The consequences of a love spell for the customer and the victim. What to think about before performing a ritual


Unrequited love pushes people to rash acts. In order to be close to her lover, some turn to psychics, magicians and sorcerers, asking to bewitch a person. Some carry out a love spell rite on their own. In both cases, people do not think about the consequences, which are quite a lot. The sad outcome overtakes not only the victim of a love spell, but also the customer or contractor. It is important to carefully study this issue, clearly understand what threatens love spell for all participants in the ritual.

White and black love spell

Among experts in the field of esotericism, there are such concepts as white and black love spell. The difference between the two is in the attributes that are used for the ritual. For a white love spell, church candles, icons and the like are most often used. For black - blood, hair, attributes from the cemetery, pads.

It is believed that a black love spell completely suppresses a person’s will, subjugates the customer, and white only corrects and directs it in the right direction.

Many believe that a white love spell is safe and does not have any consequences. This is not true. Any energy impact on another person entails a change in the internal balance, this applies to both the victim and the performer or customer. Any love spell is violence against a person, no matter how it was done. Most sorcerers attribute the love spell to corruption, this says a lot.

Customer Implications

When deciding on a rite of passage, it is necessary to understand that there will be consequences, they will not be avoided. Any love spell is a kind of magical enslavement of another person, the balance is violated, there is an invasion of the alien energy and biofield. Violating this balance, the customer does harm, and retribution comes sooner or later for any evil. Higher powers do not forgive anything. Perhaps, the customer will have a delay in the consequences, then children, grandchildren, and future generations will suffer.

A large amount of energy is required to perform a rite of love. Therefore, if the performer has weak energy, he simply will not succeed.

However, after the ceremony, it does not matter whether it is successful or not, a general malaise will surely come. If a black love spell has been performed, your health worsens to a large extent, and it takes a lot of time to restore strength.

However, this is only energy exhaustion after the rite. There are consequences that can occur almost immediately or with a delay:

  • diseases and ailments that are difficult to treat, poorly diagnosed by doctors;
  • financial difficulties that cannot be resolved;
  • worsening of a mental state, for example, insomnia, nervous disorders.

Another sad consequence of the love spell for the customer is that fate will never bring a person who truly intended to create a family. This feature is completely blocked.

It is very dangerous to conduct ceremonies in the cemetery or using attributes from this place. This is especially true for inexperienced people. It is known that in the twilight world there are entities that are usually hostile to ordinary people. Correctly interact with them can only be experienced psychic. Any mistake, inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the essence will attach itself to the person who conducted the ceremony, will everywhere follow him, feed on his energy. The manifestation of such a presence - a healthy person abruptly often begins to hurt, literally withering before his eyes.

If the goal of the love spell was an attempt to destroy a strong family, built on true love, the consequences would be catastrophic, affect all areas of the customer’s life.

Consequences for the victim

As mentioned above, a love spell is violence, in terms of energy, over another person, suppression of the will, literally zombies. Each of us is able to reflect the negative impact from the outside, to one degree or another. It all depends on the strength of energy and biofield. If the love spell was made on a person with strong energy, the result of the rite will be the opposite. The victim will be with the customer of a love spell, however will vehemently hate him. At the same time, there will be no strength to leave the customer due to a love spell, which will cause a flood of even greater hatred.

There are also other consequences of a strong energy conflict and a love spell. For example, for a man, this is:

  • impotence;
  • alcoholism;
  • the appearance of bad habits and addictions;
  • aggression.

The general consequences are the manifestation of depression, the victim loses interest in life, peace of mind. The feeling of constant anxiety does not give a full life, insomnia appears, nightmares prevail.

It turns out that the life of the victim of a love spell sooner or later becomes simply unbearable.

Of course, a person periodically experiences a certain euphoria and surges of joy from the presence of the customer nearby, however, everything is replaced by sadness, irritability. Intimate life does not bring any pleasure, it is perceived as a duty. It happens that the victim even hates the customer after intimacy.

Since it affects the will of a person, his habits and lifestyle can change. Problems begin at work, the loss of close friends, social life is destroyed.

The consequences of removing the love spell

If a love spell is found, it is urgent to take measures and remove this magical effect. In order to minimize the negative consequences, it is necessary to remove the love spell correctly, do this very carefully. Most rituals can be carried out independently at home. However, it is necessary to carefully prepare, thoroughly study everything in order not to make a mistake.

If the ceremony of removing the love spell is wrong, then the negative consequences will remain with the victim for life: health will be weak, the will to live will not be the same as before.

It may be possible to eliminate the imposed love affair, but the negative echoes of the rite remain.

After the ceremony of removing the love spell, it is very important to literally surround the victim with care, love, attention. Indeed, a person was twice subjected to magical influence, energy forces are exhausted - the victim also nourishes the magic of love spell. It is important to avoid reproaches, scandals, quarrels and proceedings related to the victim’s behavior. All this was caused by magic, it is necessary to understand this. Do not sort things out, demand an explanation, wait for a declaration of love, the victim needs rehabilitation.

If you thought about using magic to keep a person, it is extremely important to weigh the pros and cons. Even if the love spell takes the desired result, a family will be created - fate will not let things go by itself. Serious tests await this couple, which will lead to separation.

Remember that a real family is built only through true love, a couple must survive in difficult times, look confidently into their future. No one in the pair should think that the union was created on magic, and not sincere feelings.


Watch the video: Casting Curses and Love Spells with the Most Powerful Witches in Romania (July 2024).