Scientists have named the best age for losing weight


British scientists have found that the best age for weight loss in men is 31 years, and in women 32 years. It is in this life segment that a person is most susceptible to any changes.

Studies have shown that more than 50% of respondents think about their figure only to 35-40 years, when in the human body begins to slow down the metabolic process and an increase in body weight.

50% of women said that the desire to do their own body is caused only by their desire to look their best.

42% cited the desire to lose weight of their spouse as a motive for weight loss.

82% of respondents admitted that only by the age of 30 their lives became more balanced and calm, which prompted them to think about the need to work their own bodies.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (July 2024).