How to protect yourself from the flames that inhabit the dream world


Every morning we wake up and see the familiar ceiling of a familiar apartment, the familiar landscape outside the window. But recently, we traveled through the rainforest, heard the sound of a mountain stream, and held the hand of a loved one.

Dreams are the second reality. Sometimes it’s a pity that she cannot be the only one. Which of us has ever woken up with such thoughts?

Sleep is a special space in which the past, present and future can be combined. And imagine that our consciousness is connected to these areas.

Closing our eyes, we can actually see anything.

This is what the so-called “guided / lucid dreams” are built on. Our usual working day starts in the morning and ends in the evening. There is still a lunch break during which you can have time to relax. And our brain does not rest at all.

Even at night, he continues to analyze what happened during the day. Therefore, often our dreams have a real basis for everyday problems.

If something bothers you, the solution may appear in a dream. Although it is not always possible to correctly understand it.

Let's say you dreamed about a crow. We take three dream books. What do we see? The first says it’s a betrayal. In the second - to the bad news. The third advises to listen to yourself, because the crow is a symbol of wisdom and additional knowledge.

What conclusion do we draw from all this? Such that any phenomenon is significant for each specific case and is not in any way integrated into a single whole.

Often we remember not the dreams themselves, but the feeling from them. We wake up with a smile, knowing that we saw something good. Or, on the contrary, we frown in the morning, not really knowing the reason.

But there are dreams that are remembered better than another day lived. In them come those whom we want to see, but in reality we cannot. A familiar face emerges from the darkness. A silhouette forms out of smoke ...
Each of us has some important people with whom we would like to discuss something. But for certain reasons, there is no such possibility in the real world. It can be a long-dead relative or a person who once loved you. And we are trying to see him in any way, even in a dream.

We are turning into a kind of magnet, but, unfortunately, we often attract not at all what we expect.
Many spirits can communicate with people through dreams. And not at all with good intentions. After all, man produces energy that spirits do not have. But they know how to take her.

As vampires drink blood, so these spirits drink our energy. In this way, one of the most evil creatures in the world of dreams - fireworks.

These are werewolf spirits that do not have their own shape, but easily acquire the appearance of a person. You can find out that you are dreaming of a fire, by the orange or reddish glow that comes from it.

These spirits can very much harm a person, especially if they come to him in a dream all the time.

After meeting with the firebox, a person wakes up exhausted, exhausted, as if he did not sleep at all. But this is not so bad.

Regular visits of this insidious entity can cause serious health problems. Once they find a source of energy, they can no longer tear themselves away from it.
But the loss of energy is not the worst thing, because more often than not people become psychologically dependent on their dreams. And from the fires that take on the images of those people whom we really want to see.

Then a person becomes very ill, and he is not ready to part even with this illusory desire to see someone.

Ognevki evoke negative emotions - pain, resentment, fear - and feed on them. And for the embodiment they choose precisely those who are emotionally dear to us. People’s spirits don’t do that.

How to protect yourself from fires?

Tie a red woolen thread around your wrist.

This is an ancient amulet from negative energy.

When you dream of a dear person, this is not always a fire.

Perhaps the one you were waiting for came to you. But it’s better not to invite other people into your dreams. If possible, always chat live.

Know how to let go of the past. With our feelings and nerves we attract too much negativity. But in our life it is enough.

Therefore, think about something good before going to bed, and it will certainly happen.


Watch the video: Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world, Part One (June 2024).