Particularly arrogant liars according to the Chinese horoscope. Their five


Lies are very common in human life, despite the fact that the Bible is called one of the worst human vices.

In fairy tales, lies are often approved, considered a sign of the hero's ingenuity. Some people do this for their own benefit, but not all.

In order not to become a target for a liar, you need to know which of the zodiac signs often likes to lie and what is the reason for this behavior. After all, sometimes lies are harmless, and sometimes fateful.


At its core, the Tiger is an adversary of lies, he himself is not a fan of lying, since childhood. But they do not tolerate adult lies either. If suddenly a child born in the year of the Tiger discovers that his parents didn’t agree on something, hid important information for him, he will certainly express it in the eyes of adults, and then he can begin to hide his resentment behind a mask of indifference.

In general, the Tiger is trying not to mess with lovers of lies. If it is impossible to avoid communication, they immediately deprive liars of trust. Only life develops in such a way that once without a lie the Tiger is simply impossible. For example, a Tiger husband will tell his wife how he had a good night at the club with friends last night, only that moment that attractive girls were spinning around them, who would flirt all the time, would miss. So it turns out that the ardent opponent of lies himself begins to lie.

And it is worth noting that the Tigers know how to lie very well. It’s so good that it’s almost impossible to distinguish deception from the truth. In addition, he knows how, one could say charming others, to attract them to accomplices who will not expose, but on the contrary, will confirm that what the Tiger said is pure truth.

And the Tiger is firmly convinced that he does nothing wrong with his lie, on the contrary, because it helps him to maintain peace and tranquility. But I must say that it is not so difficult to “fetch” the truth from the Tiger. The main thing is to make him believe that you are a true friend and deception will not affect the relationship in any way.

The Dragon

If the Dragon is lying, and he loves to do this, then only his lie is so light and insignificant that it is almost impossible to bring him to clean water. If, for example, he forgets to buy apples, then the excuse that they were not very good will sound very confident. And if something very bad happens in life to get out, he is able to compose almost a novel. And he will prove his innocence to the last, and if the interlocutor does not accept what has been said for the truth, he is terribly offended.

It is even possible that the Dragon will move to another city and start all zero. And this sign really does not like to report bad news. The grief that he sees in the eyes of the interlocutor, he perceives as his fault in what happened.


In fact, the Goat is not such a fan of lying. Only this lie is impossible to find out. And all because it is unrealistic to check whether this is really true, since it concerns, first of all, the feelings of the sign itself. He has seven locks, as well as experiences and glances. And she conceals, not because it is something illegal, unacceptable, but because she is afraid that they will not understand, condemn, and begin to convince them that this is impossible. For this reason, and often wears a mask Goat, in some cases, the opposite of itself. Only this leads to the fact that, in the end, Kozu is perceived in a completely different way, since they see the image created by her, and not the one she really is.

To bring such a person to clean water is not easy, because he is not ready to open up to others, those who communicate with him will also have to take a fresh look at the person, his inner world.


A rooster needs a lie like air. The rooster loves to chat, but he does not receive any benefits from his lies, only such individuals exaggerate everything in order to look at least royal in the eyes of others. According to the Rooster, his clothes are only branded, life is also very different from real. He can spend hours telling how he is respected at work, how valuable he is, that even the boss himself is running errands. A house from odnushka also quickly turns into almost a penthouse. Such individuals with simpletons will not rest, at least, only celebrities will accompany Rooster at parties in cool clubs.

This is not to say that lies of this kind are harmful to someone. That's just not everyone can listen to this, since such conversations are very annoying. Those who hear his stories may call the Rooster itself stupid, but those who know it better simply start to feel sorry for the talker, who himself got confused in his fantasies.

And even if you give Rooster what he lied about, he won’t be happy about it, on the contrary, he will begin to fantasize, look for a new reason for lying.

And even more the Rooster will try to exalt its lies when meeting, communicating with the opposite sex, when it will be necessary to impress.


It is difficult to understand why this sign is lying. Definitely not out of malice, but begins to lie as a child. Probably more often, in order to strengthen the authority among friends, boasting with multiple parachute jumps, to save family relations, telling her husband about a long-selected gift for his mother, to dismiss from work, blaming green peaches for the malaise.

A liar from a dog is actually not very good. The sign itself understands that it is not so difficult to bring it to clean water, but the benefit makes lying. But even if they catch him, he will not deny for a long time, he confesses to his deed, and promises to reform. And so it can really happen, at least in this area, unless loved ones begin to reproach him for the past. Otherwise, the Dog can return to antics, take up the old, anyway they cannot forgive him.

Each person is unique, therefore only by year of birth can not be judged on him as a whole. Of course, a similarity to the above in humans can be found to a greater or lesser extent. But it should be borne in mind that this is influenced by the Zodiac Sign, and the name, and upbringing.


Watch the video: Who Are the Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs? (July 2024).