lead to the breakdown of hormones and disrupt metabolic processes in the liver.

Bowel problems

With food indigestion and diarrhea, medicinal substances are poorly absorbed by the body, which nullifies the effect of oral contraceptives.

Soya Products

Soy contains phytoestrogens that disrupt the endocrine and hormonal systems. Combining oral contraceptives with soy, you may encounter an unexpected pregnancy.


Watch the video: Birth Control Pills (June 2024).