The magic against laziness


“Mother Sloth” - for some reason we so affectionately and respectfully call the mysterious, dangerous and ancient enemy, into whose shackles we so often fall. But how correct is laziness to be our foe? What kind of phenomenon is it and where did it come from?

Let us turn to the storehouse of wisdom - our tales. Remember Ilya of Muromets, who had been lying on the stove for more than thirty years, and then suddenly got up and did so many good deeds that he is still revered.
It turns out that you can live on everything prepared, you do not need to do anything yourself. Real magic, magic. But what is magic in the understanding of an ordinary person? This is a kind of process that reproaches an action that would take a person much more time. Knowing this, many people are too lazy to do something themselves, but turn to a professional magician for help.

Laziness is the engine of progress

Any boss will say that he does not need lazy workers. But in vain. After all, it is the idler who will try to optimize all the work in such a way that it takes as little time as possible.

Such, at first glance, lazy employees will cope with the assigned task much faster than any workaholic. Moreover, they will save a lot of energy and strength. Isn't that real magic?

Laziness is extremely useful for humans, because it protects our brain from overwork.

Experts believe that laziness is like a fuse that fires when our body's resources are on the verge of exhaustion. It is necessary to cross this line, and all kinds of diseases will begin. We are not always aware of this, but our internal controller monitors the process and at the right moment for our own good, turns the switch with the inscription "laziness".

Human internal energy reserves are restored four times slower than consumed.

In other words, after an hour of working with your head, you need to sit back for four hours. However, if your idleness goes beyond all reasonable limits, it is worth considering. Perhaps she was sent to you against the will of the body. Esotericists argue that laziness that does not go away for a long time may well be the result of the magic influence of enemies or the machinations of envious people.

Even in antiquity there was a special ritual for corruption, which was induced using any parts of the pig in the rite: hooves, ears, tails. The curse was that the lazy, slow-moving energy of this animal turned to the person, as a result of which the desire to do something would leave him. After that, the object of witchcraft would only like to eat and sleep.
Moreover, a person who has become a victim of such spoilage, regards such a state as ordinary laziness, so he does not try to change anything. Sometimes this can lead to a terrible state. Such artificially induced laziness is not necessarily the result of a special rite.

Evil and envious people can deliberately or inadvertently deliver an energy blow to the aura of a more successful individual. They tear the energy shell of a person, turning him into a sieve, as a result of which he loses his energy.

It happens that laziness overcame one of your loved ones, but a person is completely unwilling to acknowledge the presence of this problem. In this case, take the initiative in your own hands. Old village magic will come to the rescue.

You need to comb the hair from the cat. Then take a lazy pillow and sew this bundle of wool into it.

For 28 days a person sleeps on this pillow, and cat's hair absorbs all its negativity, all laziness.
In the fight against laziness, herbal treatment helps well.

For example, a very effective remedy is a decoction of ginseng root. This is a real storehouse of biologically active substances that will help get rid of cravings for idleness.

You should mentally wish that this person stops being lazy and engages in some useful business, and then treat him to a drink. But keep in mind that the ritual must be performed on a waning moon.

Now you know everything about laziness. Decide for yourself whether it is your friend or enemy. And if you write down this insidious misfortune in enemies, drive it away without pity. Let cheerfulness, self-confidence and good mood come in her place. Lazy to good use!


Watch the video: Ruqyah For Laziness (June 2024).