Principles of use of fabrics in home interior


In each house, regardless of the interior, a significant role is given to fabrics. They became his irreplaceable detail.

The beauty of the room is, first of all, the harmony of the materials used. On a neutral background of the walls, a motley tablecloth on the table can attract attention and highlight the center of the room. You can emphasize the functional areas with patterns on the fabric and bright colors. For example, a few unusual pillows and the original couch are enough to imprint in your mind: "This is a great place to relax!". And the curtains and drapes, flowing in smooth, beautiful folds, will become an attractive accent.

To choose the right curtains, you should pay attention to the color of the walls. Light monophonic walls optically expand the room. It is possible to strengthen this effect with a few, preferably low pieces of furniture (armchairs, a sofa, a coffee table) and light curtains.

If you need to change and limit the size of the room, you can resort to limiting curtain zones. So, the cramped and long room will be made of a prettier fabric with an original pattern, hung on the end wall. Modest colors can make a small room spacious: a small pattern will be perfectly combined with the pastel tone of the walls and the floor. Bright rooms will look more attractive, if you place the curtains closer to the window, let the surface of the curtains be smooth and shiny - it “collects” the light. Curtains of deep saturated color will help to reduce the room. A truly bright color drapery is perfect for the nursery, creating a joyful atmosphere.

The originality of the interior will add a combination of several different color fabrics. For example, fine and large cells, small specks and peas, small and large flowers, ornaments of various sizes are perfectly combined.

Curtains with long vertical stripes, which can be combined with floral furniture, will help make the ceiling in the living room higher.

The room will make an air curtain, curtains and bedspreads of smooth, delicate tones, and bright, bright, rich colors will give the room dynamics and life.

The weakening of the concentration of the color of the fabric from the bottom up will create an unusual impression. You just need to arrange the bright colors below, and calm and bright - closer to the ceiling. According to the principles that determine the combination of ornament, color and tonality of fabrics - it is necessary to combine a large pattern with muted tones, and vice versa.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can create your own unique interior design for any room.


Watch the video: TOP 6 Interior Design Principles for Home Decor (July 2024).